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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. He's not in low tier on the Ilia list.
  2. Moving them down is also an appropriate solution, however. Also, I don't believe Zeiss is too low. He's really really bad in Sacae. Don't forget that.
  3. because Douglas and Barth are above low tier. ie low tier in this game is lower than Dayan
  4. Oh I know all about hard mode stats. I was asking about NM stats. But since this apparently is indeed a HM list, then that's not necessary.
  5. Oh, I missed this bit. Err, what? Is this a normal mode list? My bad. What kinds of stats do wyvern riders have?
  6. idk, I find that Jill with just an energy drop and a forged axe (no transfer) wrecks faces right away. That works too though.
  7. Inability to counter melee is the bow's main weakness. Being unable to counter both simultaneously in every situation is a much smaller issue than being unable to counter melee. Especially when javelins suck balls. Yeah, counter that wyvern rider with a javelin. Fat lot of good that's going to do you. Even with WTA, Percival (w/o supports) is only getting 70 hit on an average wyvern rider with a hand axe equipped, and he does like double 14s. and 11s to the wyvern lords. As opposed to using silver and having 80 hit for double 22s / 19s. Hit half as many guys but do twice as much to each of them. Or just use a killer axe and have a ~50% chance to kill each of the 2/4 riders, and a chance to possibly even kill the wyvern lord depending on its hp/def. Go to someone with less str, and the relative damage gap by dropping from silver/killer to javelin increases greatly. Even if Dayan did have a 1-2 range weapon, it wouldn't be very useful. PLUS to actually get the 1-2 range enemy to attack the 1-2 range player unit, you usually have to have every unit in the enemy's range equipped with a 1-2 range weapon. That's usually incredibly impractical. @countering sages: He obviously equips a bow and stands at the edge of the sage's range. And before you make any kind of complaint: Having to stand at the edge instead of like 3 tiles into the range is a trivial hindrance for a man with 11 range. 10 range with full power. (as opposed to Dieck's 8 range, 7 with full power. Alan 10, 9 with full) Of course he's not fantastic. You do realize we're comparing him to low tier, here, right?. I'm just saying he's better than the likes of Barth, Hugh, Zeiss, Douglass. Yes, he kills things one at a time. That's bad, how? Barth kills things 0 at a time. Dayan can reliably one-round a freaking wyvern lord for you if you need him to. And no, he does not "get swarmed". He's not Rambo. He's working with a group. and he has a bow. and even a long bow sometimes. and 8 move. so he can usually attack from a convenient location. And speaking of that, you can often even position him to attack from a spot where he'll be standing next to where someone else will attack from and trade up a different weapon when they go to attack. Dayan is "good" because he needs 0 investment and can just join in an empty spot and actually be useful to pretty much any team. Compared to, say, Douglas? Nothing useful about a low move high def guy with garbage for offense unless your team is full of squishies because you're using a bunch of low tiers and you need someone to soak hits. Barth? comes out to slightly better than Douglas, but you have to use him all game to get him there, and he's never any better than what I described above. Zeiss? He performs admirably if you feed him a ton of kills ASAP, but there's nothing useful about having to do that, and he is bad when he joins and doesn't have much time to be good (relative to other low tiers) to offset that. etc
  8. I don't see why Dayan is so low anyway. Just about the only thing he doesn't have is massive loads of str. 20 speed is great. He has a great weapon type (bows) and a melee weapon to go with it to complement its main weakness. He has tons of mobility, and even passable defenses when you take note of that 12 res: He can often survive two hits from a sage, and those lategame sages are ridiculous. No one who's not Fa or a magic user can say that until you get to upper mid tier. He can counterattack them adeptly too.
  9. Tibarn? Naesala? pff, worthless this Marcia and Mist are #2/3, also even without the Canto restriction
  10. Mastery skills in FE10 are way too strong. too weak in FE9, however. There is quite a lot of middle ground between pierce half enemy def (maybe makes you do 50% extra damage) and negate enemy def completely and triple str (makes you do like 400% extra damage). I don't know why they made such an extreme jump. Also, I like skills being not able to be transferred from one unit to the next since it leaves more room for units to be unique, but I do like some skills being available to assign to whoever you want (ie scrolls).
  11. Fixed mode style, but with half of the stat points or whatever being randomized, instead of 100% fixed. Like you gain growth +/- growth/2*RN points instead of just growth points. And then have something similar to those bands, except more potent. Have them maybe give +15% in one stat, +10% in another, and -10% in another. That would be pretty sweet.
  12. When I change growths, I'm changing bases at the same time. It doesn't make any sense to do them separately. As for what kinds of changes, I rather like having great variety in unit builds, as well as some stat builds being extreme. One thing I like to do is take the character and think about what they're good/bad at or known for and make that way more extreme, of course while preserving balance. Using the four cavaliers as an example, normally Alan and Lance are very similar, and Treck and Noah are also almost the same and also don't really have any advantages over Alan and Lance. This must be fixed. First of all they need to be diversified, so I thought I'd make one in each pair offensive and the other defensive. Alan is the str guy, so he goes offensive in a str-oriented way. Tons of str, decent spd/skl, and bad defenses. Lance is then the defensive counterpart. He's the speed guy, so he can be defensive in an avoid-oriented way. Tons of speed, bad str/skl, decent hp/def/res, good luck. Now Noah and Treck. Noah strikes me as skillful, what with starting with a C in swords normally along with that D in lances, whereas every other cavalier has E swords, so he gets monstrous skl and good spd and decent str, and bad defenses. And Treck, the slow dumb guy, can be a tank on a horse. Massive def and decent str, but meh spd and horribly terrible skl.
  13. A change log and a list of current discussions? This tier list may be top tier. I still never completed this game, though.
  14. Micaiah super squishy yet still useful God-moding through the game is not my idea of fun. Press A and watch 2D pixelized enemies die, wheee. Ike for honorable mention and Hector for HM #2 for personality and/or humor.
  15. I'd take a Nolan badge over Sigrun any day. Sanaki too; she's pretty cute. Heck, I even prefer this Rolf badge. I don't know what it is you people like about Sigrun's appearance. To each his own I suppose.
  16. I don't like Nightmare, so I started making something somewhat similar but more to my own liking. Anyone is free to check it out if they care. EDIT: updated link
  17. has posted in a topic with too many pages
  18. possibly, yes Also, what is that sig a pic of?
  19. lol owned ...I'll trade you... :( I guess I should post a couple dozen more times so I can get it to change.
  20. Assuming you mean details on exp hacking... There are two parts. First, in Start.dol, starting at 33240, or 800362e0 according to the program counter, it goes through most of the actual arithmetic. For kill exp on player phase, it starts at 800362e0 with all to-be-mentioned values in registers and takes the difference between enemy level and player level, then adds X (I'll get to this in a bit), then adds 1, and finally divides by 2. (ELv - PLv + X + 1)/2. It's not done yet, but so far this looks a lot like the exp for hitting but not killing. However, when it calculates hit exp, it does the exact same thing but in another location. This is amusingly inefficient, but on the plus side, it means you can make the hit and kill exp formulae completely unrelated if you like. Anyway, next it goes off and does some other stuff and then comes back to 80036330, just a few lines away, and adds enemy level to Y. Then it goes to 80036340 and subtracts player level from that. Y + ELv - PLv. and at some point I forget it adds this to the value calculated earlier. So in total, (ELv - PLv + X + 1)/2 + Y + ELv - PLv. For hit exp on player phase, it starts at 800363e0 and does the exact same thing as the first part above, resulting in the (ELv - PLv + X + 1)/2, and then it's done. For enemy phase, it does the same thing as for player phase, except it starts at 80036528. Everything is just offset by 248 bytes. Now for the second part. There is a small kind of table at F53C in FE8data.bin: 140F1E1E 14141E1E The first row is the Y mentioned above, the kill exp bonus if you will, while the second row is X, which is basically double the hit exp with the unmodified formula. It uses the first byte for normal mode, second byte for hard, the third byte I'm guessing would be used for maniac if I had the Japanese version, and the fourth byte is for easy mode. EDIT: ew, Rolf. Tormod is much cooler looking.
  21. Successfully hacked the exp formula. or the main part, anyway. and it only took an entire day. Granted, most of that was me discovering that Dolphin has a debug mode, and then finding out that some of the features in it aren't available unless you build the thing yourself and build the debug version, and then me installing Visual C++ and etc. in order to do that, and then actually doing it, and THEN going about finding where exp is done and how to change it. It turns out that enemy and player phase exp calculations are done separately, so you could have an enemy phase exp bonus or something if you really wanted to.
  22. It does look like it would be good to take a bite. Did you really eat it? Please don't disappoint.
  23. Sweet, thanks for this. I got a basic test hack of FE9 working (gave Ike really high str base, growth, and cap--something immediately obvious). Now I just need to find out where it does the exp formulas...
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