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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Oh, I wasn't saying it was bad. Just explaining why I'm always anonymous.

  2. I just like privacy that's all.

  3. Yes, I have FireFox.

  4. I believe Colin is hosting the Canadian version of "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?"
  5. I just happen to say things that people think sound smarter than they really are, when they aren't really, at least I don't think so. I just choose my words carefully when I am on a forum, because I have a spellcheck available, and time to revise them.

  6. Actually five of the comedians from the show have gone off to become game show hosts.
  7. I wish some of the comedians from the show would appear more on Television, they were quite the bunch. I wouldn't mind seeing them in a few movies.
  8. I wouldn't say that really, I just like to have serious discussions now and then.

  9. I enjoyed this show fully, the comedians were top notch, and very talented, they really knew how to think on their feet. I enjoyed both versions of the show, however the British version I witnessed first, it was quite the clever show.
  10. My post rate will probably change quick, as I don't post in a lot of the forums, and I rarely find something I even want to discuss.

  11. I have to say, that you should just make topics like normal, and if a post is spam on your serious discussion, just report it. Mods can always delete it, maybe not at the pace you desire, but it has an effect.
  12. Cynthia


    It's nice to meet you, I'm one of Bizz's long time friends Cynthia. It's a pleasure to meet you.
  13. Honestly, I still see no reason to call things "gay," as a negative way of speaking about them. You can just say "bad," or "terrible," or "dreadful," or "annoying." There's so many different words you could use, there's really no need to use "gay," in that sense.
  14. I never said we weren't unique, as all species are unique.
  15. So we can communicate better, that really doesn't make us better than anyone.
  16. I did back it up though, did you see my example of me and my brother's computer? And yes I HAVE used Linux.
  17. That's quite odd, as he has appeared to like the jokes when he did them in Mike Huckabee's advertisements, and on "The Best Damn Sports Show Period." Edit: After reading the article it mentions he's doing it for privacy and endorsements, he did not authorize permission to use his name for profit, which goes without saying that you just don't do that. You can't use someone's name, image, ideas, or works for profit. He's not upset about the jokes, he's upset someone is profiting from it, when it's all about HIM.
  18. Videos from youtube perhaps? Also Codeboxes. Edit: Forgot to mention audio players. You could even have an entire shoutbox in your signature if you wanted.
  19. I'm well aware how to identify trolls. I just don't accept it as an excuse to be ignorant really.
  20. I know he meant quotes, I was just saying, why stop at them, why not just make it anything that stretches the tables, or is too long.
  21. I agree with that part, we're on the same page now.
  22. If Arc deemed it inappropriate, he probably has a good reason, which I believe he stated, they select moderators for a reason. I'm not really taking sides, but it's really not something you should even care about, or manage to aggravate Arc further on.
  23. This is quite strange, as I can't tell exactly the events that went down here, however I will state that if a moderator does something, you would find yourself in an easier situation if you just accept that you did something they deemed inappropriate. I think that is what happened here, Arc saw something he felt was inappropriate and changed it. Just don't worry about it.
  24. I think if you gave Windows more time, you'd find it's really not as bad as people say, I have grown accustomed to it, and don't even see any of the "flaws" anymore. Fresh out of the box Vista is the only "dreadful," one. After a period of use Vista becomes so much easier to use, and ends up working great. I prefer it over XP now, which I never thought would happen.
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