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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist


  2. It's not that he speaks seriously, its that he takes things too seriously. Watch how he responds to what I say man, it's easy as shit to just drag him on and on and on.

  3. I shall explain how I got on Nishi's list. Nishi likes to be verah verah srs in FFtF. It is very easy to get Nishi going off on some crazy tangent because he thinks you are being serious. I did that a variety of times.

  4. ilu ilu so hard. I grew up with that song, so I actually thought it was a mainstream Christmas song for the longest time.
  5. Read up on your history you uneducated swine, the only outdated system we have here is the one you so eagerly espouse!
  6. You see, there's this game called Starcraft... Uh, anyway, snapping myself out of the wet dream, I think I prefer Fire Emblem, just because if I wanted the gameplay AW provides, I may well just go for an RTS. I still like Advance Wars a bunch though.
  7. Ancient manuscripts are pretty important, without them the world before the fifteenth century would be practically as dark to us as the world of the bronze age is. It is never possible to know anything for sure from a single manuscript, but when there are multiple copies or, better yet, different works that corroborate each other it's possible to have a clear image of the subject matter. That's how we know that the tradition of monotheistic worship stretches back millennia, and for Jews most of the basic practices connected with it are the same today. Of course everything that survives is written by man, but it's all been copied from earlier sources. How are you so sure? It's obvious that a lot's been corrupted over the millennia, critical biblical scholars are even able to identify certain portions with different writing styles and presumed author, but supposedly it all comes from the word of God. There are some factions that even think Moses received a scroll from God on Mount Sinai, along with the Ten Commandments and a significant body of oral law. Any complete religious doctrine is built upon both faith and reason. The problem with the Bible is that many things it says are demonstrably false in so many hilarious ways, which tends to destroy its credibility. Therefore, anything said in the Bible must be taken with a handful of salt. As for the end, religions are basically a corruption of reason. They make a leap of faith, essentially, they require a belief in something without reason, and then try to build constructs of reason on top of that. The problem is, that a belief based on faith, no matter how much you use reason to try to back it up, is still not particularly reasonable or logical, since its basis is in faith.
  8. Spoken like a true gentleman. But yeah, seriously you guys, look at some of the people around you.
  9. Japan has historically been a very nationalistic and proud nation. The Japanese Emperor basically bows to no-one, pretty much by principle. But regardless, most non Americans have gained respect for Americans, not lost it. Do you have any idea how America under Bush was viewed (whether you think it was rightfully or wrongfully viewed that way) by the rest of the world?
  10. Alright, I understand the Saudi Arabia stuff, and that is something I do not agree with him doing, but showing humility to other countries isn't a bad thing. I assume you're all American, so you probably wouldn't realize, but as a non-American, I can say that our perception of the US has actually IMPROVED since Obama got in office. This whole "telling people we have problems" thing isn't making people disrespect the US, it's making us respect the US. As for him "not saying Obama is terrible", he pretty much does, with lines like; "I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish. I can't figure out what country you are the president of. You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like:" "I'd say shame on the both of you but I don't think you like America nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do for the obvious gifts this country has given you To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House." "And just who do you think you are telling the American people" etc
  11. I never expected much from Obama in 2008, I knew enough not to take his campaign promises seriously. But a lot of people did take them seriously, maybe because they were big promises. I don't think he could have ever gotten so many people so enthusiastic for his campaign if he had just repeated Clinton, Gore and Kerry's narrative again. It didn't work for Hillary Clinton. A lot of those people who were so enthusiastically for Obama are disappointed now because they can see that in a lot of ways the situation is worse now than it was in 2008. Others are still content, telling us to give him time, but it seems to me like Obama was talking about dramatic turnarounds and visible results clear up to the point when a lot of his efforts, including the famous health care reform, got bogged down during the summer. You guys are still somewhat ignoring the fact that when he DOES try to do ANYTHING to change, he is met with massive outbursts. If I were him, I would probably just try to shove it through, the Right Wing be damned, but he seems to want to try to appease them, which isn't inherently wrong. Basically, you hate him because he's not doing anything, and a lot of people hate him because he's even considering doing something. Do you see how this is a difficult position?
  12. Yeah yeah, that's true. On the other hand, I can dump BEXP on her if need be, since I'm actually using her. Dodging was a problem anyway, but I think it's one I can deal with, especially if I get a lot of Str and Spd level ups.
  13. ... Dude, that's what a lot of world leaders do. At least he's doing something. As I said before, he's far from perfect, but I hate this polarizing effect were people either think he's a God or some sort of devil. The admission that the United States has problems is a good thing. And that's not like it's all he's doing. He does other crap too. I agree he could be doing more working, but since every single thing he does is opposed harshly and bitterly and dragged out by his political opponents, its no wonder he can't get anything done. He has done things so far though.
  14. Apparently there is a space where you can send Elincia and the boss will have to attack her at 1 range. the red x might work. If the only spot from which he can attack her is at 1 range, then he'll do it. The only spots he can reach that let him attack from 2 range would need to be taken up by other units, and since units love attacking he'll do it from 1 range on Enemy Phase. Elincia kills him = 2 turn clear. Nobody said it was 2 turns by killing him on player phase. Also, it seems the boss moves pretty early, so she may not even have to survive much. Then to avoid the whole needing stun thing, she needs to do 12 damage per shot. With weapon triangle and his 26 def, she needs 37 mt. That's 22 str, which is 3 over her base. Probably 3 levels of bexp, which is a fair amount and if you are really unlucky she might miss it. Str is 2nd, but only .15 above skill which is 50% and 4th. edit: corrected link That would explain it, thanks, I just assumed that since Ludveck had a ranged weapon he would end up attacking from a range. It makes sense now. I never really thought of doing it that way either until reading what others have said in this topic. Of course, I'm generally more cautious and don't try stuff like that. I am the same. I basically was just looking at the map and going "Elincia probably dies if she goes here, or if she goes here, or if she goes here, or if she goes here, or..."
  15. Why though? There are a lot of bad things that are true about America.
  16. Haha, you're a joke. Mr internet tough guy got so angry over a bad internet joke and now he comes at me with this bullshit. And when the hell has intelligence had anything to do with this? Oh, and lol at your pretentious animu avatar. Get a life. Over 7500 posts in this forum? lolololololololol IT ISN'T AN ANIME IT'S A FIGHTING GAME CHARACTER THAT LOOKS LIKE AN ANIME GOD AND THE 7500 POSTS WERE OBTAINED OVER THE COURSE OF LIKE 2 YEARS AND AND AND AND AND AND AND PENIS. No, but seriously now, you're a genius no u moran he is way cooler than you go back to fapfapfaping to sick anime porn shit with piss and blood and shit like that you fuckin gross pedophile shit thing fuck yeah im pretty fucking cool fuck yeah fuck What but I don't watch pornographic anime only Wist does that and sometimes me dont lie to me you pedophile bastard i sleep in your rafters you fucking now that shit right im fucking using your bitch ass wireless right this fucking instant asshole take that fuck yeah no more bandwidth for you motherfucker fuck yeah fuck VINDICATED fuck yeah
  17. Apparently there is a space where you can send Elincia and the boss will have to attack her at 1 range. the red x might work. If the only spot from which he can attack her is at 1 range, then he'll do it. The only spots he can reach that let him attack from 2 range would need to be taken up by other units, and since units love attacking he'll do it from 1 range on Enemy Phase. Elincia kills him = 2 turn clear. Nobody said it was 2 turns by killing him on player phase. Also, it seems the boss moves pretty early, so she may not even have to survive much. Then to avoid the whole needing stun thing, she needs to do 12 damage per shot. With weapon triangle and his 26 def, she needs 37 mt. That's 22 str, which is 3 over her base. Probably 3 levels of bexp, which is a fair amount and if you are really unlucky she might miss it. Str is 2nd, but only .15 above skill which is 50% and 4th. edit: corrected link That would explain it, thanks, I just assumed that since Ludveck had a ranged weapon he would end up attacking from a range. It makes sense now.
  18. Haha, you're a joke. Mr internet tough guy got so angry over a bad internet joke and now he comes at me with this bullshit. And when the hell has intelligence had anything to do with this? Oh, and lol at your pretentious animu avatar. Get a life. Over 7500 posts in this forum? lolololololololol IT ISN'T AN ANIME IT'S A FIGHTING GAME CHARACTER THAT LOOKS LIKE AN ANIME GOD AND THE 7500 POSTS WERE OBTAINED OVER THE COURSE OF LIKE 2 YEARS AND AND AND AND AND AND AND PENIS. No, but seriously now, you're a genius no u moran he is way cooler than you go back to fapfapfaping to sick anime porn shit with piss and blood and shit like that you fuckin gross pedophile shit thing fuck yeah im pretty fucking cool fuck yeah fuck
  19. man u are so cool i wish i could be u

  20. Haha, you're a joke. Mr internet tough guy got so angry over a bad internet joke and now he comes at me with this bullshit. And when the hell has intelligence had anything to do with this? Oh, and lol at your pretentious animu avatar. Get a life. Over 7500 posts in this forum? lolololololololol man u are so cool i wish i could be your girlfriend in real life fuck yeah you are so cool you must have a huge penis you are so fucking cool fuck yeah bro you are the best bro ever fuck yeah you are so cool tell it to that fag he is the suck
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