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Dr. Tarrasque

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Everything posted by Dr. Tarrasque

  1. There's a PM option for this sort of thing. My Controls > Email Settings (down on the left).
  2. Not if that guy happens to be some1 who obviously can't tame the bear.
  3. Congrats. *Gives back the 50 cool points for removing that Naraku avatar* >_>
  4. She is a crappy knight. Her CON's not appropriate for a knight and neither is her DEF. Same goes for her STR. The good thing is that her speed isn't too bad, she's capable of doubling when promoted (perhaps before that)
  5. I haven't tried Illyana (SP), it's mostly been Tormod and Soren as my mages. Celerity was pretty much the reason I found no trouble in raising him because that extra 2 MOV usually means more choices of weak enemies for him to kill off.
  6. I find that Celerity makes Tormod an easy one to train.
  7. Mine would be... D-Gray Man 1: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=khhI2EdEbJE FMA 4: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=o8m8wKD_l4w&...feature=related Shakugan No Shana 1: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=be4utbxs7O4 Bleach 3: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aT8cDxCoh0g Naruto Opening 2: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=6GSzitGcNDo Death note 1: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mEdG1LLlWAE
  8. Tales of the Abyss is usually referred to as ToA, that's the first time I've seen any1 use TotA for it. Right or wrong, whatever... that's just what I thought the ToA in his name meant.
  9. Same, I actually didn't really notice the boobs till I read a comment on youtube about em.
  10. I'm guessing ToA means "Tales of Abyss"
  11. No, not really. Tibarn's doubling everything Naesala is so that extra speed Naesala has really doesn't matter. Tibarn's got the better DEF and STR so he's undeniably better.
  12. Deadlier against all units, Physical units do have RES as well, not as much but it still exists. But yeah, it'd definitely help a lot against opposing magic units, not to mention that they're healing with Flare and its activation rate is better than Sol's
  13. She's in the mid 30s I think... and I pretty much made that GIF cause I found Brian's reaction funny when I saw it.
  14. Other than through a cheat code input or in a game that's usually from a cartoon/anime... It's usually uncommon to unlock all characters in 2 and a half hours.
  15. It's uh this here: Can we have more than 1 animated GIF in our sig? I don't wanna remove the Von Karma one just yet :\
  16. I thought this was gonna have something to do with the King in those Zelda Phillips CD-I games.
  17. But 2nd comes after the 1st and if there is no 1st then the 2nd can't exist...
  18. What if you don't make a first impression?
  19. He's a pretty good Trial Map character in FE6 though, makes you wonder if he's lying about his illness.
  20. Pretty good. The below average STR is no surprise.
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