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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Mainly skills because the difference of, at most, usually +/- 2 points for max stats isn't that big of a deal when I can have awesome skills passed around like Luna.
  2. Let's see, it was FE9. Oscar and Boyd, and maybe Soren were promoted before Ch11. But I still got caught at Ch11 due to me not realizing things about the BK, and other stuff like that. I eventually got past, and I managed to recruit everybody else including Nasir and Stefan, and beat the game and whatnot, but the Ch11 block has made me dread that chapter always. It also made me a baby with FE9, making me scared of hard mode, and giving me trouble with it. All I remember of my first FE7 file was that I tried leveling people evenly too much, and so I had units like Kent just promoting at Ch26 (whatever the defend mission with Zephiel was). I don't remember FE8, 10, or 11 though, except that FE11's normal mode gave me a lot of trouble, so my 'uncomfort' zone starts with hard mode there.
  3. I thought it was Veer-ee-own, because he owns people and the whatnot. Speaking of names, how are Panne and Yarne supposed to be pronounced as? I say Pahn and Yarn-ay, but I want to know how to pronounce them correctly.
  4. Let's see, and with a general lack of a proper order... Ignis- Absolutely amazing, especially for mixed classes like Dread Fighter and Grandmaster. Sol- Self-healing is great. Luna- More damage that a good chunk of characters can get is pretty good. Pavise/Aegis- Tanking powers, and whoever can access Luna also can access at least one of these, so you get at least 2 good skills for the price of 1. Armsthrift- Forged/Legendary weapons love this skill.
  5. Yeah, maybe something like a 5 or 10 point bet where if you get it right, you either get less points/break even, but if you're wrong you lose more than usual. For the 3rd-party thing, that seems fairly reasonable.
  6. I say we wait for Rando to say, but probably not yet considering he hasn't even put up his own guess list yet.
  7. They can be simplified as Start with 100 points Guess who you think will be new characters. Do not guess characters who you think will leave (unless the rules change) Guess a character correctly = +10 points Guess a character wrong = -10 points Don't guess a character and the character is in = -5 points If you join after some new character reveals have been made = -5 points for each new character Person with most points "wins"
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynb9cyPvBfM
  9. Shiny Drowzee in Silver, but lost forever due to save data stuff. Shiny Tailow in Emerald/Sapphire (can't remember). Shiny Clefairy in Black 2 (no shiny charm).
  10. So then, this is very interesting stuff. Also, when reading the link thing on the last page from Ranger Jack, where it has the Pokemon Smash summary thing, during the section around Sylveon's type, it said that the Sylveon was instantly defeated by the guy with the oil drum, which is usually made out of steel. It also had that it 'immediately started choking and gagging' on the smell, representing poison type. The original rumored info about the fairy type and its weaknesses and whatnot had it be weak to steel and poison. Putting two and two together and things start to seem to make sense with the fairy type rumor. This maybe something that people picked up on right away if they read the page, but I felt like stating this because this seems interesting.
  11. So, I'm KAITO then, with my awesome scarf and awesome jacket-thing and awesome hair and awesome voice. But I'd also be a computer program. I don't know if being Soren would be better or worse than this. At least I didn't get gender-flipped, although it would've been at least somewhat interesting.
  12. Pavise and/or Aegis would also be good. Maybe Renewal for some extra healing. Also maybe Dual Guard +.
  13. Well, if you want her to be a tank, then Kellam would probably be your best bet. Stahl/Frederick aren't that bad either from what I can tell.
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