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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Let's see, and in no particular order besides from number 1 because I have trouble doing things like most favorite, 2nd favorite, 3rd favorite, etc. except when I absolutely know for certain, and I don't know for certain in this case except for number 1. And no pictures because I don't feel like it. Number 1: Jigglypuff. Jiggly is awesome, no debate. It's cute, adorable, and just plain awesome. Number ?: Bulbasaur. I have no clue why people loved Charizard so much when this little guy was around. Number ?: Butterfree. When I was a little kid, I loved butterflies, and so when I saw this guy in the anime, I loved him from then on. It's usually in my team whenever I play a Kanto game. Number ?: Lugia. Lugia is better than Ho-oh. And Lugia is just plain awesome. Number ?: Mewtwo. Since I started my main Pokemon game experience in the 3rd gen, this guy was still the 'supreme ultimate power awesome dude' Pokemon. It's just one of those 'too awesome and powerful to not like' guys for me. Number ?: Lilligant. Lilligant is actually my most recent Pokemon to add on to my top 10, but I just love it. Especially since it reminds me a lot of Belossom. Number ?: Slowbro/Vileplume/Belossom. This is actually a tie because I can't decide between these guys. Slowbro is just a cool dude, Vileplume is a good Pokemon, and Belossom is just cool. So I guess this is like a tie for 10th instead of a mystery slot. Number ?: Electabuzz. I just really like Electabuzz. It's pretty awesome. Number ?: Serperior. Serperior seems so uptight and snooty, but it's so awesome. I can't decide if I like this guy or Bulbasaur more. Number ?: Dragonite. Dragonite is amazing, I just love it because it's so awesome. I have 2 on my Soul Silver team, and I think that says a lot about how much I like it. It's totally my favorite dragon, and in my opinion the best one.
  2. 1: C 2: B 3: A 4: B 5: B 6: A 7: C 8: A 9: B 10: C Whoops, I meant B for 2, not C.
  3. 'ello Cluie, I hope you have a great time here, and maybe you could stop detesting talking/posting.
  4. Randoman: 1/10 Better luck next time.
  5. Interest: 1/10 Better luck next time. Zeem: 5/10 That's pretty good. Integrity: 2/10 Better luck next time. Silver Pegasus: 5/10 That's pretty good.
  6. Bandwagon a go-go. And no, I don't really have a reason for the randomly changing number of answers per question. 1: My favorite Pokemon gen is... A: Gen 2 B: Gen 5 C: Gen 3 D: Gen 1 E: Gen 4 2: Which of these has not happened to me? A: Getting swept a fair distance into Lake Michigan B: Getting nervous breakdowns while in school last year C: Getting very sick with pneumonia while being very young D: Been in a car accident when I was very young E: Been beat up by someone at school 3: Am I a cat or dog person? A: Cat B: Dog C: Both D: Neither 4: What is my favorite incarnation/whatever of Mega Man? A: Classic B: X C: Volnutt D: .EXE E: Star Force 5: What is my favorite food? A: Pancakes B: Hamburgers C: Chicken D: Chocolate 6: What is my favorite soda/pop? A: Mountain Dew B: Pepsi C: Sprite D: Dr Pepper 7: What is my favorite season? A: Spring B: Summer C: Fall D: Winter 8: Who is my favorite FE protagonist? A: Marth B: Ike C: Eliwood D: Chrom E: Leif 9: What is my favorite color? A: Red B: Yellow C: Blue D: Orange E: Green F: Purple Bonus Round: Which of these characters have I not been for Halloween? A: KAITO B: Mario C: Luigi D: Yami Yugi/The Pharaoh E: Ash Ketchum F: Taichi Kamiya
  7. 1: C 2: C 3: C 4: C 5: B 6: A 7: C 8: D 9: A 10: D
  8. 1: B 2: A 3: A 4: B 5: D 6: D 7: C 8: C 9: C 10: A I feel like I should be more certain with these.
  9. 1: B 2: C 3: C 4: A 5: B 6: D 7: C 8: E 9: D 10: C B1: D B2: A Once again, like with Rando's thread, I really feel like I should be more certain with these answers.
  10. 1: B 2: C 3: D 4: D 5: A 6: D 7: B 8: B 9: D 10: A I really feel like I should have more certainty in these answers.
  11. Lissa/Lon'qu Miriel/Ricken Maribelle/Libra Panne/Frederick Cordelia/Vaike Nowi/Donnel Tharja/Stahl Olivia/Henry Cherche/Virion
  12. No, that's its English name. It's Japanese name, at least according to Serebii, is Fiarrow. Y'know, like a fire sparrow or something.
  13. I say a free removal/switch concerning a Namco character is fine considering the update on the situation.
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