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Everything posted by Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  1. Unfortunately, this not apply just to Flayn, or just 3H for that matter. Much like other fandoms as of late, such as MegaTen games, Jojo, etc once the fandom grows to a substantial size, this kind of thing just seems to happen with the mainstream. Be it due to voice actors and their fans trending jokes, or general behavior of a younger audience, this kind of thing just always seems to happen. Typically discussions like this snowball into conversations about Gatekeeping, etc, so I’ve learned to tread carefully... I can actually sympathize with the “gatekeeping crowd”, seeing how it can become very isolated in a community you find yourself very engaged in enjoying a piece of media in a way that you personally feels construes what is intended to be portrayed, however there is nothing to be done about it. In this case, people truly don’t care for Flayn or other characters in the mainstream outside of these memes and such. As you are free to enjoy what is presented in game, they are free to enjoy the image they created of her, once again as did you. At the end of the day, it’s a game character. Pixels on a screen. She’s not real, therefore the “defamation” does nothing aside from isolate members in the fandom. I personally get frustrated (not really, but I guess it makes me sigh a little lol) when I notice as of late people have lost their voices in the fandom and then seem to share the exact same sentiment as you when it becomes convenient, with this being exhibit A. Some of these characters were memed the hell out of, be it Rhea or Edlegard most popularly, however when some decently big named FE Tuber makes a character analysis, the fandom seems to take that content as gospel and begin to gatekeep against those who made the same memes they once did... I suppose I can relate in full, seeing how I love Gilbert’s character and that is certainly a death wish within this fandom lol. I can confidently state he’s one of the few characters in 3H cast, and FE overall that feels pretty human, and I respect and admire the themes in his character. I think his relationship with Annette is a little new to FE, as in I don’t think it’s been done much which certainly makes him stand out. I could gush about Gilbert all day, but the fandom in the mainstream wants nothing of it. I was kicked off of a friend’s community some time ago because my bias towards him under a post about him was perceived “problematic”...the gatekeeper has been successfully gatekeeper, I suppose. Either way, I’m not into policing your or others interest, be it for the character presented in game or the memes. I’m certainly passionate about the characters, but I’m not gonna tell a fandom that just played there first and last FE a year and a half ago to stop having fun because their doing it wrong. It’s really all just pixels at the end of the day, and I think the community has places where you can enjoy characters as they are presented in game without others bogging down the engagement with memes, or in the least I’d hope to think. I’m always one for gushing about characters, be it poorly written, overshadowed by memes, or not in FE, so who knows? Perhaps there are others like me who can be your Flayn/Seteth-fanboy outlet. Others who are likely just as passionate about these two in particular as you outside of memes/who aren’t fanboys of the VA’s. ...I’m a little stumped however in my search for Gilbert fans, but who knows? Maybe your search will be much more fruitful. Or better yet, create a video essay on why their characters are good to you, and maybe the entire fandom will become your outlet.
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