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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. My mate in North Ireland has a saying called "FAP" Which stands for "Fuck all police." Mostly because of the NEDs up there. NEDs naturally hate police, because they are the ones who have to deal with them all the time. I for one had no opinion on them, as I have never had to deal with them, but I will say they have a hard job, because people are so self centered they sue them for doing their job. It's very difficult to do their job with all the regulations that keep getting put in place. Regulations are important for protecting us all, but people have just become babies about it. They don't even want a police officer touching them without taking that officer's badge. It's quite ridiculous.
  2. My character is always a healer of some kind that is the strategist, she makes plans to help the team, and has mysterious motives, but almost always ends up dying in the end for whatever reason.
  3. Wouldn't you know it, someone just called to ask me what I'm planning on doing tomorrow.

  4. I know how you feel, everyone tells me they envy me for being able to eat so much, when they simply need to look at food and gain weight.

  5. Perhaps they'll bring it back shortly? It's not common to just drop a show entirely before the last few episodes.
  6. Indeed, I weigh very little as well.

  7. I fixed a sandwich and had some cake and ice cream.

  8. Not quite sure how, but I am hungry again, although I just ate nearly three hours ago.

  9. I think I'll manage.

  10. I'm only at the end of part 2.

  11. I can't even remember, that's how long it's been.

  12. Curious to see how it ends, it's a long game though.

  13. I might end up playing Radiant Dawn today, as I haven't finished it yet.

  14. Other than that I'll probably just sit in front of the computer.

  15. Yeah, unless you can find a working PSP ROM and emulator, I have yet to see one however.

  16. The original is for the PS2, but it's hard to locate these days, plus the PSP has an extra storyline to play through.

  17. Of course, I've put over 100 hours of gameplay into it.

  18. I just play DisGaea.

  19. Probably play on my PSP.

  20. Politics cause a lot of arguing really.
  21. I am just shocked at his statement, I rarely see people who are willing to accept this kind of thing. It's truly astounding.
  22. I honestly have no opinion on the presidential election as it won't affect me, but I think this shows that Lyle isn't one of those die hard McCain supporters and understands the world doesn't revolve around him, and if things don't go his way, he has to deal with it. Personally I got more of Lyle's maturity from this topic than politics.
  23. Those were probably some of the most mature and noble words ever spoken.
  24. That's always good. So what are your plans for the weekend?

  25. I agree with you on that one, I just ignore them really.

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