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Everything posted by LJ_Reflet

  1. Yeah, I'm trying to follow the foundations of what the game offers when it comes to clerics, and here's what I've noticed: This sounds good so far! Also, strangely enough, Saber's spell list seems like it could already work for a Cleric, but we shuffle his spell list a little bit for variety. I definitely agree with Jesse getting Anew, as he comes in at a time where dancers probably would in other games and it could set him apart from the other mercenaries so Celica's party isn't too redundant. Celica's party also does need a warp-er, so I'm thinking maybe Boey ? He tends to fall behind Mae and Celica when it comes to magic damage (+doubling potential), but he has a good enough attack stat where he could play a serviceable support role. Also, a brand new Invoke is 100% possible ! I actually tested it out using Kliff as my guinea pig, and we can definitely create a new Invoke. I even tested it with the new male Falcon Knight class I created, and it worked perfectly fine. We can use this as a template for spell lists:
  2. I never used Odin either cause I know he has pretty bad stats, but imma be honest, him dressing like a male stripper gives me more of an incentive to use him tbh
  3. I completely forgot to mention in my OP, but actually Warriors has something really similar. Despite being a Warriors-collab and having different gameplay from the main series, the weapon forging system in Warriors allows you to add certain effects to certain weapons. Just like you mentioned, you could turn physical weapons into magical ones (Sakura highly appreciated this since she’s an Archer in Warriors), add anti-cavalry/armor/flier effects, extra damage to crits or certain combos, etc. However, adding effects didn’t come from special ore, but from other weapons that carried these attributes. So if you wanted an anti-cavalry bow or something, you had to find one from enemy drops and combine them together (which makes the other weapon disappear). But the game’s really generous with them so it isn’t too hard to find. It‘s actually really fun to play around with cause you end up with a really customized weapon at the end, like I gave Takumi all the anti-effects on his Fujin Yumi lmao wingspear who ?? idk her celica: *gives saber a dagger to get him to join* also celica: *forges it so he can’t use it*
  4. I've only really played the 3DS era games and Three Houses so those games are the only ones where I can discuss each in depth. But personally, I think Echoes had the most balanced weapon forging system. It's probably the most generic, but I think it worked well relative to other games. Gold Marks are really difficult to get but I think it's all in fairness as some of the most average weapons could be forged into significantly stronger weapons (like Blessed Lance > Gradivus). Fates, I think, had the worst system. It was insanely annoying trying to get multiples of the same weapon, especially if some were completely RNG-based like the Raider weapons (which are great weapons in their own right). On top of that, if you didn't have access to online, trying to collect proper ore would be really difficult as well. However, Fates' near-infinite weapon forging system could lead to the most broken weapons if you're lucky. For example, a simple +3 Subaki's Pike has +20 might when its effect is activated (though this is highly unrealistic to achieve in a single playthrough butnotmesavescummingeventtilesjusttoget8subakispikesformyfavepegasusknightlmfao). I really enjoyed Awakening's system of choosing which of the weapon's stat you could increase, but I found forging in Awakening itself was kinda pointless since weapons disappear after they break. This makes forging more of a short-term investment rather than long-term as opposed to other games. If weapons could be fixed like in Three Houses, then I think Awakening would have won for the best forging system. Tbh, I wanted to try a Dark Flier!Robin+Shockstick build, but it really sucks that Shocksticks are an event tile only weapon (ie. heavily RNG-based), and forging it could lead to a really fun yet possibly very broken build. Three Houses seemed pretty lacking in comparison to other games, since weapons could only be forged roughly only once to a + version of the original. I guess you can say it keeps the game balanced so nobody would have weapons that are too strong, but it didn't seem to be as interesting as previous entries. What do you guys think, which system did you like the most ? Or which features from previous entries do you think should return in future games or how future systems should be like ?
  5. Male units should have just gotten access to Falcon Knight in the first place, tbh Jeritza would have been a pretty fire Dark Falcon LOL. I appreciate his cavalry weakness though from a player's standpoint, cause it just makes it easier to kill him since he has both high defense and resistance. Tbh though, 3H was my first FE game, so after I backtracked to the past 3DS games, I found out I couldn't get rid of flier and cavalry weaknesses by dismounting the hard way -- especially cause I always made my avatars fliers LOL.
  6. I apologize for the double post, but I'm in the middle of Act 3 and here's how my playthrough is going and which characters are in which class: Tobin and Lukas - Pegasus Knight Tobin has been amazing so far with great offensive stats (ATK, SKL, SPD). I honestly feel like he's been RNG-blessed because he's only supposed to have a 30% speed growth as a Pegasus Knight, but his speed has been on par with both Kliff and Gray only being surpassed by Clair. He's my dedicated Ridersbane user and is great at it too. Compared to Pegasus-Lukas, he's definitely way faster, but doesn't hit as hard. Tbh, he's basically the Catria of Alm's route LOL. I definitely like him as a Pegasus Knight instead of an Archer because in my last playthrough of SoV, he never got any speed procs which really hindered his performance. But pegging Tobin was a great idea tbh, 10/10 would recommend Lukas --- holy shit LOL. You ever seen a flying tank before ? 💀 What I did with Lukas was I waited until he could promote to Knight, then I immediately pitchforked him after bumping his stats up so he could pick up the defense and strength and my GOD was I glad I did that LOL. I got him to Pegasus Knight right in time for the for the final map of Act 1 and he was able to tank everything--even bows as a flier. And any enemy was basically annihilated if they got into melee-range with him since he was finally able to double thanks to Pegasus Knight's base speed. Strangely, he has the same speed growth as Tobin, but Lukas has been significantly slower than him (most likely because he was missing some speed levels as a Soldier). Regardless, he can still double certain enemies and he's currently my heaviest hitter on Alm's route. If Tobin is the Catria of Alm's route, then Lukas is the Palla LOL. 10/10 A+, would recommend pegging Lukas tbh. Clair - Archer Oh man, she's amazing as an Archer. She's arguably the best potential bow user since she's almost guaranteed to double even when weighed down by the heavy weight of bows, so she can save HP from Hunter's Volley. Also, her high luck has been giving her really good crit rates. I was originally gonna use her for chip damage since she starts off with really low attack, but honestly she's been murdering with those crits LOL. Also, with the extra range she has as an Archer (+her good base res), she's become my best mage counter. As a Pegasus Knight, she's lacking in 2 range options when in contact with a mage. But as an archer, she doesn't have that problem anymore and her enemy phase has been significantly better. _________________________ So that's how my playthrough is going LOL. But as I was playing, I think I wanna get started on theory crafting for spell lists for male Clerics. It'll take a lot of thought, but I honestly want to be able to add them in. Female soldiers as well, but they won't require as much work as making spell lists. My only idea for male Clerics is: Physic at level 6 for Tobin (same time as Faye). Tobin already learns Physic as a level 5 Sage, so I don’t think it would be unfair to give him Physic earlier as a Cleric. Having him learn Physic at the same time as Faye would give players more incentive to use her in a different class and add variety to her options, since most people are inclined to use her as a cleric. He could be an alternative for Cleric!Faye while at the same time not being a complete replacement for her. I also agree with AnonymousSpeed that another unit should get Entrap. Since Sonya is the only unit that gets it, I feel like someone on Alm's route should have it as well.
  7. I saw that mod as well and I think that'd make for a really interesting challenge run. And even if it weren't compatible, changing all characters' base classes is super simple on Paragon and I could even make a version of my own mod with that implemented as well haha. I feel like all the base-Soldier characters just really want a class change at this point LOL. Fortunately, I think transitioning from Soldier to Pegasus is a pretty good change as they could retain their high attack and defense while as a flier while patching up their speed even if it's just a little bit. -------------------------------------------------------------- Okay after some thought, I think I've made my decisions for the characters that will be given a reclass HAHA. Any more input and opinions would be highly appreciated tho LOL. Pegasus Knight Tobin Even though Kliff has more fitting stat growths and would appreciate the base speed boost, I think I'm gonna go with Tobin solely for favoritism LOL. I just really like Tobin and as I said in my original post, his early game is really strong and flying could really increase his performance. Archer Clair Since Tobin will be a Pegasus Knight, I'm probably obligated to make Kliff a mage since that leather shield map in the beginning happens before Clair arrives and I'll need the magic. That being said, I'll be missing out on an extra archer alongside Python. From my past experience with Clair, she has a poor start with thin defenses and terrible combat, so ranged chip damage would be more ideal for her. Her role as a Ridersbane user could easily be replaced with Tobin now that he'll be a Pegasus Knight and has a head start to gain more levels and bring up his stats to outperform Clair as a Pegasus Knight. Probably won't do it for this playthrough but: Archer Delthea Same as Clair, but this would at least give her some use for her late join. Pegasus Knight Lukas 2 fliers is always a good thing, right? LOL. Lukas is renown to be the best candidate for pitchforks due to his base class being bad. Most people swear by Dread Fighter Lukas since it fixes his speed and movement, but what if he gets flying on top of that? Lukas already has sky high attack and defense, and carrying that on to Pegasus Knight could make him not only a tank, but a flying tank HAHA Pegasus Knight Conrad (Maybe) I mean, he basically is MEANT to be a Pegasus Knight. He has low attack, high speed, and high resistance. IS basically created a male Pegasus Knight without even giving him the option to be one. AND his outfit is looks fucking amazing with the class LOL. The downside is that his bases are all either higher than or equal to Falcon Knight's bases so he won't receive any bonuses upon promotion. But this one is a maybe because I'll have 2 male Pegasus Knights on Alm's path, and I do want at least one female Mercenary. Mercenary ????? I'm still stuck on this one. I'm already giving 2 pitchforks to Alm's party, so I feel a little bit obligated to give the last one to someone in Celica's party. However, Celica already has several Mercenaries. I'm leaning towards using Mae and dominate the game with a Lightning Sword but --- the Lightning Sword is only available on Alm's path unless I take my chances with DLC maps LOL. Other than Mae, the only other character I could think of on Celica's path is Est. However, if I do decide to pitchfork Est, she'll still have to grind her way up to Dread Fighter in a time where most units will already be promoted. If I don't give anyone in Celica's party a pitchfork, my other option is Delthea. I PROMISE ARCHER FAYE WILL HAPPEN FOR A CHALLENGE RUN
  8. HAHA, Yeah I'm just honestly more of a fan of speedier units rather than high defense/low speed I'm ngl, while I was testing out the battle models on the villagers, I was highly HIGHLY tempted to make them all Pegasus Knights LOL. I'll keep this playthrough as close to vanilla as I could, then I definitely wanna try a Whitewing Village Boiz + Faye: Devoted Heart challenge right after HAHA. I'll take note of the cleric/priest spell suggestions tho ! 1.) Yeah I was definitely thinking of Gamebanana, cause that's where I usually look for mods as well haha. 2.) I would be so happy to see people trying out challenges with this mod, but unfortunately I made this whole mod on Paragon and I don't believe Paragon exports mods as .json files (which is probably why I couldn't get my male Pegasus Knight mod on Awakening to overlap with the Gay Awakening mod). If there was a way to export Paragon mods as .json files, I would really appreciate it haha HAHA Tbh that's probably more than enough reason for me to actually include a female soldier class LOL. I think I'll just get making it as I play through the game. ___ EDIT: So I just thought about it -- but would Clair would a good contender for Archer ? She has the highest speed growth in the game so she won't get hurt by the -5% speed growth modifier from the Archer class line, and her base 7 speed from being a natural Pegasus Knight can help salvage her from the heavy weight of bows. Also, her frailty won't be much of a problem anymore if she's sniping from a distance. Plus, she has pretty low attack so chip damage from afar sounds more ideal for her. Also, I can't really think of anyone who would be a good candidate for a class change on Celica's route. She does lack cavaliers, but that's a unisex class anyway. The idea of Dread Fighter Mae sounds fun, but I realize that Celica's party is already loaded with mercenaries. Maybe Conrad ? (I mean I AM using his armor for the Falcon Knight class LOL)
  9. Thanks ! It took a lot of work LOL. And yeah, I think I'm mostly set on using Kliff as a Pegasus Knight but I'll be kinda upset if I can't have my fave villager (Tobin) as my favorite class LOL (I would love to do 2 villager Peg knights, but we all know how desperately we need a mage in Act 1 LOL). Saber tho -- that'd be an insane idea LOL. I'll keep that in mind -- like Saber's already good on his own but with the extra added resistance and movement ? Bruh LOL. And Ladyblade on a Dread Fighter is exactly what I had in mind HAHA. Tbh, I feel like there are a few more female units that would enjoy the benefits that Soldier may offer (possibly Mathilda as well), so I probably will include a female Soldier class eventually haha. I'm hoping to see that this mod will go smoothly, so that I could release it without worrying about adding any fixes I'm also aiming to have at least one unit for each newly accessible class, so that's 1 pitchfork per class (I could have at least 2 male Pegasus Knights or 2 female Archers since the villagers are open). I'm mostly thinking Pegasus Lukas or Saber, Dread Fighter Mae, and I'm not too sure about who should be my female Archer, but maybe Delthea ? For the villagers, Kliff or Tobin for Pegasus, but I'm a hard maybe on Archer Faye cause I honestly see no benefit from it after some thinking LOL
  10. (Note: Please check my post at the bottom of page 2 regarding the update with custom models) Hey guys ! After several months since releasing the first release of this project, I decided to finally get back into working on this mod again and I'm very excited to say that it is finally complete ! Starting from this release, female Soldiers and male Clerics have finally been included in the mod as well as other additions and changes ! With the release of v2.0 of this mod, this gender-lock removal mod for Echoes will include: v2.0 changes/additions from v1.0 Male Cleric and Female Soldier classes are now added (Male Cleric spell lists information below) Personal victory poses now work in new classes ! This only applies for Villagers and Mercenaries (base game is like this as well) Ram Villagers will be borrowing victory poses from other characters for their Pegasus pose Mercenaries + Atlas will use the generic pose for Pegasus/Falcon Knight, but personal pose for Cleric/Saint Conrad will use the Harrier pose Ram Villager Triangle Attack now has voice clips ! Male and Female Mage now have equal base stats and growths (information below) Custom textures for select characters ! (May add more in future updates) Vanilla textures have been changed/switched (not edited) for certain characters to better suit their color palette in new classes Removed unneeded extra files from original release What the overall mod includes: Complete gender-lock removal, allowing for male units to access Pegasus Knight and Cleric and female units to access Mercenary, Archer, and Soldier Conrad's base class has been changed to Pegasus Knight to improve performance His base level has been changed to level 11, one level away from promotion Ram Villager boys will all have Triangle Attack ! (Now with added voice clips as of v2.0 !) Ram Villagers and Whitewings can also use Triangle Attack together (ie. Triangle Attack can work with Gray, Tobin, and Palla in formation) All base stats and growths will remain the same as the classes' original counterparts Overclasses do not work with new classes unfortunately Easter Eggs: Clive will use Clair's helmet and mount as a Pegasus Knight Conrad has a brand new Invoke spell with male Falcon Knights Male Cleric Spell Lists Updated Mage Base Stats/Growths Bugs (from v1.0) Female units in originally male-locked classes appear to be "floating" (their feet don't touch the ground) Male units' feet reach past the mount stirrups as Pegasus/Falcon Knights. Female units' feet cannot reach the inside of the stirrups as Bow Knights Arrow quivers--for some reason--do not appear on female units in the Archer class line Conrad's cape clips right through him if he crits as a Falcon Knight (due to using his Gold Knight armor) Changes I would like to see: Proper access to DLC overclasses Adding in more custom textures If ever possible, custom models for new classes ~*~*~ And with that here's a link to the download ! Hope you guys will enjoy the mod ! Download ~*~*~ Screenshots: Original post (v1.0):
  11. So my male Pegasus Knight mod seemed to be pretty successful. The sprites work perfectly fine, though I'm only using Robin in the class. I opted to use the Pegasus sprites rather than Wyvern because the gender of the Pegasus sprites look pretty ambiguous, so I think it passes just fine as a unisex sprite. Here's some pics of how it turned out: On another note: I seem to be having a problem downloading the DLC ? I tried buying a map but I keep getting an error code, and I'm assuming that it's because my 3DS is now hacked/modded. I thought it was my card getting declined at first, but I have 2 3DS's and tested it out on my other non-hacked 3DS and it worked fine. I'm hoping to play Apotheosis after I finish my playthrough, so is there a way to fix this ?
  12. Thanks for the advice ! I actually ended up finding sprite folder in the meantime and have been working on it. I realized the sprite data tab on each character couldn't be edited to add a new one, but how would I go about to get the repo? I'm super-new to modding, so a lot of what I've been doing has just been noob work LOL. Since Robin uses the generic map sprite when they're reclassed to anything other Tactitian/Grandmaster anyway, I decided to just go through with what I had and start a playthrough using my mod with only M!Robin utilizing the class. I'm actually just using the Pegasus Knight sprite instead of Wyvern, since the gender of the Pegasus Knight sprite looks relatively ambiguous. I'm hoping to do another playthrough with more units using the male Pegasus Knight class if I could improve on this mod haha. However, I do have another question (and I'm really sorry if this is a lot LOL). I was talking with someone else on my other thread, and in the process of trying to figure this mod out, I realized it wouldn't overlap with the Gay Awakening mod. He told me that in order to use the 2 together, I would have to manually edit all of the supports for each character. I actually went through the trouble of doing so and tested it out last night. Fortunately, it worked and I was able to S-Support Chrom with M!Robin as a Pegasus Knight (sumia who ????? idk her) and the cutscene triggered just fine. I'm just kind of concerned because in the Gay Awakening mod, Lucina and Severa have 2 supports -- a C-S romantic support and a C-A non-romantic sibling support. Since I manually input the supports on Paragon, would the game be able to detect and differentiate the two ?
  13. So, I've been messing around with Paragon for the past 2 days (I had my own thread that I ended up turning into an update about my "journey" with this LOL), because I've been trying to create a male Pegasus Knight class for Awakening. I've made some pretty decent progress so far, as I was able to actually create the class and use proper battle models for it by borrowing them from other classes. But rn, I'm kinda stuck with the spriting. Like, initially, the sprites weren't showing up at all and used the dummy map sprite. For Pegasus Knight, idk what I did but I was able to use the Wyvern Rider map sprite for it, but it uses the generic sprite with an altered hair color even for units with a Wyvern sprite (ie. they actually have their proper hairstyle on the sprite). For Falcon Knight and Dark Flier however, they still pop up blank even if I try to borrow other sprites. The class overall works perfectly fine, but the spriting got me stuck. Is there anything I can do to fix the sprites? I know this is a really specific kind of dilemma tho LOL
  14. It's honestly giving me a headache rn omfg 💀 It seems straightforward, but nothing seems to be working lol I've noticed that actually haha, like majority--if not all--of the things I've seen about modding FE 3DS games are geared for Fates. Imma be honest, I do enjoy Fates more than Awakening, but since Fates already lacked the gender-restrictions on classes, I didn't feel the need to mod it (I mean I could have done with better gay marriage options, but that's an easy mod). One thing I noticed while looking around Paragon, under the BMap sprite section, it appears that each character has their own specific sprite for their class sets (like I found files named "Pegasus Knight Maribelle" and "Wyvern Rider Virion" cause thankfully I know at least some Japanese LOL). However with Fates, I read that the sprites use a character's head and plasters it on top of the class body sprite. I'm not 100% sure if these files are their map sprites, but what I'm gonna attempt is duplicate these files and rename them with the male Pegasus Knight ID, but I'm not sure if this will work at all LOL. I don't even know if these will even link to the class. Dang that's dedication haha. Imma be honest tho, yesterday was my first time even attempting to mod, and I spent my whole day from after work until I went to bed trying to get this mod to work properly, so you're not alone LOL
  15. Haha thanks, it was an even bigger hurdle that there were very little tutorials on how any of this works, and even most of the CFW installation tutorials you can find on Google are outdated. So, I've been messing around with the sprites and I can't seem to fix it. I have the BMap sprites set for Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord/Griffon Rider for Pegasus/Falcon/Dark Flier respectively, but they still seem to show up as empty on the battle maps. I tried experimenting with Virion since he has Wyvern Rider in his class set (therefore having a sprite for the class), but he still pops up as an empty sprite in his join chapter. I tried with Robin as well, and he pops up with his basic Tactician sprite for the tutorial with Chrom and Validar, but his battle model is Pegasus Knight strangely haha. But once it gets to the first battle when Frederick and them join, Robin ends up with an empty sprite. I've only found one tutorial/guide on how to create custom classes with Paragon, but it's geared for Fates and I don't think it applies to Awakening that well. Man this is gonna be tedious LOL. I was kinda worried that setting the romantic supports manually wouldn't trigger the S-Support conversations installed from the Gay Awakening hack, but thankfully it's a different set a data as you said haha.
  16. UPDATE! I was successfully able to implement a male Pegasus Knight class line ! It took a LOT of trial and error, and before today I literally had absolutely 0 knowledge on modding and hacking, but I was able to mod a custom male Pegasus Knight class line ! The Pegasus Knight class uses the Wyvern Rider armor, Falcon Knight uses Wyvern Lord armor, and Dark Flier uses Griffon Rider armor. Everything else about the class line (growths, skills, etc) are the same with its original female counterpart. I'm hoping to create a Troubadour class line for males as well as Warrior for females as well. However, I do have a couple of problems. The first being that the map sprite appears to be blank/empty. I'm trying to find a way to fix this, but I'm having a hard time LOL. My second problem is that I can't seem to get it to overlap with the Gay Awakening mod. It seems to be connected with the static.bin.lz file, but I can't be so sure. Are there any tips on how to use these two mods in tandem? Any tips would be appreciated !
  17. Thanks for your answer ! I figured it would be difficult/next to impossible to edit the actual model, but I think I'll try my hand at using an existing class model. I tried installing Paragon, but whenever I try to boot it, nothing but a blank black window pops up. Am I missing something ? I have the game dumped and everything, but I can't seem to figure anything out. btw I apologize for my absolute newbieness to this, I'm totally new to modding and dumping 💀 EDIT: I figured out how to work Paragon haha. My only problem rn is trying to get the custom class in the game.
  18. So I'm like 2000000% a noob to modding, which I tried diving into just so I could use the Gay Awakening mod, but in the midst of that, I wanted to be able to mod the class sets so male units could get female restricted classes (mostly Dark Flier on M!Robin) and vice versa. I know this is doable, but I've seen that by doing this, the class/character model ends up being a male unit's head on a female body LOL. Is there a way to fix this ? Would I have to mod the textures or something ? EDIT: Successfully made a male Pegasus Knight class mod EDIT: (from my latest reply in case anyone hasn't seen) I seem to be having a problem downloading the DLC ? I tried buying a map but I keep getting an error code, and I'm assuming that it's because my 3DS is now hacked/modded. I thought it was my card getting declined at first, but I have 2 3DS's and tested it out on my other non-hacked 3DS with my SoV cart and it worked fine. I'm hoping to play Apotheosis after I finish my playthrough, so is there a way to fix this ?
  19. I definitely second Laslow and Hinata for Lodestar, but Hinata would appreciate the skills more than the class itself cause Swordmaster has a better speed growth. I also think Silas would be a great candidate since he has better overall stats than either Laslow or Hinata. The only thing is that he'll lose his horse, so that's something to consider. As you said, Speedmaster is available via DLC (Heirs of Fate Chapter V to be specific), but Chapter V is the hardest chapter in the story IMO and hard to consider as farmable. It is worth achieving, however haha. Hinoka and Reina may be good candidates for Great Lord if you wanna give up their flying, but they just need to build up on their sword rank. I also think Effie will do great in the class if you wanna fix her movement and speed much sooner.
  20. What chapter are you on ? Sadly, you can only upgrade things in your MyCastle after you reach a certain chapter in the story--including puppets. You won't be able to immediately upgrade your puppet to level 3 and you have to wait until chapter 23(?) until it's available. When it is, you can just talk to your castle helper (Jakob/Felicia) and it'll be available for upgrade. Yukimura is a very, very late recruit.
  21. In terms of story progression, it's probably best to play Birthright > Conquest > Revelations. Birthright definitely has the better story, but Fates is kinda infamous for having the worst writing in the whole FE franchise but IMO, I actually enjoyed it and quite like Corrin. That being said, Birthright is your average good vs. evil story and pretty inoffensive as an introduction to Fates as a whole. Birthright is also great to get your feet wet in FE because it was designed to introduce new players to the series with it's simple gameplay. Maps tend to be a little more open, some lack enemy variety (ie. maps with only flying enemies or maps with only Faceless), and most of the time the goal is just to rout the enemy. That being said, that doesn't mean some maps aren't challenging. Conquest is considered to have better gameplay mainly because of the bigger challenge that it poses and the fact that several maps introduce goals that aren't just "Rout the Enemy" or "Defeat the Boss," such as (the infamous) chapter 10, chapter 15, and chapter 21. Also, some maps are just genuinely really difficult because of the map design, like in the Kitsune chapter where you cannot attack the enemies on certain turns and the Mokushu chapter with all the ninjas. The game also limits your resources, so extra maps for grinding are absent and gold is really limited as well. Conquest can be fun due to its challenge, but personally, I found it kinda stressful at times but that's just me LOL. Revelations is hard to understand if you haven't played the other 2 campaigns, and it's DLC only so you can't really get it as a standalone game anyway. In terms of challenge, it's definitely in between the other 2, but almost every map has its own "gimmick"--like a pseudo-fog of war map in chapter 7, breaking ice to reveal enemies in chapter 10, stealth mission in chapter 24, etc. I personally enjoyed Revelations, despite what many say about it, but if you're only going to play one route, it shouldn't be Revelations mainly because it's designed to be played after completing the other 2 campaigns. When considering the cast/characters, both routes have pretty fun casts. Can't say if one is objectively better than the other. Since you played Awakening---no spoilers but---3 characters in Conquest may be very similar to some Awakening characters HAHA. However, in terms of gameplay, Birthright/Hoshidan characters (from what I noticed) tend to have better speed and resistance, but several lack defense (ie. Hinoka, Kaden, Kagero). Conquest/Nohrian characters are the opposite, as very few have a decent speed stat and several lack resistance, but compensate with high defense (ie. Xander, Keaton, Beruka). My personal preference is Birthright over Conquest, but I'm almost 123491023% several would say otherwise LOL. Birthright gets flack for being too "easy" but honestly, it isn't even that bad and is definitely worth the shot. However, if you want more of a genuine challenge, Conquest is the way to go. Overall, whichever campaign you choose, Fates as a whole just offers really solid gameplay. The pair-up system is significantly more refined than in Awakening and IMO has the best and most open class system in the series. Corrin is a fun unit to play around with since the builds are endless and allows for great replay value.
  22. Lorenz for sure. I've played through Golden Deer twice, and both times he's disappointed me. I always had a hard time killing with him since he could never double and his magic was never strong enough to OHKO. Even Raphael has the benefit of being able to get Quick Riposte so that he could double in the late game. Annette really disappointed me as well, but only because I decided to be a dumbass and go for the gimmick Bolt Axe+Wyvern build for her for my first Blue Lions run. My experience was terrible and I last minute started to grind her Faith (which I didn't do before since I was training her in 3 other skills already) so I could try to salvage her as a Gremory. Seems we're talking about Fates a lot, and I guess I gotta agree for Hana. I tried using her and it's just hard to work with her and her lack of defenses. I had a better time with Hinata surprisingly. I got nothing against their characters, though haha. Selena and Beruka, as well. I don't like either of their characters, and tbh they're both pretty bad in their join chapter in Chapter 10 in any difficulty, so I didn't bother working with them. Beruka gets overshadowed by Camilla as a Wyvern and Percy is wayyy better imo. On the real though, Fates has a big enough cast and a small enough deployment limit where I could just use whichever characters I liked and worked well enough for me, so I can't really say I've had bad experiences with any character I tried to use in Fates. That being said, there are several characters I haven't used LOL.
  23. We're ignoring gender-locks here right ? LOL. Cause I'd be Fighter > Pegasus Knight > Assassin (or maybe I'd skip advanced tho cause Pegasus Knight's class progression is really weird) > Falcon Knight. I'd definitely focus on bows or lances.
  24. I think a little more would be all right, since several classes don't have a clear-cut path to master classes and seem to stop at advanced, which isn't inherently a bad thing. However, class lines like Cavalier>Paladin and Mercenary>Swordmaster feel really lacking since neither have much to offer in their advanced tier. I think if Gold Knight and Trueblade came back to be their direct master class promotion, that would have been a pretty neat idea.
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