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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Yeah he's gonna help me out later, I was going to go to bed but I can't sleep.

  2. The entire country is in debt. Also taken from a government census in 2005: "The 2005 gross state product was $39.9 billion. Its per-capita GSP for 2006 was $43,748, 5th in the nation." Nice try, but you still have yet to prove me wrong. In 2006 Alaska was 5th in the nation and dropped to 7th, the census hasn't been officially updated yet, but the government has accepted Alaska as the richest state.. I think you lost, because the census doesn't lie, and you have yet to show me anything. By the way that site IS reliable, it is from a REAL reporter, not some internet crap. People who do RESEARCH, and it's on an official site for an Alaskan Newspaper. This is what I mean about politics, people don't get all the facts before they make an opinion, thus causing fights and people like me having to fill them in. The bottom line is, you can't CLAIM something as ridiculous as Bush "bought," his degrees without physical proof. You NEED proof or it doesn't count. It's just slander then.
  3. Well to start about Alaska, how's about reading the first line: http://www.adn.com/opinion/comment/story/401837.html Also it's against the law to sell diplomas to people, I doubt Yale would ruin it's reputation on something as idiotic as that.
  4. I see no proof, only opinion. Alaska actually happens to be the wealthiest state in the United States, that isn't a lie.
  5. That's why Alaska is the wealthiest state in the United States right? Lyle, he most certainly is not an idiot, he's possibly one of the most intelligent men in the United States, the problem is he makes bad decisions, which happens, I can see how too. The reason people think he's "stupid" is because he stumbles when he talks and mixes up words, but it's a very stressful job. Yale doesn't hand diplomas out.
  6. Being a creationist does not hinder one's abilities to lead. I was talking about the power abuse, you need PROOF that she abused her power, not rumors or reports, the reports need FACTS, as so much of the media is based on rumor. Can you physically prove that she has abused her powers, beyond reasonable doubt? Doom103, same question to you, can you PROVE that's how he got his degrees, and can you PROVE he was on the bottom of his class? Because I'll have you know, you can't BUY your way into Yale, yes you need to be from a rich family, but it is a very prestigious school, they don't let you in unless you're smart.
  7. Can you prove it though? Slander is one thing, but you need to PROVE it.
  8. I disagree, state one thing that Bush has actually done and not Congress? Congress declared war. Congress raised taxes. Congress does the bail outs. Congress is responsible for passing laws to regulate prices, which they neglect. The president AND congress don't interfere with the economy, as the United States has a free-trade economy. So it's not THEIR fault the economy is failing either. The stock market crashed because bankers are giving out loans that people can't afford to pay back. That is their mistake, not the government's. The government works 24/7 to try and fix the mess that people make. Sure Bush isn't the smartest SOUNDING guy, but he did get two degrees from Yale, and they don't just hand them out.
  9. Bush didn't do this alone. CONGRESS has the power to declare war, not the president. CONGRESS has the power to create laws, not the president. The president can only veto what congress does, even then they can still pass a law if 2/3 of Congress thinks the veto wasn't fair. Not saying Bush is a great president, but you have to give credit where credit is due, and a lot of the world has a bad view of the United States because of the wars, and the rest comes from what the United States has accumulated over time, it's not like people suddenly started stereotyping the United States, it's been going on for years. EDIT: Revan, that's not really what this forum was made for though, and it's best to avoid such subjects because it causes fighting, when this board was created to be a friendly community based around Fire Emblem.
  10. Why do people even bother making topics about this stuff? All it does is cause debate and no one agrees who won or lost, so it's really pointless to make a topic claiming one side won, when all it will amount to is people disagreeing, and in some cases even arguments, as politics is just one of those subjects that some people feel strongly about.
  11. There is no where that it is illegal, in fact only in nations such as America and some parts of the United Kingdom is it viewed as "weird" to marry cousins, as in other nations it is a common thing.
  12. I honestly think it doesn't matter who won or lost, because anyone who is republican is going to say good things about Palin, and anyone democratic is going to say good things about Biden. There's no real winning or losing in these debates, as they are meant to show were a candidate stands. Honestly politics tears people apart, and caused a lot of arguments thus why I don't bother with choosing a side.
  13. I'm online now.

  14. You can link me on AIM or something, I honestly don't care what kind of sites they are to be honest.

  15. You can just link me, by the way your PM box is full.

  16. I don't think I'm of legal age to consummate such a marriage. So should I talk to Masuda about this?
  17. It helped a little, but I guess not many people draw Leanne are.

  18. Thank you very much Toa Lord Sothe, that actually helped.
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