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Status Updates posted by Cynthia

  1. Just hanging out before I go to my next class.

  2. Happy birthday Simca.

  3. Yeah he's gonna help me out later, I was going to go to bed but I can't sleep.

  4. I'm online now.

  5. You can link me on AIM or something, I honestly don't care what kind of sites they are to be honest.

  6. You can just link me, by the way your PM box is full.

  7. It helped a little, but I guess not many people draw Leanne are.

  8. Well if you want my MSN name or AIM name PM me.

  9. Well, I wouldn't say that as we hardly know each other, but I will say we are able to get along.

  10. I try to have flirty or perverted moments on my own time.

  11. Nice to see you again, we should get to know each other some time.

  12. You seem like a fine young girl, so I don't see why not.

  13. People tell me your an exceptional artist, and seem to be a rather popular topic around the forums.

  14. I forgot to check it upon signing in.

  15. I hear a lot of good things about you.

  16. Hello Shade, nice to see you again. Thought I'd leave a comment.

  17. Hello, it's nice to meet you.

  18. I beg to differ, you're the one involving yourself in a matter that wasn't even concerning you, and continuously antagonizing after some of us were trying to get back on topic.

  19. I think you really need to worry about yourself when it's appropriate, and not try to act like the "cool guy," by getting the last word.

  20. Well I have to get going for now, I hope you have a fantastic night.

  21. Well I mostly keep that confidential, but If you want I can add you on AIM and tell you.

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