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Status Updates posted by Reikken

  1. Just look at that name! You are obviously a scoundrel.

  2. hm, I don't like this "Rei Rei" character

  3. Alas, poor Yorick...

  4. You just now returned too? cool. I probably did it for very different reasons though.

  5. Awesome, then. Also... Profile Views: 666

  6. Do you play League of Legends? I saw an Interceptor402 on LoL wikia.

  7. sup citrus fruit

  8. I was actually wondering if you were still up for that. Alright, will do.

  9. why certainly

  10. first comment!

  11. I dropped Fire Emblem in general for a bit around the end of last semester. It also doesn't help that this site is usually really really slow on my iPod, which annoys me enough that I stayed away from here longer than from other FE sites.

  12. On Hector hard mode, too? because it's much more of an issue there than on other modes.

  13. "Lyn sucks? how?"

    poor defenses + melee is not a good mix

  14. Serene ftw. My favorite character in an awesome game.

  15. Indeed.


    ...What's your personal photo pic of, btw?

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