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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Hey, that's not a problem for me. I don't believe I need a moderator to take care of me all the time. I know how to handle myself, and will only consult one if I see something that needs to be reported and can't be resolved on it's own.
  2. I received one that ended up in a police report.
  3. You forget there are some mature members, that can help. You don't need moderation powers to help around the site. Not to mention, the mods aren't exactly needing to do ten bans a day. I'm more than positive they can handle 1 more subforum.
  4. Greetings Matthew, I haven't had the chance to talk to you directly before, so I thought I'd drop a comment.

  5. What exactly aren't they doing, there may be a reason.
  6. I think the members can handle themselves to some extent, I know I don't feel the need to ask a moderator if something is appropriate all the time. I have a good general knowledge of what is, and what isn't.
  7. The only problem I keep seeing is that people seem to think the mods need to be everywhere at once. We don't NEED to be babysat 24/7.

  8. I doubt one more subforum will cause that much stress. Plus a lot of the members are pretty decent at moderating themselves, and pointing others in the right direction in a kind and polite manner, it's not as if we need mods to babysit us.
  9. Why is it that people seem to think if a new forum/subforum fails it's as if the entire site will die and people will leave over it. Nothing lost, nothing gained if it doesn't work really.

  10. In reality, advertising other forums on a forum is a pointless idea, as it directs members off of the site, and at this time of the site's development, we want to retain more members.
  11. The problem with that is, this is a suggestion for THIS site, it's to increase the things to do for the interests of people HERE. It does no good to point them in the direction of another site, because then this site loses traffic, the whole point is to give people more of a reason to be HERE. As you can see, we have some people that are willing to use the forum, and in my opinion if there are at least a few people who will use it, it's worth trying. Nothing lost, nothing gained if it doesn't work.
  12. I will say this, and I'm NOT targeting anyone on this site, but I notice a lot of minorities who BROKE THE LAW, blame the cops stopping them on them being minorities, which is part of the reason cops can't detain 1 minority without it ending up on the news, and their badges being taken. Some people really need to just suck it up and think about the fact that other people in their minority group is what ruined it for them, and them blaming their minority status for the police stopping them is what makes it even harder for cops and authority figures to do their jobs. Yes MaSu shouldn't have been tackled, but at the same time, I don't think you should even consider being black as a reason for you being questioned or tackled, because it's that kind of attitude that makes their job harder, and thus if they weren't against minorities before, they are now, because they continue to make their job harder. If a lot of the minorities would just forget it, and let the cop do their job without giving them hassle, then they might actually gain a little more respect towards them. Really it's both ends that are at fault. I'm not saying there aren't some cops out there that are just plain racist, because there are, but when you say something like "Oh they just hate me because I'm *insert race here*," you're encouraging it, because now you just set yourself apart from the group. You singled yourself out and admitted that you're not supposed to fit in because of your race. Racism goes both ways really, I mean I don't have any problem with people in general. However I find myself avoiding people who blame their problems on their race. I've heard "They just don't like Asian kids," so many times I stop hanging around the people who say it. THAT is half the reason people avoid them, cause it's a broken record, it's annoying, and it's pointless to complain about, it's not like you can EVER change your race (With the exception of skin color, but that's not REAL), so you gain nothing by blaming problems on it. If more people could go out there with the "I'm just as good as anyone else, and no matter what color my skin is, I'm not different from them," attitude, then some of the racism would die down. I'm not saying it'll disappear, because that is preposterous, but I am saying it'll shrink a sizable amount. Also I like to point out that with the increased amount of different ethic groups coming to America, and the United Kingdom, there's a chance that Caucasian people will become a minority soon. It CAN happen, and it is more possible now than ever. So it's not like we don't allow these minorities to spread, we don't keep them in little corners and hide them. There are quite a few famous people who happen to be part of minority groups, some of my favorites would have to be Will Smith, Bernie Mac (May he rest in peace), Jet Li, and Halle Berry. In fact I believe all of them get just as much fans as some of the Caucasian actors, if not more. I'm not really against MaSu, because I do believe he shouldn't have been tackled, and that was a fault under the police, and I will admit he has every right to believe it was because of his race, because with the facts at hand, he was unarmed, had no car, no blood on his clothing, no clear signs of committing a crime, so there was no need. No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the people who don't consider they look VERY suspicious, and when the police question them, they blame it on their race. For example, there was a man in my town who went to the hunting store, and purchased two rifles, one for his son, and one for himself, and the law in my area allows you to take rifles home with you on the same day, you only need to have a two week wait on handguns. His car broke down about five miles down the road and he didn't want anyone to steal his things, so he carried the weapons, which he had in cases, with him to the nearest gas station. On his way there he was arrested for giving a police officer a hard time because he was accusing the officer of stopping him because he was black. Now logically, if you're a police officer, and you see someone with two large cases in their arms, walking down the street, and those cases happen to contain two weapons, what does common sense tell one to do? Ask that person where they are going, and what is in those cases. If the man had just explained the situation, then I'm sure he wouldn't have been arrested. Instead he gave the officer a hard time, refused to answer questions because he claimed, "I'm not breaking the law, I don't need to answer to you." That is the kind of thing I'm referring to. People who just don't stop and think that they look suspicious in some way, shape or form. If I looked suspicious I'd expect and authority figure to stop and question me too. As I stated before, yes there are times where it is safe to assume something is based on your race, like in MaSu's example, it's just when you assume everything is based on the color of your skin, or your gender, or sexual preference, is when you're encouraging stereotypes and focusing too much on the matter. I understand having pride to your own race, like the whole "black power," and such, but some people overdo it, like the white supremacists, they are a perfect example of how too much pride can lead to being ignorant and racist. We have to learn to have pride, but retain respect for others. Some people don't know where that line is anymore, some do. This really wasn't targeted to offend anyone, or go against anyone, merely for the purpose of shedding a different light on the subject, and adding another perspective to it. If you were offended I apologize, and I'll inform you, that I am not racist, nor encourage others to be, I do not think white people are supreme to anyone, I believe we're all equal, and that we all have just as much chance as the next person. If you simply misquote anything from this, I can tell you didn't fully read it. As I'm sure there will be at least one person who didn't fully read this, because reading long messages is too much of a chore for them. If you're one of those people, I'll probably just ignore your statements, or tell you to read the entire thing. I personally have had no trouble with police, or authority figures, but mostly because I don't go outside and I'm never in a situation where I would need to be in contact with them. However I once reported something to the FBI, and had a complaint about their desk worker who was quite rude and made excuses for not doing his job. That was a sad day for myself, as I lost some respect for the men and women working to protect us from criminals, because some of their employees see their job as a chore, and get it done with no heart behind it. However a lot of them are very passionate about their job. They didn't take that career choice to be a hero, they did it to make a difference, to help people, to play their role in society. Anyone can be a hero, not everyone can devote themselves to something. Another reason why I never encounter police is because in my town there are none, the nearest ones are about twenty miles or so away, and only check in every now and then. Anyway, sorry for making you all have to read this, I understand if you just skip over this post, but don't go off saying things unless you read it all.
  13. I see, I have other reasons for eating alone.
  14. Be seeing you then.

  15. That speaks quite a bit about your eating habits.
  16. Flat chested girls are adorable. I prefer girls with cute faces over excessively large breast. Boys with cute faces appeal too.
  17. Hello, just dropping a random message.

  18. It appears as though there is more people than originally thought.
  19. Not quite sure how going to another site helps us improve this site really...
  20. I've never had to deal with the police myself, but my father was once a police chief, back when the system wasn't as bad.
  21. There's more disgruntled officers these days because these regulations frustrate them, however we can't deny them a job because of their racism sadly, even though I think we should start doing that.
  22. She always has bigger intentions outside the team that she eventually leads off on her own about. Which isn't her best idea, but she has a sense of honour and duty that she feels the need to fulfill. Thus resulting in either her death, or disappearance of some kind. And like your mage, she lacks physical prowess when it comes to fighting, but she's agile.
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