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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. That's strange it works for me... and it works on the other computer I use it on. Make sure he checks it to ensure it's correct.

  2. Yeah, that would be me sort of. People say I work things like I'm an android and that I lack what they consider life. It's a better choice though, at least it makes one think before acting.
  3. I have several of them, however I'd have to say that my strangest would be people telling me I sit like L from Death Note...
  4. Not true, as a website displaying on a PC is not the same when displayed on a mac. Also the graphics of the computer affect the colour, and transparencies and such. So it's not surprising other issues happen. Sort of like the Firefox Vs. IE.
  5. Cynthia

    Desktop thread

    http://i34.tinypic.com/30uvjnt.png Made it myself with an image I found.
  6. Cynthia


    Thank you for the warm welcomes.
  7. That would be great, I mostly need testers. I'll keep you filled in.

  8. Cynthia


    It was Bizz. =P And yeah, I might be fairly active, as I like to post on forums while I'm idle. I try to help people out most of the time.
  9. One of the major issues I notice with IPB boards is login issues, and they happen differently on different machines, and normally schools modify their computers from what they were designed for. (For example my school's new computers are designed for Vista, but have been downgraded to XP, and the hardware issues cause extremely slow log in times, and improper displays on the web.) This could be part of the issue, from what I've seen and heard, the best browser to use to avoid issues is firefox.
  10. Cynthia


    Hello, they call me Cynthia, why you ask? Well it's a long story. I joined at a friend's recommendation, and said friend who was the one who got me into Fire Emblem, however I'm a newer fan. As I only own Radiant Dawn at the moment, which I still need to finish. It's on my to do list, which seems to always be growing, as I have a lot to do these days. I'm an artist of sorts, and an intermediate web designer, currently trying to finish my own site, which is rather time consuming when you have no team to work with you, but I manage. Also I love the IPB you're using here, very well designed.
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