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Status Updates posted by Cynthia

  1. I hope your lung gets better though.

  2. I think I know two of them, but enlighten me anyways.

  3. I'm assuming a sexual one.

  4. Go ahead. I really don't mind.

  5. Well let's just hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

  6. You can go ahead. I don't mind if you rant to me.

  7. You have a kind heart though, love.

  8. Well I try, it's good to know my efforts aren't in vein.

  9. Well, do your best, I'm sure a rest is just around the corner.

  10. It's no trouble, love.

  11. Welcome home Masuda.

  12. That's too bad. Is there anything I can do to help, love?

  13. I hope you're feeling better.

  14. I'll try to be on, if not I'll leave you a message at the very least.

  15. Hopefully I'll see you tonight, love.

  16. Thank you, love.

  17. I really don't care anymore, I have a deal where my mind deletes useless information or quarrels. I'll be okay really.

  18. Alright, that's good. And thank you, I made that on a slow day, and I'm a huge Strawberry Panic fan.

  19. Alright, I'll have to get a sprite sheet for that, do you happen to have a base sheet I could use?

  20. Well you can have him do one, and me do one, and if I like his more you can go with his alright? Is it Fire Emblem 8?

  21. I can do that, and save them some work.

  22. I suppose I could do that, shall I make a character portrait and sprite myself?

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