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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. now gives +0.5 AS in addition to the 2.5 hit/avo per support level
  2. "The better swordsman is......" Swordsman. Thus axes don't count for Dieck. Thus the answer is clearly Rutger.
  3. 12-13/1 Dorothy: 29.08 hp, 12.75 str, 13.28 skl, 13.28 spd, 6.33 luck, 7.43 def, 6.43 res 1 Klein: 32.85 hp, 15.7 str, 15.7 skl, 12.8 spd, 12.7 luck, 9.35 def, 7.35 res that's half a spd. And 1 atk from C/B Saul isn't closing the 3-str difference. It's barely even covering the difference in hit/defenses. And then Klein has his own supports soon to come. And perhaps most importantly, Dorothy doesn't have Klein's A in bows. Matthew (on ranked, at least) isn't at all ranked based on one item. He's ranked based on ~70k funds + other various good items (like ch 18's guiding ring for just one example) + good combat up though ch 20 or so? + huge help to tactics in ch 11. And then there's that "one item" too. Marcus and Zealot. Also Lot. Sue can use bows too, and better, as she has more hit. and is better able to make up for possibly having to be rescued away after missing due to being able to return the favor Though they may all be too low, Sue especially. Lack of Orion's Bolt competition is nice.
  4. Note her hit rates. That solid 20 damage on wyverns comes at like 55 displayed hit or something fail like that, and then she has 4-5 AS with steel and like 24 hp+def, so unless you don't care about her dying (in which case her contributions are clearly <<<< Guiding Ring), just putting her in range to attack those dragon riders is extremely dangerous. I'm not saying to move them down; Sophia should go up.
  5. Sophia > bottom tier. Guiding Ring > anything they do. Dorothy, Wolt, Sue all get to do like 5 damage hits in their joining chapters and are not useful for anything beyond that. Juno is the same except replace joining chapter with ch 21. Karel I've never actually recruited, but I'm assuming the same goes for him.
  6. Defense alone is not the whole story, sir. Good? 7% (while camping out in a forest) is quite bad when it's a chance of your unit dying. Edit: Also note that I'll rarely ever be arguing either for or against chars moving by just 1 spot.
  7. k that's cool, but... Everyone else in low tier is garbage too.
  8. rofl at above post Doesn't that game encourage deaths?
  9. What Knight Crest? Oh for Lalum. Yeah, Lalum is way too low anyway. should be top tier
  10. Steel axe is worth almost nothing. You can buy them, and they are cheap. Silvers are cool; however, it's only a few chapters until you can buy them too. What stuff does Roy get you? I think his placement already reflects the stuff he gets, for him to be up near Lot and Klein and the like. He's pretty terrible as a unit. I think he should go down.
  11. In my case, yes. For example, Clarine/Roy gets you a Silver Bow. However, that's not worth much for either because either of the two can do it, and even once you have it, it's worth no more than it sells for unless you have Klein in play to actually use it; no one else can use it. Roy gets you a Brave axe on A route. However, generally your units don't make very good use of this weapon because it's SO heavy and inaccurate. It does have its moments, but meh. 8x X
  12. Well don't direct that at me. I'm just saying that if you do, then blah. If you don't, then Sophia is obviously better--and better than a number of other units too; being able to promote another of Lugh/Ellen/Saul/Clarine 3-4 chapters earlier is w1n--so it's not even worth talking about.
  13. If you discount the Guiding Ring, Wendy > Sophia because she can actually do stuff in her joining chapter, while Sophia can't. What kinds of things? Stick an iron/slim lance in something to weaken it or finish it off (for example, an average 11/0 Lance with C/C is 2-5 damage short of one-rounding with an iron lance for just about every soldier on the map, 4-10 damage short on archers), or block off archer/merc reinforcements from those south towers (things can get messy there if you're trying to advance while they're still pouring out, and 8 def is enough to live through either of them; you don't even need a healer or someone else to come kill it right away if you pop a vulnerary). Also, if something happens and Wendy dies, no worries. However, if Sophia dies, you miss 14x, so no only is she 500x more fragile, but also you can't take any risks with her at all. If we're using them all the way to promotion and beyond? Now that requires a bit more discussion. also, sad fact: some of the mages in 8x don't double base level Wendy
  14. tl;dr at the rest of this topic, but as to the Titania/Taimat issue... If only one can exist at a time, then...you only have one. So they both would be in the same place, where Titania is now. That's how I see it, anyway. But it's just as valid to see it the other way, and then they'd each have the early utility devalued a bit, so they'd drop some, out of W1n/Titania tier and into top tier. ...probably. They might still be just so good that they stay in w1n tier. iirc Titania > all first half, = top tier second half, so that's still uber.
  15. Well, like I said, after ch 18, it's two more rather than just one. That's... (1/2 of 14), 15, 16, 17, 17x, 18 = 5.5 chapters out of ~30? That's a rather short period of time. It's less than twice the time that Serra is the only healer, which you don't seem to value very highly at all.
  16. YES If you had 20 thieves from the start, Matthew would not be top tier. If Isadora, Geitz, and Vaida all joined from the start, Marcus would not be top tier. Offering something unique is what puts these chars so high. If you had only like 2 combat units, one of which was Bartre, he too would be top tier. (make the rest healers/dancers or something) edit: actually, given how huge your top tier is and how exp rank DNE, Marcus might still be top tier in that scenario. lol
  17. There are two, as you said, so it's not omg instant top tier. And even there being only two only lasts until you get a guiding ring. Then you can have three. If you can't have any other healers, then of course a healer is wtfw1n, but that's not the case at all here.
  18. -large cast of unique characters with huge variance in awesomeness, with none being brokenly broken, at least on the harder modes -class swap, with classes actually balanced -many difficulty modes, with the harder ones being HARD -good enemy AI on harder modes -multiplayer, versus battles and perhaps a multiplayer campaign too -a few interesting/useful skills, mostly not luck-based, and none OP enough to make the char broken (see #1), and generally not transferable -fixed mode -semi-fixed mode (random, but the stat variance is reduced) -supports, rescuing, shoving, trading. and re-move, probably as a skill -support capacity that varies from char to char
  19. FE7 HHM is easier than FE9 HM? Granted I haven't played HHM beyond ch 19 or so in several years, but I thought FE9 HM was quite a bit easier than HHM. because of FE9's lolpaladins who never die to anything ever. And you get buckets of them. not to mention forges and BExp
  20. Make a full out FE difficulty tier list imo
  21. wtf... How is Priscilla (and Serra) above Lowen/Kent when exp rank DNE?
  22. yeah, just too bad that she doesn't have top 5 offense when she joins Add Chad to that list of units beating Fir in offense. I dunno why he's not listed. He's awesome in western isles, especially with a B Lugh. 15/0 Chad w/ B Lugh is rocking 20 spd and 11 base atk. and a billion and a half avo.
  23. Which comes from another problem, that being archers are statistic garbage. Nomads destroy them, mages annihilate them, and Shamans require luck that you dodge repeatedly. The only thing archers are actually good against in the arena are generally other archers. This is what I mean by you have to be good off the bat, or at least get good almost immediately. This is the defining flaw of archers in general. KLEIN
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