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Status Updates posted by Helios

  1. Happy 20th birthday Proto! Hope you have a great one buddy!

    1. Kriemhild


      Thanks, Helios! And yeah, it was pretty great~

  2. It took me some time to realize that wasn't Shinpachi wearing Gin's costume

  3. How have we not been friends before this

    1. Percivalé
    2. Helios


      The feeling is mutual!

  4. Happy birthday sir

  5. Dat Valvrave tho

  6. I'm definitely excited man. I've been showing JoJo to some of my irl friends and they love it too. Gonna start a revolution here haha.

  7. Oh hey you're 16 now. Took you long enough right? Happy birthday my man. Hope you have a blast!

    1. Fenrir


      Thanks man. It sure as hell did hahaha

  8. Happy birthday Bal! You're another year wiser!

  9. I don't know much about Jotaro, but from what I've heard, he's a big reason as to why everyone loves Part 3. I'm pumped.

  10. I'm excited. That guy who was in the cell was Jotaro right?

  11. Honestly I don't even know. I haven't really thought about it, and am trying to make myself not think about it so that I can enjoy all the suspense and have fun with it.

  12. Lol didn't realize it did cut off. Can't even remember what I said.

    You're right about ACDC and that was something I really liked about him. The antagonists are all simple, but at the same time complex and unique.

  13. Hahaha fair enough. ACDC was just the least memorable to me (probably because he doesn't get a quality panel like that in the anime).

    Ahh so Cars just floats out in space half-alive. What a fitting punishment. Agreed that they're all beautiful muscle men though, and Cars definitely looked the best out of all of them, especially when he went into "Creator" mode. Ahh I'm...

  14. ACDC was kinda nonexistent, though I respected his commitment to his brothers. Wham was my favorite of all of them; just had mad respect for his style and power. Cars was a great "final boss" type: pure cunning evil, and incredibly powerful, but ended up dying because of his arrogance. I'm really loving this whole JoJo thing.

  15. Oh the love is mutual <3

  16. I got you this weekend

  17. haha I'll probably come on this weekend. I've had myself quite the week school-wise but I think I'm catching a break for a while

  18. Haha it's cool man I'm not mad or anything. I told you I'd accept any judgment you gave me after all.

    Sunday for you would be Saturday night for me right? Or would it be Sunday for me which is Monday morning for you?

  19. No you modkilled me lol

    jk I'll come on some time I'm just busy man

  20. March Madness can really drive you into madness

  21. Just finished the Little Busters VN...Refrain is one of the best things I've ever experienced

  22. I'd be really surprised if they've planned out all the way to part 6 -- I haven't even heard that they've confirmed part 3 yet (though I'm assuming they will do a part 3).

  23. It's what has introduced me to the magnificence that is JoJo, and is Nightmare approved, so I'm glad it's approved by you as well. I think the only reason why it doesn't follow the manga 100% is because of budget issues though. The music is so beautiful :D.

  24. My brother (who I got into JoJo) and I just hugged each other for like 5 minutes after it happened. RIP to a great man.

  25. Manly tears during that last JoJo episode

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