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Posts posted by Konnor97

  1. I could've made that joke, and I didn't, shaming me for life. Even if that's Gazzack's boss quote, and this guy's supposed to be Gomes.

    No it does not. Boy, wouldn't that result in some broken pairings if it did, though. Everyone would have Continue!

    Given how much FE games seem to utterly despise bow users, I guess it's not surprising the single archer of the Crusaders is the one with the shittiest bonuses.

    Alright, this time we're actually playing the chapter instead of reading my uninteresting babble. That'll come back in the next update.

    Chapter 3 Part 2: Book of the rising sun


    Now that we've got all those promotions and shit out of the way, we can start steamrolling the rest of this backwater kingdom. Here's Dew trying to keep up with everyone else on his tiny little legs.


    Enemy phase is completely 100% uneventful.


    Wait, shit.


    I suppose it could've gone worse. She's the only healer on that side of the map, though.


    The pirates have already set out to utterly wreck these villages.


    Luckily, I've got Fury on the case. The Lady Sword makes her an excellent pick to kill village-destroying jerks like them.


    The group's been split up a bit, with Jugdral's hottest couple going to take care of the lancers and Levin and Fin dealing with the mages. I still don't understand why there are mages just sitting around in the woods and all these squads scattered across the countryside, but who am I to question the perfect military mind of Shagaal?


    Midayle, Adean and Beowulf will take care of what's left of these armors here. Midayle and Adean haven't married yet, so I want them to stay together until it finally happens.


    Everyone else is heading straight for Madino to deal with the unattractive neckbeard there. Here's Noish actually killing an enemy who was at full health in one round without taking damage, something that the land's top scientists believed to be impossible.


    Lachesis not only gets a flashy crit, but also a level to the tune of +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Luk. Whatever gets her to Master Knight quicker.


    I'm trying to let Arden participate, too, but when all he's giving me is +1 Str, it's a little difficult to justify using him.


    He does somehow manage to dodge something, amazingly enough, displaying the rarely-seen Armor Knight dodge animation.


    The bow knights move into range, which works out perfectly, since it stops them from using their annoying Killer Bows on me.


    Speaking of Killer Bows, Midayle didn't do an amazing job of dodging this turn. With him and Adean both at low health, I'm a little nervous about having them deal with the rest of the armors.


    The lance knights, on the other hand, get utterly eviscerated. It brings a tear of joy to my eye to see Ethlin dealing good physical damage.


    And again, showing that love truly can bloom on the battlefield.


    I kind of wish Lex's Iron Knight palette had that cool grey/black horse instead of the standard brown.


    I know I should be more careful about abusing the Beo Sword, but a Steel Axe just doesn't have the same flair.


    +1 MHP, +1 Str, +1 Def. I'm still blown away by how poorly Jamke is doing compared to Midayle. Usually, it's the other way around.


    I love Mage Fighter animations. It looks so much better on Azel than that crappy brown armor.


    +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Luk. Why do I let you participate anymore?


    Oh right, that's why.


    I'd kinda hoped for better, really, but at least it brought him pretty close to death.


    None of the Chalphy knights are in good enough shape for me to feel comfortable leaving them in range of the pony archers, so Sylvia dances them to safety.


    Let's try out Ira's new trinket, shall we?


    Expect to see this a lot in FEBinary.


    +1 Luk. If you hadn't already done amazingly in your levels before now, I'd be upset.


    Dew also manages a crit. I hope we get to promote this kid, he becomes quite a jumpy little fella once he gets to level 20.


    Once enemy phase comes around, the mages with Meteor show off their newfound ability to move despite having a siege tome equipped. That's something to keep in mind for later in the update.


    I don't understand how taking a tiny step back allows you to dodge a giant explosion like that, but whatever.


    This also makes all the guys surrounding the castle immediately abandon their post to go kill something miles away. FE4 AI is funny like that.


    Ugh, I hate enemy healers with Fortify. Stop rubbing it in that you can spam that shit all day!


    The Arch Knights proceed to make life difficult for Sylvia. They just knock her into Prayer range, though.


    Levin's finally reached those mages hiding in the forest, with a very predictable +1 MHP, +1 Spd.


    Since all those archers moved into range, everyone immediately starts dogpiling them. Maybe the guy who made this hack should've given them some swords.


    At the very least, the miniboss should've gotten one. All the melee minibosses have ranged weapons, after all, so it's not like he doesn't deserve one!


    The foolish "defenders" of Madino castle have bumbled into range, so we teach the fools a lesson about staying in formation.


    Also, I don't want to deal with this fuck for seven turns.


    The other one's still alive, but what harm could he possibly cause?


    I don't know why I thought having Levin attack the Mage Fighter was a good idea. She proceeds to roast him.


    Fury finally reaches these pirates, but this one dodges before she can kill him. The RNG is a cruel mistress.


    +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Spd. One who enjoys teasing me, as well.


    That's the end of these guys. I guess Adean and Midayle can begin the incredibly slow trudge towards the rest of the army.


    Holyn proves to be quite the Hand Axe magnet. I should've equipped him with his own Hand Axe so he could fire back.


    I don't understand why the enemy archers seem to always go for Jamke and Midayle, but if it gives them an enemy phase I won't question it.


    Jamke makes up for previous errors with +1 MHP, +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Luk, +1 Def. He's also ready for promotion, but that'll have to wait.


    This very well could've cost me everything, but luckily Sylvia dodges.


    Yes, I know you like to spam your fucking Fortify staff every time someone gets a scratch, but watching this animation every turn gets old super fast. Please stop.


    Fin and Levin really don't give it their all this turn. I need better from you than this, guys.


    Let's not give her a chance to oven roast the bard.


    No more of that nonsense, lady.


    Since Levin could reach this village, I let him deal with the rampant piracy in the area.


    Sigurd opens the way to the area behind Madino. Ballista don't make the best tanks, it turns out.


    Adean was just barely in range to use Physic on Sylvia, and gains the typical +1 MHP, +1 Luk. Your performance has been highly mediocre, Adean, and after I hyped you up in the early chapters and everything!


    Fury has a second go at the pirate, and doesn't flub it this time.


    +1 Str. Has Fury been studying under Arden recently, because this is what I'd come to expect of him, not her.


    There aren't many enemies left, but some of the remaining ones make yet more attempts on Sylvia's life. Why does everyone have it out for this poor girl?


    Since Cuan and Ethlin were in the neighborhood, I figured it wouldn't hurt if they dealt with this naughty little scamp. It ends predictably for him.


    Fin and Levin are at terrifyingly low health, so I sent in some backup to set things right.


    +1 MHP, +1 Skl, +1 Def, +1 Mdf. And with that, Holyn is ready to promote!


    The Free Fighters are all that's left of the little suicide squad that came after us, and I send some of my less capable units to handle the job.


    +1 Mgc, +1 Luk. My joy that you actually managed to get Magic is hampered by the fact the only other thing you got was Luck.


    I don't think Ira's had a single fight where she didn't do this in the entire chapter. What a show off!


    I hate Killer Ballista, so Sigurd handles that guy next. Now there's just a crappy Iron one.


    Another pirate down. The only ones left are all behind the castle.


    Let's take a look at the one who stole our Hero Axe, who has the portrait of Gomes from Mystery of the Emblem, but doesn't have a name.


    He's a tough customer compared to the others, that's for sure. He's got the Hero Axe at melee, but a weapon straight from Thracia called the Pugi at range, which is basically a ranged Killer Axe. Combined with that Critical skill of his, it makes attacking him at range enormously risky. He also has the Steal skill, annoyingly enough, so if he so much as scratches you he takes all your cash. He doesn't add it to his own, either, so you can't even steal it back!


    Such a fearsome foe requires an equally fearsome opponent.


    You'll always be my favorite, Ira.


    +1 MHP. Even when you do things like that.


    Another unit ready for promo- oh, it's just Sigurd. Nevermind. (+1 MHP, +1 Luk, +1 Def)


    I left Lachesis in range of Jacoban, which was totally on purpose, honest.


    She's fine, though.


    Since the boss is all that's left, I suppose we have to deal with him. First, let's set up the Charisma Zone, with Ira holding the King Sword.


    This is an excellent plan, and I will hear nothing to the contrary.


    The RNG is often cruel, but occasionally smiles on me.


    It's a smile of mockery and derision, though, as shown by this +1 MHP, +1 Def level.


    He didn't come out of enemy phase in great shape, so my dreams of having him kill the boss are turned to dust.


    More Physic heals, which generates a level of +1 MHP, +1 Luk, +1 Def. Why must you hurt me so?


    Next turn, though, she's in range to put the boss down for naptime.


    +1 Spd, +1 Mgc, +1 Luk. Another unit ready for promotion, which we'll cover next update.


    In other news, Dew gets the +3 Str boost from this village. I couldn't think of anyone who really needed it as badly as him.


    With Jacoban sleeping the day away, I let everyone take shots at him, some more successfully than others.


    Amazingly, it's Noish of all people who kills him. He also gets the Thunder Sword.


    This update's more or less over, so let's cover the villages. Most still gain money, but there's a few nice items hiding out. For example, this one gives...


    A Meteor tome! Siege tomes are no longer enemy-only, which is why they lost their whole "root you to the spot when equipped" functionality. It's not a fantastic tome, but it can come in handy, and the fact it's repairable and doesn't lose uses when you miss makes it a lot more practical than these things usually are.


    This neighboring village has its own surprises.


    It contains a Sol manual! This basically works how things like the Silver Card and Life Ring do, providing the skill merely by being in your inventory. It's pretty handy, especially if you don't pair Dew with anyone.


    The last village still has a Restore Staff in it, though the staff lost 4 uses for some reason. Still very useful, of course.


    I suppose there's not much left to do but grind love points and switch items around. See if you can spot the hidden pairing I haven't mentioned anything about yet.

    The next update'll be a short one, but the one after that will be full of painful fun surprises, so look forward to it!

    Azel/Fury? So Lewyn/Tiltyu? And presumably Claude/Sylvia?

  2. I'm playing Birthright. Pretty early on I decided I wanted my male Corrin to marry Azura simply because they seemed to be the best fit from a storyline perspective. However after thinking about it, I wondered if Azura would be the best fit game wise. I looked online to see what others had said and became very confused. What does Corrinsexual mean? Why is everyone saying you have to marry one, or a child unit or male Corrin will lose a child? I assumed it would be how Awakening was. How Chrom and male Robin could marry whoever they want and just have 2 children. But is that not the case? Why would he lose a child? Can someone just explain it to me? I've looked all over for the answer and I couldn't find it. Azura and Corrin are already at an A support rank so I need to figure out soon if I need to stop them from falling in love or not haha. Don't want to lose any children.

    Corrinsexuals are characters who only romantic options are Corrin. In Birthright, they would be Reina, Scarlet, Izana, and Yukimura. You lose a child if you don't marry M!Corrin to one of them, or one of the child units. It's different from Awakening because children are tied to the fathers this time, not the mothers, with exception to Azura, who also has a kid (so one father would have two kids).

    There's an equal number of males and females in each route not counting Corrin and Corrinsexuals, and so if M!Corrin marries a mother, one father will not be able to marry. If you had a F!Corrin, and she married a father, it would be alright because the mother that did not marry doesn't have a child unit connected to her, unless it's Azura.

  3. Player's effective speed is separate from the enemies effective speed so if both characters have the same speed they both will double. Here's an example where both characters have 30 speed so they both end up doubling


    How does that play out? Saizo, enemy, enemy, Saizo?

    Do the DV spots run out ever in Ch.23 Birthright?

  4. I guess a more direct question I should ask is what items am I missing from the two rightmost villages in that chapter. I was a bit slow in getting to them but a few of my units have gotten great 6-7 stat increases already; so I'm wondering if anything there is important enough to soft reset.

    I did get the Snake Spirit from chapter 11, it's from a single reinforcement in the lower left side of the map around turn 9-ish.

    How/where does this reinforcement trigger? It's not turn-based, as the Illusory Yumi reinforcement appeared on different turns in my two attempts.

  5. Okay, about to do chapter 27. I see a Berserker with Counter, a Maid with Countermagic, another Entrap guy, and Garon can make your stats take a hit after attacking him. Also takes half damage from everything, it seems. :/

    Anything else I should know? Or any tips? Glad I have 2-range guys in Ike and Ryoma for those Counter people...

    Corrinetta's Blazing Yato does 75% damage to Garon instead of 50%, so she'll be doing better damage than others.

  6. Kanna could be a Fox, but he starts with E Beast Stone so I'd go with a speedy sword using class.

    I would think that Beast Stone and Dragon Stone would be the same rank as just a Stone rank. Dragon Stone and Beast Stone ranks are counted separately? Or does Kanna just start with a low Dragon Stone rank?

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