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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I just don't think it'd be able to fit and blend in with the site without looking tacky...
  2. Well if you want my MSN name or AIM name PM me.

  3. Does anyone have an Leanne pictures or artwork? I can't seem to find much of it.
  4. Well, I wouldn't say that as we hardly know each other, but I will say we are able to get along.

  5. I try to have flirty or perverted moments on my own time.

  6. Politics seem to focus on telling us what we already know a lot, and less on fixing the problems, although they do have plans to fix them, they mostly just say things such as, "we need change!" When we are aware of this.
  7. Nice to see you again, we should get to know each other some time.

  8. You seem like a fine young girl, so I don't see why not.

  9. People tell me your an exceptional artist, and seem to be a rather popular topic around the forums.

  10. I forgot to check it upon signing in.

  11. Cynthia


    People tell me Manhunt 2 is scary, however I didn't like it. Was a rather bland game, and they really cut a lot from it.
  12. I hear a lot of good things about you.

  13. Hello Shade, nice to see you again. Thought I'd leave a comment.

  14. Hello, it's nice to meet you.

  15. I beg to differ, you're the one involving yourself in a matter that wasn't even concerning you, and continuously antagonizing after some of us were trying to get back on topic.

  16. I think you really need to worry about yourself when it's appropriate, and not try to act like the "cool guy," by getting the last word.

  17. Well I have to get going for now, I hope you have a fantastic night.

  18. Oh, I forget to mention, be sure to back up all your important files before performing this. I recommend doing so at least twice, on two separate devices, just in case.
  19. Now you're just trying to be a smart ass, not to mention just making statements with no fact behind them. I'm trying to get back on topic here, so I'll ignore you. For the record, I wasn't trying to offend Smartrutter7 with the original mistake either, however saying I have no logic is insulting on it's own. I apologized if I offended him already, and I do it again now, as I really have nothing against him, I just disagree with him at times, which isn't a problem. I searched and located this bit of information for you regarding the matter: "Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Lenovo are among the vendors offering an XP Pro recovery disc to customers who want to convert a Vista machine to XP Pro. Fujitsu goes even further, including an XP disc in the box with new Vista laptops and tablet PCs. So check with your PC vendor, to see if they will provide a Vista-to-XP recovery disk at low or no cost." So why not contact them and ask for such a disc, you might be in luck. Also they included these steps if you have an original XP disc: Remember to try at your own risk.
  20. Also I consider saying someone has no logic as ruder, plus you obviously didn't read the entire topic, as he corrected me on a spelling mistake FIRST.
  21. We're together on that one.
  22. I don't recall you being involved, however I agree there's nothing more to discuss on the matter, but at the same time Smartrutter7 over reacted to a simple mistake, to go as far as to insult someone saying they have no logic. If he had just pointed out the mistake instead then I doubt I'd have even bothered making a response. However I do believe you don't need to step in, as saying "will you stop." Just makes you sound like you enjoy getting the last word, and more than likely will just cause things to go on more. As for downgrading to XP, if you HAVE A disk, I believe you can either put an XP hard drive into your computer, or install XP and have two operating systems, Vista and XP. I would consult an online guide to doing so though if you are REALLY keen on performing this action. I personally would suggest just sticking it out for the time being, or even ironically installing Linux as Smartrutter7 was going to suggest as an alternative to downgrading.
  23. Using improper grammar to correct a misspelling is considered "owning," now?
  24. A non capitalized "I" isn't even a word, look in the dictionary, you won't find it. If you're going to go and correct me, after I already said I noticed the mistake, and apologized, then you should not be such a hypocrite as to make grammatical mistakes yourself. Also reread your post there, I think someone made a few mistakes themselves there.
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