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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Not every shonen fighting anime is just like DBZ, just so you know. Now quickly, list every shonen fighting anime you think is just like DBZ Tisk tisk Hika, remember, if its not like DBZ, it isn't Shonen Fighting anime!
  2. Battlefront 3 in the same year as Star Craft 2 would make me die of joy. Oh yeah guys, by the way, FFXIII is like, apparently godawful. Linear as shit, identical characters who don't really diverge, fights that need nothing but spamming Attack, and a bunch of bugs. 8]
  3. Hmm, this is a rather interesting thread. I have never noticed it in the past. You have a beautiful and quaint community here, did you know that good sir?
  4. It's not Serene's Forest. It doesn't belong to someone named Serene. The forest is named "Serenes". That's just like, your opinion, man.
  5. She's cute. :@ No, no, that should not look like that. It's all out of proportion! Change it immediately! Plox? Maybe next week. You should use that really creepy Mei gif that Der Komissar once posted where she wants the Princess Crepe.
  6. She's cute. :@ No, no, that should not look like that. It's all out of proportion! Change it immediately! Plox?
  7. 3) Seriously? Big oil doesn't even have to try. People just plain aren't willing to make insane sacrifices for something not only far off, but also so horribly imprecise. Do you need to just convert everything to solar? Sequester carbon underground? Live like a Neanderthal? Will there be a 6 in. rise in the oceans in the next 50 years? 12 in.? 18 in.? Precision and accuracy matter. 1) I agree with you somewhat here. The alarmists are certainly making a bigger deal out of it than needs to be made, but according to most more current research it will likely reach a point where we would no longer be able to cope with the situation, if we continue at our current rate. How long this will be, and whether we will be able to cope in different ways by that time however, are indeed unsure, and I guess kind of mitigate that. 2) I don't think cutting greenhouse emissions really is as seriously doomed as people have been led to believe. Their is little political will to do so in North America, since the United States is one of the worst total producers of Greenhouse gasses, and Canada one of the worst per person producers, with little reduction planning in sight, but it is certainly very plausible, and not ridiculously expensive. I completely agree on the environmentalism to an almost religious degree though. In some cases it is quite an obstacle, although what I have noticed is that generally it follows the trends of religion as well, with a small minority of incredibly loud, outspoken radicals within a majority of more moderate and quite people. As for Nuclear Power, while I realize it is highly effective, and efficient, and produces relatively little waste, and may even end up being absolutely necessary, I still have qualms about switching to it in entirety. Nuclear Waste is nearly permanent and incredibly difficult to get rid of. The policy of burying it works in the short term, but eventually it may outlast its container, and will have to be dug up and recontained. If it piles up, then it could very easily become a greater problem than Global Warming itself. However, in theory, most people only propose it for use until solar or wind energy become efficient enough to provide for more of our power needs. My fear however is that nuclear power will become what fossil fuels are now. I fear that people won't want to switch off of them. But really, my fears probably aren't great enough for me to raise too much of a fuss. 3) I don't quite think that people need to make insane sacrifices. As long as we can control and lower our emissions, we should be fine. There is (theoretically, although I believe that is theoretically as in "we definitely know it exists, we just don't know the exact level yet") a level of emission that will not continue to cause the problem to worsen, and anything lower than that will actually allow it to begin to revert. EDIT: In reviewing my post, I realized that I was pretty much doing exactly what you were pointing out in your first paragraph, given how many times I used words such as "theoretically" "probably" and whatnot, so I guess disregard that I suck cocks? I dunno.
  8. Probably. Let me guess, you want to insult me with the past. I'm an entirely different person now anyway. I'm well aware of how much of a loser I was. Nono, I was just checking. I couldn't tell.
  9. Bananas, what the fuck is up with Mei's face in that picture please change it it is making it difficult for me to sleep at night
  10. Step 1) Check to see if I am on your MSN contacts Step 2) If not, add me Step 3) If, after this, you end up on my MSN contact list then you might be cool. Possibly. And this is totally not a topic I am using to get more victims for me to talk to about Starcraft and how cool it is.
  11. the books are better than the movies. in fact most often than not the book is better than the movie though sometimes the movie is better especialy if the movie came out before the book. but I degress you should read the lord of the rings books and not just watch the movies if you want to think you know something about LOTR. I know, but I never read anything when I was 8 Interesting, because that is the precise age I finished reading the Lord of the Rings Trilogy for the first time.
  12. So Seph, was your username Shanan when me and Hika and Masu and Death got the FE4 thread locked?
  13. Al Gore is wrong =/= Global Warming is wrong. There is a great deal of evidence suggesting that Global Warming is caused by human activity. Yes, the world naturally experiences increases and decreases in temperature, and Carbon Dioxide levels, but human actions have been shown to be increasing both. If we do not curb our actions somewhat, we could actually land ourselves in significant trouble. No, I'm not saying we're all fucked in 50 years, but if we continue to increase our emissions, it eventually will come back to bite us. Besides, even if it somehow is false, we'll only have cleaner air, less pollution, less reliance on crazy desert tribes, less need to destroy our own environment to get at resources, renewable energy sources, and a variety of other things.
  14. Non stealthy troll is non stealthy. I'm not really watching anything right now, really.
  15. I want to bring this back to Ilyana vs Laguz eating contests. I vote Laguz, because Ilyana does not wish to consume Septimus.
  16. Take up pot. No, seriously, pretty much no risk to yourself, great times to be had, and if your parents are anything like the general retarded drivel, they would totally freak out, and likely completely forget the internet issue altogether.
  17. I, sadly, am a hibernator. Today, since the power was out, I slept until 4.
  18. Yes, of course it's Starcraft, how slow are you? I asked, Hika said no. really
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