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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Anima tomes because my favorite class is Sage, and I just really like tomes. Bows come second because I love using Archers.
  2. Favorite: Eliwood, though Marth is really close. I used to really like Marth for some reason, and still do, but the problem is that I can't quite think of that reason. Eliwood, who would've been in 2nd before, is now in 1st because I can actually think of reasons why I like him. I like his personality, stats, and story. He just is really like able to me. HMs: Marth, Leif, FE9!Ike, and Ephraim. Least Favorite: Micaiah. I just don't really find her that interesting, besides her awesome hair. She just seems the most "goody two-shoes" of the lords, until the whole P3 stuff comes up. From what I recall correctly, she knows that joining the war is unjust, but she does it anyway because Pelleas tells her to. I know there are other reasons and whatnot, but it still just bugs me. HMs: Lyn and Eirika. And about Ephraim's hair, it looks really teal/turquoise/whatever to me, kinda like Miku's hair.
  3. Eh, it's kinda in between both and neither. Both because I like characters who have a mix of at least decent bases and growths, but neither because I like to use characters like Gordin, Roshea, Wolt, etc. So, I guess the neither option is the one I'll go with. There should probably be a 'mixed' option though.
  4. Oh boy... I find Nowi kinda cute I originally was planning on having my 'main' Avatar marry Tharja, but then I saw Miriel's confession image from somewhere I find the male confession images in general better than the female ones This is the first FE where I upgrade straight away to Silvers and whatnot, instead of using Irons/Steels throughout 90% of the game Noire is my second choice for a wife for a file I want to mess around on, following Miriel I'm saddened by a lack of Spotpass Jill I dislike Ch17 I compare the Valmese general-people and Walhart to the 4 Daein Riders and Ashnard I think that the game likes to summon skirmishes to the places where tonics are in Lunatic I am confused on why the boxes cost a random 4800 gold in Hard mode and above I think the Missiletainn (or however it's spelled) should've been in the lower left village in Owain's paralogue Something about Paralogue 17 seems a bit odd to me I don't really like the generic soldiers' voice clips, especially, "Sire!" Nah is also kinda cute
  5. I don't what people think about Vaike, but personally, I am not a big fan of him. He just seems to me like one of those guys that if he existed in real life, he would be one of those 'swag' people. I'm not the biggest fan of Sully or Kjelle either. Severa is certainly not on the like list either, but she doesn't seem that well liked anyway. Cynthia kinda bugs me also. I'm not sure which people are / aren't that well, so I don't know if most of these apply. Everyone else I generally like. Eh, what?
  6. I've always pronounced it as Ma-na-keet. It just flows the most natural for me.
  7. Cash, if only because I don't actually have a debit or whatever card.
  8. I like her little fangs. And I never noticed the little bows she has on her sides.
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