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Dr. Tarrasque

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Everything posted by Dr. Tarrasque

  1. As a kid I dreamed that peach cheated on mario and it has come true many many times >_>. I stopped dreaming before I played FE :\
  2. Plus the first chapter's got a good number of hunters, danger at first sight ain't nice.
  3. I think I'd have to be high for that to make sense... and I've never been high.
  4. Celice because he's a stronger version of an already broken lord called Sigurd.
  5. Too bad she should definitely be a different class.
  6. Lol that's awesome. GOLDOA WILL NOT MOVE. HOLD! HOLD I SAY! lol
  7. Link: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-na-49-en-70-31ks.html
  8. It was forced on me and I never knew about N64 Memory Cards (or whatever they're called) till I got the gamecube so I had to do beat it in 1 sitting. Took a while...
  9. Why not? I personally find him easier to solo with Lloyd than using a party because he quickly kills every1 else and if it's just you alone, you can focus much better on avoiding his attacks and healing yourself.
  10. In FEDS that'd be pretty good if those snipers are all generic.
  11. I've played and beaten superman 64. Worst game ever.
  12. If it hasn't already been said, I think there's a point in the game where it is mentioned that not all laguz are good at sensing the branded... think this was Muarim who said that to Micaiah but I'm not sure...
  13. Ah right forgot the put down role... Just defending something of great value near the endgame I guess (or in the endgame itself).
  14. That last posts was no joke. I seriously did not target any1 with that first comment you quoted. If that's not what you're referring to then call me clueless.
  15. That's quite wrong actually.
  16. Flip of a coin. The choices were Boo or ThunderMan.
  17. I said it in another thread: Swordmaster or Hero. Druid if my option was limited to being a magic boss.
  18. It doesn't have to be complicated it can be quite simple really. You can choose to believe in there being a Jeigan AND Oifaye archetype or just one of the 2, it's up to you really. I acknowledge both Archetypes, Jeigan being the more crappy one and Oifaye being one that CAN make it to endgame. For my gameplay purposes though, there is only Jeigan Archetype since I won't use the Jeigan/Oifaiye unless I feel like using 1 or 2 low tier characters (this excludes the first Jeigan though since there's just no freaking way I'll use him outside of FEDS H5 and even then, it's just for the first few chapters).
  19. The hell would you wanna be a Knight for? If I were a boss, I'd be a SwordMaster or a Hero with awesome weapons (maybe a general if Armorslayer didn't exist lol). Take Gel (boss of chapter 19 FE6) for example, that guy could've been the toughest freaking boss EVER if he were to use RuneSword instead of that stupid light brand. Or a killer weapon... almost anything really, it's just that Light brand that's making him suck.
  20. Yeah but since after conquering the throne in FE games there's no anime attacking you or returning on the next chapter we can assume that if they take the throne you die so you're better off on that throne. If it's killing a unit that you want then just think of a really cheap strategy like a map full of untouchable (except by flying units) bolting mages.
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