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Posts posted by Konnor97

  1. Is it just me though, or is Gary way easier in Yellow than in Red or Blue or even FR and LG? I had a lot more trouble with him in FR/LG and am just steamrolling him in Yellow. Also, he had a Jolteon, but I lost one of the first two battles with him. I was told that if I lost one and won the other, he'd have a Flareon. What's going on here?

    Another thing, I noticed that all the trainers in the Fuschia gym are using Psychic type Pokemon and not Poison types. What's up with that? Was this an oversight by GameFreak?

    Actually, going by what you said on page 2, you lost the route 22 fight but then retried and won, so I guess it took that result in regards to Eevee's evolution.

    I don't think it's an oversight. The Juggler trainer class prefers to use Psychic types because of their trickery I guess. Maybe they didn't want to bring in Jr. Trainers to use the Nidoran lines, or Picnickers/Beauties for Glooms/Weepinbells. Maybe it's to keep you on your toes in this invisible maze of a gym filled with ninjas, luring you into a false sense of security.

  2. Yeah, that's a good possibility too.

    I went to the Safari Zone for the first time to see some more Pokemon (I like to see every Pokemon before catching them all). I only got to see Tauros out of what I hadn't seen yet, but it's something. :P

    If memory serves, don't you find the warden's teeth here too? I'll have to go back and find them, and hope I don't waste too much money doing so. >.>

    Yep, and Surf.

  3. ...Well, that's odd to me. I wonder why it was completely changed. Maybe to help players not access Saffron too early?

    Probably. If you just needed a vending machine item in FR/LG, you could just have it traded to you, and it would let you skip Cut and go to Celadon for the Game Corner pokemon/Eevee as soon as Cerulean.

  4. I can't though, I haven't yet gotten access to Saffron City. You need to find the coffee or whatever to give the gate guards...

    I got my team to level 35-36 after clearing the routes east and west of Fuschia City, it's still not enough for Koga though. :(

    Also "promote cavalier"? This isn't FE, dude. :P

    In Yellow I think you just need one of the vending machine drinks to give to a guard.

  5. ...The hell?! That's ridiculous. Erika's levels were just 32-34, that is a really stupid level curve right there.

    As for Hypnosis, it figures. I never get lucky with it. I can never get it to hit and it always hits me...

    I think the game wants you clear both routes to Fuschia City in Yellow before fighting Koga. Koga's Yellow team is just about on par level-wise with RB Giovanni.

    [spoiler=Sabrina]Level 50 Abra

    Level 50 Kadabra

    Level 50 Alakazam

  6. If you were underwhelmed by Chapter 4 being the Land of Sleep, fret not! Chapter 5 is where the hack starts getting serious, and by that I mean it's where the hack's intense hatred for the player becomes abundantly clear.

    Chapter 5 Part 1: Welcome to BelHELLa


    Sigurd's destroyed half of the surprisingly small continent of Jugdral, and is ready to march back home and fuck shit up there as well. Unfortunately for him, the villainous faces on display here have other plans.


    Hey, look who it is! Vylon isn't ready to become a Tragic Dead Parent just yet!


    Though if these guys have their way, he'll be one very soon.


    Who cares about the plot, though, we've got pitfighting to do and inventories to manage!


    The Arena enemies this time around are pretty much all toting Killer weapons, with a few exceptions. We've got another generic Swordfighter and Bowfighter pair, because damn near every Arena so far has had one.


    The Warrior in the second rank has been replaced with a Berserker, toting a Killer Axe in melee and a mere Hand Axe at range.


    Geese the General retains his class, but has dropped all those crappy Steel weapons for a dangerous Master Lance.


    This Mercenary/Forrest has also traded his equipment in, tossing aside a Thunder Sword for a Killer Sword and Hand Axe.


    Yet more Killer weapons with this Dragon Master and his ranged Sniper counterpart. This chapter's Arena enemies are threatening, but not especially creative.


    Oddly, we get a little FE3 cameo in the form of Rikard, known as That Thief Nobody Uses, or alternately, That Thief With A Big Gay Crush On Julian. He's basically just the generic Earth Sword-wielding Thief Fighter from the vanilla game with a new coat of paint, but it's a neat cameo nonetheless.


    The female Mercenary on the left is the first Arena enemy with a Skill, namely Luna. Both she and the Sniper are wielding Hero Weapons, just to make life less fun for everybody.

    Interestingly, the Mercenary apparently drops a Luna Manual if you beat her without having received it in the previous chapter. I've never had this happen, as not getting the Luna Manual involves somehow ignoring Lamia and her little deathsquad, and there's really no reason to do that, but it's pretty neat all the same.


    Arena rewards have been doubled, instantly filling everyone's wallets to the brim. I suppose it's the game's way of telling you that it's time to start thinking about item inheritance.

    You already know what comes next, of course; time to see how everyone did in the Arena!

    Arena Rankings and Level Ups:

    ARENA RANKINGS- Sigurd *, Briggid *, Fury *, Sylvia 3, Arden *, Tiltyu *, Claude 7, Levin *, Holyn *, Adean *, Midayle *, Noish 5, Lachesis *, Dew *, Jamke *, Beowulf *, Ira *, Azel *, Lex *, Alec 2


    Sigurd: 3 levels- +3 MHP, +2 Skl, +1 Def

    Making the best use of that Elite Ring you got, aren't you Sigurd?

    Briggid: 2 levels- +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Str, +2 Luk, +1 Def


    Fury: 3 levels- +1 MHP, +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Luk, +2 Def

    I wish Fury was always this tanky. It's nice having Pegasus Knights with decent durability.

    Sylvia: 1 level- Nothing


    Arden: 3 levels- +2 MHP, +1 Def

    Moving on.

    Tiltyu: 2 levels- +1 MHP, +1 Spd, +1 Luk, +1 Def

    One of the 2 levels she got was completely empty, because of course.

    Claude: 2 levels- +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Def

    Someone's been slacking on their workout, I see. Come on, Claude, I need a buff High Priest in my life.

    Levin: 2 levels- +2 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Mgc, +1 Luk, +1 Def

    If you're wondering why he hasn't gotten Speed, I'm pretty sure he's capped it. Not a surprise, coming from him.

    Holyn: 3 levels- +2 MHP, +1 Spd, +1 Mgc, +1 Luk

    It's honestly pretty difficult to say anything interesting about most of these. They're not bad, they're just kind of generic.

    Midalye: 2 levels- +1 Skl, +1 Def

    I have no idea how you got all this Defense, but I wish you'd do it again sometime.

    Noish: 2 levels- +2 MHP, +1 Str, +1 Def


    Lachesis: 1 level- +1 Str, +1 Luk

    Typical, really.

    Dew: 2 levels- +2 Def

    I mean, why not I suppose, but you've got other stats that are equally neglected by your 40% growths.

    Jamke: 3 levels- +2 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def

    Those certainly were levels that you had.

    Beowulf: 2 levels- +1 MHP, +2 Spd, +1 Mdf

    It's a minor miracle whenever anyone gets Resistance, so good on you Beowulf!

    Ira: 2 levels- +1 Str, +2 Def

    Man, it seems everyone's getting more Defense lately. I can't complain.

    Azel: 2 levels- +1 MHP, +2 Str, +1 Mgc

    You're kidding yourself if you think that Strength stat means I'm giving you a sword, Azel.

    Lex: 2 levels- +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Str

    He's hit the level cap. Way to end all this with a bang, Lex.


    After that, it was time to start passing items around for the kids. Fury's snatched up the Critical Guard off of Briggid, who in turn used the money to buy the Luna Manual and trade her Steel Bow for Midayle's Silver one. This is more for Faval's benefit that Briggid's.


    The Silver Card is now in Adean's hands. This will really help Lana out.


    Tiltyu swapped her Thoron with Levin's Elwind. In hindsight, not the best move, since neither of Tiltyu's kids can get Thoron anyway, but it'll give Teeny something other than a measly Thunder tome. I'll need to figure out what Levin'll pass down to Arthur later.


    Finally, Levin handed that Recover staff over to Claude, since poor Corpul will need every advantage he can get if he wants to be relevant.

    This isn't all I'll be doing, but any more item shuffling would fuck up my plans for beating Chapter 5, so for now we'll be leaving it like this.


    Sigurd'll be taking most of the army to "save" his dad and deal with all those dastardly villains in the way.


    A few characters will be splitting off to deal with a more... diabolical threat than some ugly old men with fancy dragon blood, though. You'll see what that is in a moment.


    First, let's see what stands in between us and a touching family reunion with dear old dad.


    First up, the armor knights. Three have Killer Axes, while the other two have Silver Axes and Halberds. A bit of a worry, but nothing we haven't seen before.


    The dismounted Mage Knights are just your typical mages with a side of being annoying healers.


    Then we get to their commander, who has a portrait lifted from Thracia 776 but still lacks a unique name. With that Hero Axe, Master Bow and surprisingly high (for a generic) stats, he's a fairly credible threat, though as long as you're careful in how you approach him he's still nothing too difficult.


    How I wish the same could be said about the enemies who've gathered on this side of the map. You see, in doing away with all the crappy Armors that used to populate this side of the map, our foes have managed to summon something for more sinister for us to deal with.


    The Great Knights have Devil Axes, and the Iron Knights have Devil Swords. While the potential for backfire can result in enemies doing themselves in, you're still looking at 25 Might whenever the weapon actually hits home without backfiring.


    The female paladins are a nasty pair, with healing staves and an unpleasant new sword in hand;


    Meet the Darkness Sword. Unlike a lot of weapons who were clearly inspired by/lifted from Thracia, this one actually isn't anything like Mareeta's special weapon, it's just another magic sword, but one that casts a dark magic spell, and has a very high crit rate to boot! The +5 Mdf is coming from this weapon.


    The male Paladin in the center is yet another visitor from pre-zany-fun-time Akaneia, Hardin. Though with all the evil-themed stuff around him, I'm guessing it might actually be Satan in disguise.


    One of those evil-themed things is a "new" skill, also called Darkness Sword. It's been changed from its default-but-unused incarnation in vanilla FE4; if it activates when the unit is attacking, it adds 10 Attack, and if it activates when the unit is taking a hit, it adds 10 Defense/Resistance.


    There's also this nasty little thing he's holding, the Lopto Sword, providing a +20 Res boost and halving any damage dealt to him. And yes, Darkness Sword's defensive effect can stack with it. We'll need Ira and the Blaggi Sword just to hurt the guy.


    It wouldn't be Genealogy if there weren't bandits destroying villages. They've all got Devil Axes too, so I can only assume they're part of the demonic incursion that's rapidly approaching our home castle.


    Let's see how our father is doing, as well as get a look at the jerks trying to off him.


    Vylon has decent enough stats, and remembered to equip something other than his broken Holy Weapon, but he's still not long for this world if you don't reach him quickly. The boss between us and him can kill him in just a couple Master Bow shots.


    The troops chasing after him are more or less Axe Knight versions of the Armors we're about to deal with.


    Slayder, on the other hand, has his own niche to carve out, and that niche is "fucking annoying jackass". No longer is he just some chump with pitiful stats that gets mowed down effortlessly by our troops, because he's gotten huge boosts to basically everything, picked up both Pursuit and Great Shield, and is toting something more potent than your run-of-the-mill Silver Axe;


    He's got yet another special weapon called the Tomahawk. It's basically a Helswath-lite, with similar damage and range but without the huge stat boosts. The +5 it provides is still quite potent, of course.


    And hey, remember those fucking absurd Bow Knights from the last chapter that ate Mahnya's squad alive with almost no effort. Guess who we'll be fighting!


    Their commander, Andrei, is even more threatening than any of them, with higher stats, the addition of Continue on top of the Pursuit-Critical-Charge combo, and a pair of incredibly lethal weapons.


    The Master Sword rounds out the quartet of Master weapons, and like the others is a more powerful but heavier and less accurate version of the Hero weapon of its weapon type. You might think this makes it unwise to attack him in melee, but you haven't seen what he's got for ranged battles;


    This bow is called the Gatling Bow, and if you've played Tear Ring Saga, you know exactly what this is and probably groaning in disgust at the sight. For those not in the know, imagine a Hero weapon that goes off 4 times before the enemy gets to retaliate, rather than two, and can potentially get 8 attacks if the wielder is fast enough, with skills potentially bringing that number even higher. It requires either Ulir blood or 15 personal Skl to wield. This weapon makes attacking Andrei from range downright suicidal, especially given his uncomfortably high chance to crit with it.


    We won't be dealing with any of that just yet, though; right now we've just got to worry about Vylon and these bandits.


    Okay, and these demons about to rain hellfire down upon us.


    Speaking of hellfire being rained on people, Alvis discusses the upcoming cookout that will be hosted in the capital once Sigurd finishes tearing his way through to them.


    I think you can guess how this encounter went.


    In a form of desperate madness, I use Blizzard on Satan!Hardin in the vain hope that it'd put him to Sleep. It doesn't.


    Nevermind that, then, we've got enemies who are complete pushovers to handle.


    +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Str, +1 Mdf. Keep this up and Yewfelle will cease to have any weight at all!


    Her soon-to-be husband gets a +1 MHP, +1 Spd level here, but I didn't screenshot it because I'm the worst in all things.


    +1 MHP, +1 Spd, +1 Mgc, +1 Luk. Why are your best levels always siege tome related?


    One healer down, one to go.


    Not our healers, though, they're still kicking.


    Vylon shuffles towards us, away from the scary axe guys.


    Unfortunately, he's bumbled into range of the unnamed boss. He survives, but only barely.


    Also, this happens. I have no one to blame but myself.


    Levin gets the shit kicked out of him, but he manages to cling to life.


    Stupid Iron Knights and their Great Shield skill. It's only okay when my Iron Knights do that!


    Satan took an interest in Lex, which scared the ever-loving shit out of me, but thankfully Great Shield ended up saving his life.


    Ira witnessed this attempt on her lover's life, and decides to put an end to things once and for all.


    And with the power of love, anything is possible!


    Okay, anything except one-rounding the boss, apparently. She's got him on the ropes, though, we just need someone to finish the job.


    It falls to our local wind god to handle this.


    With a crit and a second blow, he destroys Satan once and for all, and good wins the day.

    Or it would, if this wasn't Genealogy of the Holy War.


    +1 Skl, +1 Mgc. Levin's got a specific brand of underachieving where he always does the same thing, but it's always exactly what you need.


    Briggid and Beowulf tag-team the nameless boss, so Vylon and Sigurd can have a father-son bonding moment in peace.


    Everyone else does their part by demolishing what's left of the border guard.


    As well as getting rid of a bandit, which is totally related to what we're doing here.


    Claude continues to be the beefiest Claude anyone's ever seen with a +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Str, +1 Mgc, +1 Luk level.


    Now, time for Sigurd to do his thing and kill Vylon by talking to him.


    "Dad, please die already so I can have our sacred sword and go kill everything in sight"


    And with a blinding flash of light, Sigurd's father is dead and the sword is in his hands. Time to slaughter everyone!


    Or, well, time to wait until we find a blacksmith. Then we slaughter everyone!


    It is now when I realize I haven't posted a guard for the home castle. Whoops.


    No worries, though; Adean can fill in for now.


    Will our army survive the oncoming onslaught of axes? Will those Paladins pick on Adean or go for less vulnerable prey? Will I not make the next update take an absurdly long time to reach you all? At least one of those questions will be answered soon!

    I hope you don't have Tiltyu keep that Bolting tome during inheritance. Don't want Tinny chucking those around while you try and recruit her.

  7. Yeah, the addition of more offensive moves in those move pools do help that power curve. I can already tell Psychic types are OP in gen 1 myself because they keep hammering me. Does Hypnosis have a higher hit rate in these games? I'm being hit by it way more often than in later games. I can barely beat these Pokemon... I don't know if I'll ever get past Sabrina.

    Hypnosis has a 59.8% to hit in RBY. You're just getting unlucky.

    Yellow's gym leaders' levels are a bit wack.

    [spoiler=Koga]Level 44 Venonat

    Level 46 Venonat

    Level 48 Venonat

    Level 50 Venomoth

  8. Man, more people need to vote for Sun. :( So many more are voting for Moon. If a huge percentage of people get the same version and like 10% people get the other one, it'd be kind of hard to find players to trade with for version exclusives and all. Not saying this is what will happen (the poll is like 66% Moon and 33% Sun currently, not counting the undecided group), but it's possible with the way things are going in the poll now. And we all know the GTS is just about always full of crap. xP

    If there isn't a third version, I'll pick Sun. Shiny Saberleomon is pretty awesome.

  9. Yeah, at least she can get Earthquake later, you're right. Speaking of learning moves, I wish Pikachu would get Thunderbolt already. I guess it gets it later in Yellow than later games.

    Fun Fact: Pikachu can't learn Thunderbolt by level up in R/B. Also, Yellow through Gen 4 Pikachu learns Thunderbolt at level 26, the earliest of any Pikachu. Gen 5 and X/Y Pikachu learns it at 29, and in OR/AS it learns it at 42.

  10. Theory time on how MC ends up in the Velvet Room: MC commits petty crime, gets thrown in a cell overnight to teach him a lesson or something, and during his sleep he ends up in the Velvet Room, where that cutscene with Igor takes place.

  11. Claude forever alone(fuck Corpul)

    How does Claude being left alone screw over Corple? Unless you meant the Valkyrie Staff instead of Corple.

    Azel x Raquesis is pretty nice, although Delmud needs a magic ring.

  12. Is there a limit to how many skills you're able to learn? My MU went through both Basara and Onmyoji (Spear Fighter and Shrine Maiden lines) but didn't get Magic+2 or Future Sight. I know if other characters share classes, they can learn skills from a different line (like if Charlotte A+'d Peri and married Benny, when she reclasses to a Great Knight, she'd learn Cavalier and Knight skills before Great Knight's), but that's not hapenning here. Did i reach a limit or do Friendship seals not work like that?

    You'd only get Magic +2 and Future Sight if you had the Diviner tree. Since you went through Basara and Onmyoji through the Spear Fighter and Shrine Maiden trees, with no access to the Diviner tree specifically, you don't get Diviner's skills. In your case, you would need to buddy up with Hayato/Orochi/Rhajat to get the Diviner skills.

  13. ...The hell? That's dumb. I could've sworn it was that they were always unable to move. I mean, I had some RIDICULOUSLY fast Pokemon, and they couldn't move.

    I think he meant that a faster user would be able to completely lock the opponent. Since you take a turn to be freed from the move, if the user was faster they could just do the move again to trap them again.

  14. Yeah, I did both Gary battles. I always do for the exp and have done it for that reason ever since I first discovered you could battle him at route 22. :P I won one, lost the other, but then rebattled him on route 22 and won. But since I lost at all, that means I get to see Flareon, right? That one is my favorite of the three! Can't believe I'm saying I'm glad I lost to that dickhead. :P I never liked Gary because he's such an ass.

    Silver in Johto is a much better rival character because while he's also an ass at first, he develops and changes into a cool dude later. He even starts respecting and caring about his Pokemon!

    I've made it through Mt. Moon and to Cerulean City, woop woop. Nidoran evolved too! I also chose the Dome Fossil (because I prefer Kabutops over Omastar).

    Pikachu lv. 18

    Nidorina lv. 17

    Spearow lv. 16

    I actually could have a Nidoqueen right now because I found a Moon Stone. lol But since Nidoqueen doesn't learn anymore moves as it levels up, of course, I'm going to hold off on that.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I did hear about the box system in this game, but forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. I'm also aware of the item limit. I'm going to put some stuff in the PC now, in fact, so I don't wind up running out of bag space. :P

    [spoiler=Nidorina's level up moves]19 - Poison Sting (15 power)

    27 - Tail Whip

    36 - Bite (60 power normal move in this gen)

    46 - Fury Swipes (18 power)

    In my opinion, either evolve now or wait until 19 for the STAB. I'd recommend evolving now because Poison Sting is pretty bad.

  15. No problem!

    But I forgot to say something rather important.

    How were your battles with Gary?

    The results of those battle will affect which kind of Eeveevolution he has.

    If you won the battles at Pallet and Route 22 he will have a Jolteon.

    If you lost both of them he will have a Vaporeon.

    If you lost one and won the other he will have a Flareon.

    Did you battle Gary at Route 22? If you didn't that's not a problem, but then I'm not sure what Eeveevolution he will have.

    IIRC, it counts as a loss.

  16. Ah, I see. That's a funny error. :P Thanks!

    I managed to beat Brock in one try, though it didn't come easy. Bind in this game is WTF. I'm glad it's not so stupid in future games. But the team now:

    Pikachu lv. 13

    Nidoran F lv. 13

    Spearow lv. 12

    I leveled up everybody before the gym battle and I'm glad I did. And I'm glad Pikachu will be handy in the next gym. Misty never gave me a lot of trouble, but damn do I hate that her Pokemon have Recover.

    Plus you'll have Bulbasaur, though he'll take some leveling. He, along with the other starters, start at level 10.

  17. I see, thanks for the tip. And I'll probably need that training for Sabrina. Even in the remakes she gave me trouble. Not so much in HG/SS though, somehow. Well, I know in SS I could crush her with my Houndoom, but in HG, I don't remember what I used. :P

    So, question. Is Mankey the only Pokemon I can get right now that is super effective against Brock? I haven't encountered any others. In fact, most of the Pokemon I've found are WEAK to Rock type moves (Pidgey and Pidgeotto, Spearow, Caterpie line) or are ineffective against them (Rattata, Nidoran because it only has Normal type moves so far, Pikachu because Brock's Pokemon are also part Ground type). What was GameFreak thinking with this early game? And I'm serious, I actually ran into a Pidgeotto in Viridian Forest. I don't remember being able to encounter them there in FR/LG. I wonder if FR/LG were sorta nerfed compared to the originals.

    Brock doesn't have rock moves so Butterfree is fine to use Confusion to get past them. It's not super effective, but Brock's pokemon have crap special. Nidoran learns Double Kick at level 12 I think, so that works too. Pidgeotto is a 1% (maybe actually 5%) chance to find in Yellow only.

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