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Everything posted by Reikken

  1. sup citrus fruit

  2. Yes lol. I'd certainly see it that way were I in Inui's position. Go back and read the posts made earlier today. Note that Inui doesn't get defensive until Red throws some sarcasm at him. eh people have different definitions of speed runs. To me, for instance, it usually means playing through normally except in as little time as possible. This is something very error prone and difficult. Or less commonly, going through in as few turns as possible (still playing normally, ie no resets and such). No. They are both artificial difficulty. The player imposes a restriction on him/herself, whether it be S-ranking or speedy completion or anything else. The only time it's real difficulty is when the player is struggling to even complete the chapter at all. That's a rather narrow-minded view. I'd be happy to argue the point with you.
  3. On the contrary, the earlier Ellen is promoted, the better her speed is when she does attack. Low growth, good base. She doubles earlier more than later. And she's going to be near 20 by then anyway.
  4. I'm not saying that he doesn't get the most out of it (though I don't necessarily agree with that); that's not the issue. The issue is that others do indeed get quite a lot out of it (even Clarine's garbage offense at least gives her weapon levels so she can use aircalibur later), and you lose that if you promote him. So whatever gain you get out of him being able to promote early is quite small.
  5. He does. and that would be the 2-3 others wanting to do the same thing. Also, light magic doesn't appear until ch 11, by which point he should be 15-20 rather than 10.
  6. 5-600 bexp is more than enough to make Boyd a monster that can one-round ch 11's cavaliers for me. And other such things like that. Even "his share" (Rolf's) has a cost. No, there's nothing being blown out of proportion. If anything, it's understated.
  7. Indeed it's not. It just means a ton of bonus exp.
  8. Nah, availability is always good to some degree. The problem comes when it also comes paired with lower stats, which are always bad. In order to not keep suck stats forever and get leveled up a decent amount, the unit has to be used past the point at which it's no longer useful and is instead hurting performance for whatever reason. Unfortunately for Rofl, his higher availability also comes with much lower stats, so bad that that hurts him more than his availability helps him.
  9. The problem with Bors, or any armor, is in leveling them, especially with efficiency in mind. His offense is poor to begin with, but then he has reduced move, and the early chapters especially are crowded, meaning his spot in getting to attack range of enemies is frequently taken by others with better move and offense, and then in later chapters, you frequently have stretches of people using their full move each turn. The western isles chapters just make things even worse. Douglas > other armors because you don't have to deal with all that crap to get him to a usable state.
  10. like 8 luck is pretty average on enemies Anyway, 30% crit is pretty poor when everyone not a magic user routinely has ~50% crit thanks to killer weapons. And yes, on some enemies, mostly promoted ones and magic users, Clarine leaves them alive with a crit and a normal attack. I did. The others who heal are two tiers lower. and have arguably better offense. What Clarine offers aside from healing and over them has to be worth two tiers to justify that placement.
  11. Well, if we're not using a thief at all, the extra 6 key uses would almost certainly outweigh the difference between combat exp and bonus exp. You can't not use Volke that chapter and do stealth and recruit Kieran anyway, so if not using a thief at all for any chapter, I would assume no stealth on ch 10.
  12. Indeed. Lance and such are top tier because they have w1n defense and offense at the same time, which means that they can counterattack enemies and move in to attack whatever enemy without fear of dying, and whatever enemy they attack or counterattack gets owned. Having so much defense on a unit with poor offense isn't nearly as important since the unit can't do as much with said defense.
  13. Well lessee....Her supports basically make her invincible, earlygame healing+horse, invincibility+doubling+aircalibur make her hilarious in Bern. I dunno. Aircalibur is B, and she promotes with E anima, though, and she's not that much better--even worse at times--than Ellen or Saul before promotion (who are two tiers lower). Also, on everything until B, her offense sucks, and on anything other than a flier even after B, her offense sucks.
  14. What makes Clarine in the same league as Alan, Lance, and Rutger?
  15. effective swords suck in this game axes are w1n lances are........decent sometimes
  16. Here's what I hate about this game: Enemies hardly grow at all after the first few chapters. Supports are slow if you're trying to play with any kind of efficiency.
  17. Mani Katti and ...Rapier? By that point, I'd rather have them just using killing edges, armorslayers, or lancereavers instead of waste my Hammerne.
  18. lol nope, you got it entirely wrong By "need", I meant that it's actually useful. Or rather, that it's needed in order to proceed more efficiently. Certainly you don't need Titania to beat the game, but you're going to be much less efficient without her, so in order to beat the game efficiently, you do need her. K, now read it again now that I've better explained myself.
  19. Indeed, we don't need healing most of the time. However, we don't need thieving any of the time. Just throw out Oscar, Ike, and Kieran all with earth supports and Sol/Aether, and we don't need anything either Volke or Mist has to offer. Well, until someone gets Sleep'd, in which case we need Mist to use a Restore staff, or until you start facing dragons and the like. Oh and earlygame. We'll need some healing before they promote.
  20. WTA is +1 atk. Not +1 atk AND -1 def. Yes, Lot is better at combat early on. I'm not refuting that. What I am refuting is you thinking that Thany is so bad that she can't gain exp.
  21. The problem with those stat ups is that none of them are exclusive to Volke. Even if you throw out Sothe. But then Sothe does exist (and is being severely underrated*). Mist's supports, however, are exclusive to Mist. * "We can only replace Volke with Sothe (who is inferior), Mist we can replace with Rhys/Ilyana/Soren/Tormod/Elincia." Those others are inferior to Mist too, dude. In fact, I would say that the difference between them and Mist matters more than the difference between Sothe and Volke. Volke's advantages are combat, durability, and stealing of hard-to-steal items. As Red Fox pointed out, the most efficient way to use Volke (and Sothe) is to not field him on maps where there are no chests. And that's because Volke's combat, while better than Sothe's, is still too bad to be worthwhile. Durability is cool. It can help a bit every now and then, but Sothe almost never needs durability anyway. The difference between Sothe and Volke only really matters if you're trying to use him as a fighter or if you're trying to steal items that are hard to steal. I don't remember what all those are, but I don't remember them being worth the trouble. Also, "We can only replace Volke with Sothe" isn't true. You could replace him with chest keys. You lose out on some things, yes, but by much less than you lose out on by replacing Mist with vulneraries.
  22. It's not her avo that's the problem, as I wouldn't expect her to dodge anyway. It's her AS. It's low enough that the reduction means she's getting doubled.
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