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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. Oh, ok. Uh, perhaps. Give me a bit; I haven't made a video in a while.
  2. Houndoom Latias Umbreon Celebi Leafeon Scyther Steelix Aggron Banette Hitmontop Zangoose Shaymin-S *list truncated* new pokemon: Serperior (dream world only) more or less in that order
  3. I haven't watched any anime in almost two months now. Hmm. What did you think of it? You don't have to answer if you thought it was amazing, I'm getting sick of people saying that tbh. It was pretty much the most predictable thing ever It was pretty cool, but not incredible. </late as hell>
  4. by what means? http://www.sendspace.com/file/tpdewm
  5. A mic is like $5-10 and an excellent investment anyway. You should get one.
  6. Apparently FE9's army data doesn't like Nintenlord's LZ77 compression. Even decompressing, and then recompressing with no changes, and then reinserting the file resulted in errors. That or Dolphin is terrible. Or something else altogether? What's going on?
  7. If it takes you 1 second to determine the range of 4 enemies (5 enemies per turn, 8 turns per chapter, 30 chapters), more power to you. I'm not that good, so for me it totals up to hours.
  8. wtf 5 minutes No, I actually think about my moves before I make them, thanks.
  9. would sooner attempt to hack it myself than spends hours counting tiles EDIT: oh snap, Elincia now
  10. ...for some reason I don't think I've ever used the warp staff? I suppose I forgot it existed promptly after obtaining it. I suppose its existence means Rutger should be at the top of top tier rather than wherever he is.
  11. ok, thanks I didn't use it for expanding, even. I just added an entry to a class's skill list. There are 5 slots in the class data section, filled with 0s if the class doesn't have all 5 skills, so I just overwrote one of those 00000000s with a pointer. It took me a bit to realize why it wasn't working.
  12. I don't see it explicitly mentioned anywhere, so FE9. (FE10+ too?) The pointers in the FE8data.bin, as you can see at a glance, point to locations within the file, using the start of the file as 0 (actually it uses 0x20 as 0). Thus when the game loads it up, it has to first change every pointer in the file, realigning them to match up with the new offset for the data. To do this, it references a list located towards the end of the FE8data.bin file. This list is long and made up of ascending numbers, so you can't miss it. It's a list of the location of every pointer in the file. So any time you add a new pointer, you have to add its location (file offset -0x20) to that list.
  13. lots of miniskirts in Fire Emblem for sure. TOO many, even Best: Arthur (Yuno) Worst: Ilyana
  14. I would be willing, given that many others are as well.
  15. They could both use it, you know. Canas attack, Athos walk up and trade it to himself, Athos attack, rescue Canas away. OR Athos attack, Canas walk up and trade it to himself while trading up Athos's Forblaze, Canas attack. heal as necessary
  16. Technically, yes, but it depends on what all you're considering. Judging by the fact that she's bottom tier, below Dorothy, etc., I'm guessing we don't care about that since she never has to enter combat or even be deployed at all outside of the chapter she's forced(?) into anyway.
  17. Bors > Sophia he makes a good single-use wall or +5 damage in early chapters Sophia does nada
  18. Do it without earth supports too. Ike+Oscar = sleep through the game
  19. I hope the MITS learns a few of their names soon.
  20. Alas, poor Yorick...

  21. The only thing that helps Geese early on is that killer axes can be bought in chapter 11 instead of having to wait until the end of 13 like for the other killer weapons, so he can go ahead and start spamming those. He has a bad start for sure. I'm not sure what you're trying to argue though, as he is already in lower mid tier (ie trash). But he does actually become good after he gets some levels and/or supports in, or at least once he promotes for sure.
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