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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I'd have to say that sometimes happens more and more often in this day and age, and not to single anyone out, but a lot of it also comes from pushing one's beliefs onto others. This is just plain wrong. A good example would be (And of course I am not persecuting them as not all of them do this) the "born again" or fundamental Christians. A lot of people don't see this as wrong, but in my opinion it's just plain wrong. I wrote a story based loosely on a real incident that happened in a friend of mine's local town that involves what happens to people who have beliefs pushed on them. However the only part that comes from the real story is the part that there was 1 murder, and it was similarly violent to one of the deaths in the story, the story of course exaggerates, but gets the point across, just in a rather graphic way.
  2. The major contributor to why people don't like Vista, is because they don't like change. However if you've seen the Mojave project, you'll see that Vista is actually better than what people are saying. For those who don't know the Mojave Project was a group of Microsoft workers taking several people who never used or saw vista, but said it was terrible from what they've been told, and they put them all on computers with Vista, and said it was a new operating system they were making called "Mojave." All of the subjects rated Vista higher than when they entered the experiment, and a majority of which ended up recommending it. None of the subjects rated it lower than what they heard about it.
  3. I really have no further opinion on Lyle's statement, so I'll return to the original thread and say that was has indeed encouraged racism, however it's not where racism started, but it's one hell of a contributor. No the Ottoman Empire was an empire that tried to become unified by nationalism like they saw their neighbors doing, however the problem was that people were from too many diverse backgrounds, and didn't share a common language, so it failed and just caused all of them to push against each other, thus ending the empire violently. The other nations at the time referred to the Ottoman Empire as "The Powder Keg of Europe," because they were a nation waiting to explode into violence.
  4. I find ways to entertain myself without feeling the need to be in life or death situations, and without the desire to kill thousands of people.
  5. Golden Sun: The Lost Age had to be one of my favorite games. Here's one of me playing Perfect World: Picture
  6. Reminds me of the fury between Ireland and North Ireland. That's how people get into power though, they point out how we're all different, and how they are going to make your kind better than the opposing one. No one can ever say how we're the same. That's how they gain control over us all, by keeping us divided.
  7. Aye, it's sad how split up the UK can be as well.
  8. I wouldn't give myself that much credit, I always act like this. I didn't really accomplish anything outside of just doing what I always do, which also isn't gaining much.
  9. Cynthia


    That would be rather confusing.
  10. I'm just trying to make a point really. All people are free to their opinion, and I don't expect people to accept mine as the word of the wise.
  11. I will say that the war between America and Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan, have inspired a lot of aggressive nationalism, which isn't uncommon, as it's happened with many wars. Nationalism can help a country by unifying it, or it can break one apart, like it did with the Ottoman Empire. This form of nationalism is something that sprouts from people in America listening to everything their government tells them, and also from ignorance. That's just what it is really, people are ignorant. They refuse to learn, or be told they are wrong, it's sad too because they have got people across the world thinking their same ignorant thoughts and ideas. Ironically if you think about it logically, terrorism is using fear and violence to get what you want, and Americans do that in pretty much every war we ever fight in, everyone does it. I agree that the twin towers being knocked down as indeed sad, and an act of violence, but are 2 towers worth 2 countries?
  12. Cynthia


    I prefer actually not to be called "Cyn," if that's not too much trouble. However I won't lash out at you if you do really, it's your choice.
  13. I don't see why people down on Vista so much. I own it, and have had it for over a year, Vista just takes time to adjust, after that it runs fairly smoothly. I have never gotten the blue screen problem, and never had any fatal errors. For those out there still wanting to say I have a great computer capable of running it, I most certainly do not, I have a Gateway 2007 model with a 1.66GHZ Intel Celeron M Processor, and 1.5GB of RAM, with a 64MB graphics card, pretty much the minimum for running Vista, and it runs great for me. I actually prefer it over XP now. As stated by some of the developers Vista when you first get it, and when you install a service pack, needs time to rebuild start up files, or build them for the first time. After that it runs fine. I agree with this statement, as mine will start up in 30 seconds to 1 minute flat. The problem really isn't vista itself, it's the computers it's being put on, they aren't DESIGNING them for Vista, for example, my brother's computer has the exact same specs, and he has had four major crashes, and 2 blue screens, we have the same model as well. I took his apart to find that all his parts are made differently from mine. He has RAM cards from non-brand name companies, and his processor is made in China, when mine is not. Not to mention they originally sold the 2 computers to us with 512MB of RAM, when Vista needs at least 1GB. The issue isn't Vista, it's the computers they are building FOR it. They are using the right specs now, but they are using lower quality parts to build them. I recommend checking who built your parts and looking them up, cause that contributes a lot to how your computer runs.
  14. The one downside of IPB sometimes when modding it causes problems for some computers. Everyone is affected differently.
  15. Thank you. Drawing is like writing as well, every picture tells a story, this one is no exception. Allow me to shed some light on why this girl appears so sad. This is right after the event where the person she confessed her love to denied her, for reasons she can not comprehend. Not to mention she is still worried about a self proclaimed "angel" finding her.
  16. I figured that after I read the contents of this thread.
  17. What is writing, but simply a form of painting a picture with words, and making it divine enough for others to paint that same picture?
  18. It mostly just takes time, and the right software.
  19. For a minute I thought this was "The Black Cat," by Edgar Allen Poe.
  20. Thank you, I do graphics as well.
  21. Sailor Moon references, haven't seen that show in forever.
  22. It's ironic after I mention I sit like L, someone named Kira shows up. Ahem, anyways, another one I have would be I gnaw on the end of my pen/pencil when I'm thinking, sort of appears as if I'm smoking the pen/pencil, but I don't hold it there with my hands. Just my teeth.
  23. Oh yes. The forums aren't SUPPOSED to be working yet. They won't be ready to enter testing for a few more days. Thank you though.

  24. Just wanted to see what she appears like so far, hopefully she doesn't look this dreadfully awful when I finish this little bugger. Anyways, what do you think of what I have been working on in between coding?
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