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Everything posted by Fallenite

  1. I'm not sure what you mean :? EDIT: UPON REREADING THROUGH MY LAST POSTS I understand what you meant. I wasn't picking there, just saying how bad Bellsprout is :V If we have to pick again, I'll take Porygon.
  2. I think it's time I actually do this! [spoiler=Statistics So Far] I'm almost positive I could be faster, money might be a problem soon. Special Defense is going to hurt me soon, but for now it's alright. I really wish the Attack and Special Attack statistics would switch, but oh well. I'm really loving this guy, he has at least a 25 HP IV, so that makes me happy. Once I get Staryu, he's gone, but until then he's a pretty clutch member. The physical muscle of the party, but very slow. He's my main defense against Surge, so that's going to be sweet. I'm pretty happy with this.
  3. holy shit, do you know good hair when you see it? do you know good hair? no, sir (or ma'am), i think you don't. i am pretty much an expert on good hair, and i can one-hundred-fifty-seven percent guarantee you that his hair is indeed great. thank you sir for your time and i bid thee farewell.
  4. sorry i've been rather inactive, i just wanted to update that i'm blitzing through the game but things pick up during the week so updates are going to be short until spring break next week. also, bellsprout >_>
  5. Rutger - the epitome of bad. Let's see... he has that dreaded sword-lock, which I'd say is pretty terrible in a lance game. I mean, I guess access to Killing Edge is... something. But I'd rather have my boy Roy handle them armors. Another thing -- he gets in the way of our kawaii Fire Emblem incest! This shit does not fly in my book. If negative votes were allowed, I'd do it at the drop of a hat. Finally, since you guys like to also use personalities in your vote mixture (?????), he has what... all of 10 words in his scripts? (Don't count please) He is probably WAY too dark and edgy to function. I'd love to give him negative, but let's give him something since he has a hood. And hoods are fucking awesome. 1/10
  6. As far as mages go, Lugh's pretty solid. From personal experience he's gotten to doubling within a few chapters from recruitment, he has had less than stellar Magic gains, but he's early chip and a clutch armor killer, which otherwise decimate Alan and Lance with horseslayers. I've always liked Anima magic, as well. 8.5/10 without bias because bias is just bad.
  7. This is too fun. Except for Bert, but man, fuck Bert. I really don't like Team Rocket, but whatever. For now they are nothing. Come Saffron Tower... So we beat up nerds and take their finds in a mountain. Also, evolution time! Yay! (I should have waited until 18 for early Bite, but I'll need the defense boosts for Gary... And plus waiting one level isn't going to be hard at all.) This is going to be critical to beating Bulbasaur. I won't have any other counters. Our first draft pick. I'm not overly excited about Relaxed (bonus to Defense, hindrance to Speed). It means he'll be more of a tank, so in the end I guess it's worth it. Pretty much all of the time he'll be out-sped, however. These may come in handy later. Now, I forgot to grab ACTUAL battle screenshots from Bert's battle, but I do have information on what to do. Pidgeotto will out-speed, but won't be doing a lot of damage. Sand Attack is the worst it can do. Trust me, it is the worst. With how wonky accuracy and evasion statistics are, any negative counter you have can seriously screw up your plans. I believe it got off one before spamming Gust until it died, but that could easily have gone totally wrong. Bulbasaur will be sent out to counter Wartortle, but my AI got screwy and decided to spam the ever missing Sleep and Poison Powders. I got off 3 Tail Whips, which was enough to 2HKO it. With the main threat gone, it was basically EXP clean up. I had Claws take on Abra, setting up +6 Defense Curl before the final blow was delivered. Rattata spent four out of the six turns it was alive Tail Whipping me down until it realized it was going to die, so it spit out two Quick Attacks, which did jack-all to Claws and his defense. Checkmate, Bert. I spent the rest of the time going through Nugget Bridge. A required 6 trainers. Luckily Claws needs levels, or else I'd be in fact OVER leveled. We mopped up the floor with everyone, including the Rocket. Ending quote, levels and statistics so far coming your way. [spoiler=Level ups]
  8. I actually really like Thany; she's a Pegasus Knight for one. Flying by Chapter 2 is really great and helpful all around. Great design-- doesn't that smile just brighten your day? I can just imagine her smiling while she's slaughtering a Brigand, just laughing at the fact that he can't hit her. Plus, she has GREAT hair. 10/10
  9. Magmar. And that wraps it up for me. I'll get going on this ASAP.
  10. in a game that's so easy, why are you not voting based on HAIR STYLES? because artur fails there three times over.
  11. I'm not even sure what's going on Machop I guess?
  12. Oh man, I feel so bad that I completely forgot about this. This week had things start picking up, so I sincerely apologize! I'll take Venonat, it's not that bad of a Pokemon I guess. And we're starting?
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