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Everything posted by Crazycolorz5

  1. Don't know if someone already answered this, but branching paths in FE7 can be controlled by events. You can have a text with a Yes/No prompt. Then you have an IF condition checking the result of that. If yes is chosen, you load the first chapter in route A, if no is chosen, then route B. From there each chapter is controlled by its own events so you just have them continue to load the next chapter in their path.
  2. I'm only going to give the vague description that "FEU(collective) is plotting something."
  3. Our final conclusion was that D90000 is indeed free. FEditor just does weird things we think. Or at least, TLP used that free space range and it didn't brick, so............. Results may vary. Edit: Here's the tread discussion: http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-d90000-range-confirmed-not-free-space/586?u=crazycolorz5 The image that's not there anymore is a screencap of a skype log with Blazer saying TLP used the space and it was fine.
  4. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP Last Updated: 24 May 2016 ~~~~~Blazer's Stuff~~~~~(Currently being worked on) [FE7] Character Changer [FE7] Knight Ward [FE7] Sniper Range+1 [FE7] Special Weapon Bonus [FE7] Variable Effectiveness Bonus ~~~~~Brendor's Stuff~~~~~ [FE8] Pierce Glitch Fix [FE7, FE8] Enemy Control/Mine Glitch Fix ~~~~~Camtech's Stuff~~~~~ [FE7] Generic/Personal Themes ~~~~~Circleseverywhere's Stuff~~~~~ (done) [FE8] Boss Movement Display Fix [FE8] Contemporary-Style Talk/Support [FE7, FE8] Enemy Range/Danger Zone Display [FE8] Generalized Support Changing/Setting Events [FE8] Generic/Person Themes [FE7, FE8] L Button Animation Toggle [FE8] More Than 5 Supports/Only One A Support [FE8] Native Instrument Map [FE8] Normal Mode/Difficult Mode Only [FE8] Untradable Items ~~~~~Crazycolorz5's Stuff~~~~~~(mostly done; need to release a few things I realize I never made a topic for.) [FE7] 0xFF = Cannot Critical [FE7] Cannot Double Weapon Effect [FE7] Check if Rescuing [FE7] Check for Equipped Item [FE7] Check Hard Mode [FE7] Compare Levels [FE7] Generalized Support Changing/Setting Events [FE7, FE8]Give All Items ASMC [FE7] Luk Gains on Promotion [FE7] Make Hard Mode ASMC [FE7] Negate Weapon Triangle Effect [FE7] Reaver and Double WTA Split [FE7, FE8] Renewal and Soothing Sword Effecr [FE7] Reset Turn Count ASMC Afterword: Since these are my hacks, if anyone wants an EA installer to be written for any of the hacks here that don't have one, let me know. ~~~~~Icecube's Stuff~~~~~~ (done) [FE7] Automatic Hand Axe Animation [FE7] Enemies Consider Stat Bonuses [FE7, FE8] Fix Weapon Range Display [FE7] Item Based Branching Promotions [FE7] Ranged Weapon in Melee Battle [FE7] Str+Skl Weapon Range Boost [FE7] Transform Weapon Type ~~~~~JJ2357's Stuff~~~~~ [FE8] Arbitrary Number of Weapon Types ~~~~~Venno's Stuff~~~~~(done) [FE7, FE8] Array-Based Weapon Locks [FE7, FE8] Autocursor/Status Screen Fix [FE8] Check if Being Rescued ASMC [FE8] Custom Animations [FE8] Dancers can't refresh other dancers. [FE7] "Drop Last Item" as unit flag [FE7, FE8] Dropped Items Don't Refresh Uses [FE7, FE8] DSFE-Style Growths [FE7] Enemies Gain Luk [FE7, FE8] Growth Modifying Items [FE7, FE8] Index-Based Effectiveness [FE6] Individual Weapon XP [FE7, FE8] Item Might-based Staff Healing [FE7, FE8] Passive Stat Boosts [FE7, FE8] Remove Weapon Ranks on Promotion [FE7] Variable Status Staff Length [FE7, FE8] Weapon Rank Bonuses ~~~~~Misc Work/That of those long gone~~~~~ Mariobro - [FE7] Native Instrument Map Ryru - [FE7] AS Changer WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP it's a work in progress. WIP
  5. Just a few days ago, I released EA V9.12. Here's the link to the post with the download; continue reading for changelog and rationale: http://feuniverse.us/t/nintenlords-utilities/52/10?u=crazycolorz5 The post also contains the changelog and future plans. Here's the changelog: README2.txt: V 9.12-Aliased BYTE as CODE for both backwards compatability and usage of #incbin-Bundled Hack Installation and AI Assembly into Extensions folder.-FE7, FE8: Added expanded templates for use in making hack buildfiles.-Updated EA Standard Library to 3.1. EAstdlib.event: V 3.1-FE6, FE7, FE8: Made MUS1 into MUSC(music change), MUS2 into MUSS (music save), MUS3 into MUSM (music more). Added old definitions in #define BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY-FE6: Added QuakeStart and QuakeStop (thanks to circleseverywhere)-FE6: Added modernized definitions in the definitions file.-Fixed typo in FE7's Backwards Compatibility.-FE8: Fixed typo that made SOUN code be FADU code. (Thanks to MK404)-FE8: Added "Silence" in music definitions as 0x7FFF-FE8: Added GiveMoney(amount) macro to help with that.-FE8: Added SVAL/SMOV aliases to SETVAL. Changed SLOTS_ADD to SADD and other assembly-like commands. -FE8: Added TUTORIALTEXTBOXSTART and NOTIFICATIONTEXTBOXSTART-EAStdLib: Separated out conditional helps from Misc Helpers to Conditional Helpers-FE8: Changed TEX8 to BROWNBOXTEXT.-FE8: Added CLEAN and PREP codes. The macro is the way to go, but these will show up in disassembly.-FE8: Added r0-r13/rD defintions for the setval slots. QP for QueuePointer -FE8: Added SkirmishEvents for repointing of Skirmish Events, but I don't think we're ready to mess with this yet.-FE8: Added FlashWhite/FlashBlack macros.-FE8: Fixed ENIF not having a definition in backwards compatability for conditionals-FE8: Added ClearBackground macro. Mostly this just sets up EA to be an installation monster capable of making full hack buildfiles (tutorial soon) and especially for mass installing assembly hacks. The most required change is the adding of CODE back, as #incbin depended on it. Also, "Extensions/Hack Installation.txt" is available for those wanting to make assembly install files, with tools such as jumpToHack or gotoHack (will be renamed soon maybe). If your events break, try adding at the top of the file, before you include EAstdlib.event, `#define BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY`, as some of the definitions were changed (notably, MUS1 to MUSC ("MUSIC Change")). Defining BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY brings most of these old definitions back into scope. Edit: Fixed a few typos, notably a misspelling of "compatibility". (rip my spellings) Also, why is this thread not pinned? It's a pain to find it whenever I want to post an update to EA.
  6. im actually jesus irl fite me
  7. It's in Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial. I've linked you to it before, and you can just as easily google for it yourself.
  8. Chapter hardcoding? Do you mean, like, what units are loaded, what villages appear, and what order the chapters go and, and talks etc etc? If that's what you mean, you'll want to look into event hacking. Great tutorial here at FEU: http://feuniverse.us/t/eventing-for-dummies/109
  9. Ultimate Tutorial https://www.dropbox.com/s/tnqnylf1lq0wjzl/Screenshot%202014-12-13%2023.19.31.png?dl=0 Before you ask, please search at least both FEU and the Ultimate Tutorial; both sources are full of documentation.
  10. I just voted because didn't know it was ongoing :P. Also the Batmobile is so... so... uhm, not-a-FE-weapon? The interesting thing is, though, if it does keep 8 uses, you can use it to just be a +1 mov boost. Like, equip it onto Faratrass, get the Mov+1 bonus, move, and equip something else. Might as well make it a passive buff.
  11. If it's about the anti-huffman patch, I'm not sure, but I believe that the HO bit(i.e. the 80 part of the 88) is a flag indicating that it should display plaintext rather than through the huffman tree.
  12. Lamia, you just gave me an idea. Growths that increase or decrease depending on the z-score of the stat (as opposed to its mean), so if your def is waaay below average, it gets bumped up, like +40%(of the growth rate, not an absolute amount) or something. Conversely, if str is a bit above average it get bumped down by 33%. Lemme stick this on FEU as my next project.
  13. Sentry, your profile icon is amazing. *cough* but on topic It might be more complex than that because the unit is set to be in the "wait" status *after* combat....... probably. But it shouldn't be more difficult than setting a flag to galeforce and a flag for the first activation of the turn and upon the wait-command, you just tell it to do something else if the flag is set. Should be easy if each part of the code is accessible.
  14. inb4 it glitches out for everyone except you, and worse this time
  15. http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-charting-the-battle-stat-computations/227/6?u=crazycolorz5 08028A16 1C20 mov r0,r4 08028A18 1C29 mov r1,r5 08028A1A F000FA67 bl #0x8028EEC Checks Weapon Ability 1(From battle data; I assume there's another check that sets this to 1 if the Light Brand is attacking indirectly/ 0 for directly) for "Magic Damage". If so, does a hard coded check against weapon id's <0x10(skips code) and <=0x11(Light brand and Rune sword) and !=0x99(Wind Sword)(skips code). Divides the strength by two and subtracts that from the "Attack" byte in unit data. Stores it back. Stores 0 into "Crit" and "Battle Crit" If not magic attack, gets the weapon effect byte of the weapon. Checks for "Halves HP" effect. If so, does the obvious thing and loads the defender's attack and stores half of it as the attack. If the might is 0, then it is set to 1. Stores 0 into the defender's Defense halfword and into the Crit/Battle Crit of attacker. If not Halves HP, loads weapon ability and checks for "Negate Target Defenses" ability. If so, does the expected thing and sets 0 as the defender's defense. -tl;dr A ton of checks. Applies the half strength/0crit for the magic swords, the half hp/0crit for eclipse, and the 0def for Luna. Set it to lsr it by 1 instead of setting it to 0. Should be somewhere a bit past 0x8028EEC.
  16. Last HACK to be shown off: And check out the FEU topic here: http://feuniverse.us/t/modular-battle-routine-demo-released-currently-needs-ease-of-installation/218?u=crazycolorz5 Now I need Arch to work on that non-hack video... *cough*
  17. From Cam's status swords hack: CHECK_DEVIL: mov r1, #0x19 @ ldsb r1, [r5, r1] @ load attacker luck mov r0, #0x1F @ r0 = 31 sub r0, r0, r1 @ r0 -= r1 (31 - luck) lsl r0, r0, #0x10 @ \ lsr r0, r0, #0x10 @ r0 = (short) r0 mov r1, #0x0 @ r1 = 0x0 push {r3} BDRH_CALL 0x0802857C @ Most likely checks to see if it procs. pop {r3} lsl r0, r0, #0x18 @ blah cmp r0, #0x0 @ if r0 << 18 != 0 beq NO_DEVIL @ apply_devil() So yes, you're right.
  18. He means an image like screencapping it and submitting that, or putting something in MS Paint, not an image like a weapon icon(which is the thing that's not required).
  19. FEU has the answers to your burning life questions. FE7 only, unfortunately http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-full-magic-replaces-resistance-hacks-like-in-fe5/217
  20. *cough* As long as I'm around, no one (I do random hacking chores for) shall be limited by "not possible without ASM" !! :D
  21. Right, but it's implemented as a skill bonus.
  22. In what I've been discussing with Yeti, maybe they're be written like this int skillCheckForHitBonus(Game_Actor a) { //code } //... delegate int hitFunction(Game_Actor a); hit_function = shillCheckForHitBonus BattleMonads[Hit].bindBonus(hit_function);
  23. Because using C++ in GBAFE is a pain. Also, it's not that bad in assembly. Also, the final end users have to use assembly anyway.
  24. @Brendor return attacker.get_equip.get_hit_skill()(relevant_nums.Aggregate(0, (acc, ele) => acc+ele.GetValueOrDefault()),attacker, defender); The idea behind this line, which is expandable to not just the equipped weapon, is that you can just make your skills ultimately be a function that has a prototype that looks like this: int hit_bonus_skill(Game_Unit attacker, Game_Unit defender); and this can be part of a skill struct and/or defined anonymously(yay!). I mean, I don't see any way to make it easier than that. The thing is, the way FEXNA is, it's easier to go in and directly re-modify the battle routines to check for a certain skill, allowing you to change it in a lot of different areas (as opposed to making just a bonus-hit skill). I actually talk a bit about this in the Renaissance Panel which Arch needs to edit/upload still.
  25. @Tryhard, I looked it up and it's basically the same as Scala's Option[int]. The idea is, it can contain either an int type or a null type. It differs slightly from Java's implementation in that they really are separate types and you need to check its type or ask it to get its value with a default.
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