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Everything posted by Fallenite

  1. rather mediocre for a fire-type, but it's pretty much your best bet outside of maybe rapidash if you didn't choose charmander for a starter. starved for a good stab move, and fire is special anyway, so you're not hitting for as much damage as you would probably like. 5.5/10 is what i'd give it outside of bias, but arcanine has been a bro since red days, so 6.5 with bias??
  2. decent doesn't make top tier though, even if it's "been there all game." zigzagoon is available all game, yet rating it above 5 is way overkill because it's the mediocre of mediocre, even after pickup and hm utility. rayquaza isn't actually all that good anyway, hardly trivializing the e4. beldum shouldn't even get a rate because it's not in-game :y
  3. haha look at that a lame normal type. it's got pretty much zero going for it besides fun with assist, even though it will never have the power to go into it. you're better of using your moonstone on jiggly for a cool bulky normal, but even then you might want to rethink that. pretty much no support to your team, that pure normal typing doesn't help, lackluster stats, too rare to consider spending the time it'll take to search for it then train it. i'll give it half a point because, uh, well it's not worth a 0. .5/10 final answer
  4. emerald e4's lowest is like 48 or 49, so you'll be getting to 50 no problem with your other guys. there are hardly any other uses for rare candies besides for guys that need to catch up and uh, not much else. guys you'd want to baby i guess. slakoth is out of the way because it is EASY to get it to 18 as i've pointed out (easier than 'dos). DD on gyarados, as i've pointed out, isn't really helping it because no stab moves besides special water, which coming off 60 special attack, or hp flying that's rather on the hard side to get, you won't be doing much with it outside hyper beam and EQ, which EQ has much better uses. gyarados also has a really mediocre earlygame, with only like bite and dragon rage until the underpowered hydro pump comes along
  5. the point is that hariyama can actually pull off bd and hit back like a two-ton semi smack on the face. unless it's SE, nothing is going to do more than ~30% unless you're against a high powered special sweeper with a stab move, which puts to question the logic of using hariyama. and if training is going to be involved, it's easy as shit to train up guys even if you're only gaining 50%. slakoth isn't hard to get to 18 at all, and then it's a smooth ride to slaking, and it comes at a time when ohkos are rather easy to pull off. slaking's great at hitting and running back after recharge, so yeah. also, i see the point of a low ranked beldum because it comes postgame, but bagon is easy to get up to speed because level 50 honestly isn't hard to train to at all. salamence is probably really of deserving of top tier because of how awesome it is against the e4 and postgame steven with flamethrower
  6. 4% isn't exactly stellar, but it's heaps better than surskit or seedot's 1% (emerald wise). it's got better availability than seedot in emerald, but eh that's middle of the road. i agree they're both mediocre pokemon at best, but i'm just trying to give credit where credit is due.
  7. statistically it isn't that bad, but the defenses just aren't worth it imo. he lacks speed, but i guess that can be covered with uh, that fire move that ups speed, flame charge iirc, but he doesn't have the defenses at all to back up the ton of weaknesses fire/fighting brings. offensively it can be a powerhouse, but it's just not tankish enough to be that slow.
  8. all the starters are pretty forgettable and needless in bw
  9. man this is fun. alright, unless you're going through a timed run or something, the extra time it takes to raise a pokemon doesn't actually matter at all. vigoroth can run strength, secret power, a potential brick breaker. you get strength rather early in this game, and a free 120 base move isn't hurting it at all. true, you can't rely on ohkos when they matter, but it's fucking powerful for what it brings to the table, that being a pure normal. also, why would you use a pure normal type against the ghost e4 trainer??? lotad can train on ralts, wurmples, etc. until it gets a better move, absorb, being a) stab (albeit weaker than a grandmother punching) and b) neutral to poochyena and ziggy. early evolution gives it a stat boost early on that can help power through roxanne's lackees, and even the rock queen herself. i was going off sapphire since it is its main game, and emerald has the same earlygame appearance rate anyway. i'm not saying ludicolo is competing for the water type of your team, but it's really versatile with basically a free leftovers in the rain or doubled speed plus a powerful surf, waterfall, etc. seedot and co have next to nothing to offer to the table, and free solarbeam is kind of a nice plus i guess i overlooked, but base 90 is kind of eh in the field of beam sweepers. there are better mons deserving of solarbeam imo. let's look at the physical moves azumarill gets: tackle (ahaha, no), rollout (who wants an unreliable locking move), double-edge (selling-point, yet no stab), focus punch (ai is hit it, hit it, hit it), hp (limited to a physical damaging type, and 70 power at that. hp fighting at 70 will take you -1 attack iv, so not really worth it), hyper beam (this is a joke right), frustration (aka the most useless move ever), iron tail (shaky 75% accuracy, much better on someone who can use it with the costs, i.e. an actual steel type), dig (best move ever clearly free escape rope utility and that's it), brick break (i wouldn't waste it on azumarill, but it's there i guess??), secret power (i guess since it's an infinite tm, it COULD be useful, but base 70 with no stab is kind of lame. paralysis hax is too risky even out of in-game), and then strength, which is kind of useful, and rock smash, which is pretty much field utility only. since it raises the ACTUAL stat and not the base, it's not gaining too much honestly with a base 50. outside of surf utility, i don't think it deserves above a 3, maybe 4. hariyama's tank-like qualities give it more of an advantage and a way to actually use what it has. it may be slow as balls, but it hits like a truck and can tank quite a bit. arm thrust and vital throw are by no means bad moves. having that hp stat makes belly drum that much better to use. the fact that it gets bd naturally gives it an edge over breloom. i don't get what you're trying to argue swellow in for, i agree it has a pretty awesome earlygame, but its typing and limited movepool lag it waaaay down mid-lategame. wasting AA on it is just going to fill you with regret and misery. facade is way too risky on frail swellow imo.
  10. coins are rather cheap, and roulette is a fun way to get a lot of coins, besides money becomes less of a thing after amulet coin + fly due to unlimited reporter battles. (which i guess is about the time you'd have psychic anyway)
  11. gen 5 and its awkward stat spreads. tepig has a somewhat okay earlygame, but he's never really played an important role in my team after that. usually chandelure and scrafty are all i need for fire/fighting coverage, and they also cover ghost/dark, which is a nice plus. until lure comes around, he can stomp around for a bit i guess, but really his stats are so awkward. he's some kind of bulky physical attacker, could go mixed, but mostly physical, except he lacks the defensive stats to back that hp up. i'll just give him a 3/10 with -1 bias because his design is fucking terrible.
  12. ralts being in a much slower gaining exp group means a level 16 ralts will be contributing a lot less to the team than a level 16 kadabra (or alakazam). by the time you get to mauville you can pretty much get psychic if you really need it that early, but alakazam rocking psybeam will be more than enough off that special. shock wave is just a plus and for steels/darks, which i'd question using a psychic pokemon against anyway. overall alakazam will be able to keep up with a team a lot better than the ralts line will, i've tried a few runs with them and they hog the better amount of exp for a long time. very few things i see that voir gets over zam: earlier psychic/cm, technically earlier availabilty, better defensive stats, and tbolt access, while alakazam has; earlier final evolution, better psychic attack earlier (psybeam isn't as bad as relying on confusion for 20 levels), better sweeping potential (delicious base 125 special attack is always nice early on). set on the table, if you're going into a battle that will be drawn out, gardevoir is usually better, but zam kills things way more often than not in a single hit.
  13. it's not so much like RPGs in general, more of a monster catcher/breeder. your pokemon do level up and gain stats, and there's some sense of a max stat, but it's really open in terms of how you train and what your natures and IVs are. it's really a fun series once you get the ball rolling, and it's insanely popular for a reason. it's open to pretty much any age of gamer, and still vastly fun. in reality pokemon games are really dumbed down because of the lower target audience, so really stats aren't as important in-game as other RPGs. you can get by just fine with just about any pokemon, which is also sort of unique if a few of your favorites happen to be not the best stat-wise.
  14. being a firered exclusive, a lot of the water types are rather lackluster. cloyster makes an OK tank, poliwrath a pretty strong mixed sweeper,, lapras and vaporeon being pretty bulky, you've got at least some competition for a surf user, and golduck doesn't have much to make it shine. plus it comes pretty late when you could have gotten some other water type loads better. it's not bad by all means, but it's not good either. 4/10
  15. granted i wrote most of that post off the top of my head, but with the exp share available so much earlier in this game than FR/LG, or GSC for that matter, the extra time it takes to train a pokemon that actually ends up good is worth it in the long haul. kadabra might not get cm by level up, but alakazam does, and 'zam is available a lot earlier than voir. not to mention voir doesn't have reliable recovery outside of the standard chestorest or the risky hypnosis/dream eater. 50% accuracy misses far more than it should. i just find alakazam's glass cannon base spread more useful than a semi-tankish psychic. also if exp sharing or switch-grinding isn't allowed, then magikarp loses a lot of points. gyarados lategame aren't enough to make up for it since they'll have wild growths.
  16. i hope you're not adding aron and evos to that list because they're pretty much one of the best in-game tanks rse-wise also i wish i knew about this SOONER because this list is looking pretty damn whack. taillow and swellow aren't top tier, normal/flying is a terrible type combo. why is makuhita/hariyama so low??? shroomish/breloom aren't that great, unless you have the patience for sporemish, which nobody does. STAB prio is pretty beefy, but lategame it falls pretty short. asdf even with pickup utility, ziggy isn't better than a lot of the things it currently is. slaking and co are much better even with traunt. marill is not good at all, a terrible pokemon that pales in comparison to wingull/pelipper, who has a clutch earlygame and hm utility mid-endgame. surf and fly on one pokemon is p cool. why is abra lower than magikarp if the latter requires even more babying, which is mainly the reason i saw it voted down?? trade evolutions aren't a pain in the ass to get, and alakazam and kadabra have the exact same level up movepool, meaning you can get a clutch psychic user way earlygame. ralts is just too weak and gains exp too slow for it to be used. sure in the end it has more defenses, but it isn't going to be ohko'ing anything as often as alakazam. also seedot and evos aren't better than the lotad gang. kyogre and instant rain gives more advantages than groudon and sun. aaaaaanyway, nosepass is that pokemon you'll see once a playthrough, and that being in the first gym. kind of a dick to kill that early on, but with all the advantages given through the routes, it's easier than you'd expect. other than that, pretty much every other rock type is more useful, the other two in its catching area (aron and geodude) to name a few. earlygame dick, but nothing past that, a solid 1/10 because it's a pretty cool concept.
  17. i used that word before it was cool
  18. welp computer went up and virus'd itself this weekend, lost all data and yeah. sometime i'll get to playing it, but i think i'm out for now.
  19. yeah call me a stickler, but i disagree with comparing one class with another, especially if said classes are on opposite ends of the spectrum (coughMARCIAISAPEG/FALCOKNIGHTNOTAMAGEcough). there's kind of a reason there are different classes, maybe???
  20. >black hair >suddenly emo Okay, I laughed. But no, his character is nothing like that of a stereotypical overly emotional teenager. He's more of a cold, hard realist that is willing to do whatever necessary in order to keep the mercenaries alive and profitable. I don't see anything wrong with that. Wind may on the lower end of magic tomes in this game, but he has access to the others fairly early on, so I don't see the argument there. He's unbelievably frail early on, but you start off with a lot of viable meat shields to help him level up. His growth rates are that of a typical glass cannon, gaining magic and skill fast, while getting defense rarely. Once he gets going, he's not going to stop anytime soon. Supports with Ike add much appreciated Avoid, although I admit he will be competing for those supports. In my opinion the best Mage/Sage in the game. 7.5/10 no bias because bias is dumb
  21. I'm having too much fun. And then there was Bert. This time around Bert is MUCH more dangerous due to Ivysaur and Kadabra. Pidgeotto is still annoying with Sand Attack, but overall it's a pushover as long as you watch out for Quick Attack in case you're low on health. Ivysaur is the real threat on the team with Sleep Powder and Leech Seed, able to decimate pretty much anyone on my team not named Bellsprout, who hits back with... nothing. Chip with 2-5 damage at best with Bullet Seed, but who has TIME for that lame strategy? Not me. So I went with putting IT to sleep with my own Sleep Powder, and finishing it off with Wartortle. Next up was Raticate, who fell prey to Wartortle's Water Gun. Close call, 2 HP was all I had at the end of that tussle. Kadabra was the final hurdle, being, in my opinion, the most dangerous. Confusion hit both Bellsprout and Sandshrew for an OHKO. I pretty much had to use a Super Potion here, lest I get wiped out and force a restart... yeah, no. All in all it was an intense battle. What a jerk. Best move ever, am I right? Good bye, tiny boat! Okay, before anyone goes crazy over this, I have a few very sound reasons for this. For one, I can't be assed to go and catch an HM Slave. This will save me a few minutes at least. Another thing is that Bellsprout and evolutions' level up move pool is absolutely atrocious for the longest time. Cut might actually BENEFIT it, who knows. And by the time I don't need it, the move deleter is just in Fuchsia and pretty much right around the corner. Bossing up this dude's move set, Dig's just to get me through this next gym. Speaking of which... NO THIS DIDN'T TAKE AN HOUR TO FIND. BOY DO I LOVE THIS TEDIOUS MAZE. GOSH NINTENDO WHY DON'T YOU MAKE THIS AN ICE PUZZLE AS WELL. Lieutenant Surge is kind of a pushover with a Ground type. There isn't much about him besides "pray to God you don't get paralyzed." Let's talk strategy: USE DIG. I guess also make sure you don't get hit as well. But isn't that kind of every strategy devised ever? On the plus side it is pretty relieving to have such an easy gym leader after Misty. [spoiler=Level Ups] [spoiler=Statistics So Far] Pretty happy since I usually spend a gajillion hours in S.S. Anne. Money... I'm so proud of you. Except learn how to take a special attack soon, please. There are no words for how clutch Wartortle is. Can someone say glass cannon? Two words. Rock. Tunnel.
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