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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. because they want to make the game more casual to appeal to a larger audience after tasting the success of Awakening (actually I have have never even seen this game you're talking about and am making stuff up)
  2. Of course impatience is the reason the animations are bad. It's great that you can enjoy the animations, but not everyone can, especially after the first run through the game, so the ability to TOGGLE them on or off is kind of essential. Forcing the player to wait, unable to do anything, for an extended period of time, is always bad design. The other FE games either do not have this problem at all or have it to a much lesser extent, so it stands out all the more for FE9.
  3. The inability to turn animations off is far and away the worst part of FE9 and makes it so that the best thing to do during enemy phase is to get up and go make a sandwich. If it were optional, it would have been fine and even good (see: FE10). But it's clearly something detrimental that should be counted against it. Now, whether or not it's part of "gameplay" and so should be counted against it in this particular list is up for debate, depending on what all we're calling "gameplay".
  4. yes though I'm starting to prefer the almost-no-one-has-any-res-at-all way of handling magic, which this doesn't seem to have
  5. has a pretty spiffy, albeit too bright, sig
  6. the entire Dustforce soundtrack. here is one: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Tower of Heaven has some pretty nifty tunes:
  7. hm It was probably for debates
  8. what, seriously? Mystic Shot critting would be incredibly broken. Is it a consistent bug? or some rare off-chance thing
  9. so I can know how useful/useless skill, luck, and the like are For some reason I can't find it on this site. may as well give crit, avoid, and crit evade rates while you're at it. thanks in advance
  10. Oh, that gave me an idea. They could have it be live action (or animated in some form, doesn't matter too much) and have the characters in the war room, around the strategy map, discussing their plans for the upcoming important battle, and then cut to scenes of action on the battlefield, maybe portraying some kind of strategic strike, like fording a river under the cover of night to attack an enemy encampment or something. You get the idea. There's no reason it can't look cool while showing things that actually happen in the games.
  11. Herbal teas, like that chamomille and mate and whatnot also infused green tea, like green tea with peach or something never with sweeteners added
  12. ninja'd me while I was posting for the previous guy, adding yet another post to the >350 pages since I last posted edit: lol double ninja'd, even
  13. Just look at that name! You are obviously a scoundrel.

  14. hm, I don't like this "Rei Rei" character

  15. I don't know of any different versions, but I'm using the NTSC version. RFEE01. Muarim is Ike's sister. as far as I know, not yet but I plan to make one ok kinda half done but functional When you save it works just like a battle save, but when you resume it, it says suspended data and deletes the save after loading it, so you have to re-save if you want to resume again. may fix later 04025DBC 2C000003 0404B664 28000003 04025468 28000003 04025720 28000003 04025814 2C000003
  16. that fact that every enemy unit has the same stats warrior 19 spd, sniper 19 spd, sage 19 spd, general 19 spd, pfffffffffffffff (Ike 23 spd)
  17. swords have highest total stats. 90 hit = 45 skl. 5 mt = 5 str. 45+5=50 total. 75 hit = 37.5 skl. 8 mt = 8 str. 37.5+8=46.5 total. 50 > 46.5. winner. Throw in the lower wt, and the gap is even bigger to cover any complaints you may have. bows have even higher total stats (2 > 1, range)
  18. Everyone is now an FE6 berserker. Do people actually like this?
  19. a team full of units that are interesting and not overpowered
  20. All the changes are in main.dol and involve changing one instruction, to 28000003, at different places For range on: at these three addresses in main.dol: 18D808 04E9D8 06399C OR these three addresses in RAM: 80191ac8 80052c98 80067c5c weapon triangle: 0265E8 OR 8002a8a8 map affinity: 0F5510 115180 OR 800f97d0 80119440 Ok I don't know anything about GCTs and it looked kind of confusing, but GPFs apparently work just like IPSs, so I was able to do that pretty easily and run it on my Wii.
  21. Yes. I also have weapon triangle and map affinity done. going to try to make a .gct once I get home.
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