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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Then why was there something wrong with my spam in the topic, or its locking? It never hurt anyone. I don't see anything wrong with it.
  2. Always counter bad logic? I ignore the details? What is this? Look. Someone made a topic. The topic went to the spam section. It was very popular. A horribly handsome and charismatic young man decided to spam that topic, since it WAS a Spam Forum. The topic was locked. The people who made that topic started BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWing about how it was super speshul. Said horribly handsome and charismatic young man was all like "Fuck." You guys started it.
  3. Somebody BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWed so I had to jump in. If you'd all decided to play FE4 and keep your mouths shut, none of this would have happened. That's right, its all you guys' fault!
  4. Is it fair? Is it just? ARE WE FUCKING SPAMMING IN A GODDAMN SPAM FORUM? OMG, WE SPAMMED A LOT IN THIS THREAD. Well guess what? I don't fucking care. The amount you spam is pretty much irrellevent. But by all means, keep going, you're only digging yourself a hole. I bet the topic will get Deleted after you guys pulled this shit.
  5. Guess what, if its spammy enough to be in FFtF, its spammy enough for me to raep it. As for this part, actually, no. You see, unless you wish to argue that every new member should be expected to read every single page of every Announcement ever on this site, in addition to the Forum Rules (which by the way, are displayed there handily), you can't say that's a rule. Because its not included in the official rules document thing, or even in the first post of ANY Announcement.
  6. Dude. You posted in it. Surely you yourself could see how retarded some of the posts were. I argue I expended more effort sitting there hammering Control V, tab, and then Enter a bunch of times over and over again than most of you expended making that thread. It was full of crap to begin with.
  8. What's my problem? I don't have one. I simply am very good at pointing out flaws in a system, and exploiting them. Also, the other half of this is that I knew this would happen when I started to spam the thread. You know why? Because you people act so fucking special just because you spam up that thread and use it as a fucking chatroom because you can't be bothered to download MSN and use it, or someshit. And many other members KNEW you would baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw your eyes out too.
  9. I did respond to that point by saying that, you know, you're basically saying that all threads have a purpose equal to that of Ultima, and thus should be kept around. To be honest, I don't care about Ultima, but there must be a reason for it, otherwise it wouldn't be pinned. I'll laugh at things if they're funny. Oh, wow, its unfair that somebody spammed in a spam forum. Just pointing this out, but I brought some of this stuff up a long time ago here, but then I decided that they didn't really want to change, so I wouldn't press the issue. Feel free to ask for Flood Control though, god knows I've wanted it for ages. Fuck. Do you not understand that the posts DO NOT MATTER. We where simply posting in FF4 thread, giving it more posts when it was locked. Does that mean it should have been saved? When is the point when a topic has enough posts to be saved? How do we judge the "effort" put into each post? Holy tittyshitting christ, I will say this once again: The number of posts in a topic does not make it special. I know, I'm a comic genius hey?
  11. Which argument did I fail to counter? Pray tell. Again, I CAN MAKE AN ARGUMENT LIKE THAT FOR ANY FUCKING THREAD. And besides that point, that is fucking retarded to say that the topic creator should have total control of their topic. That's what Loki was bitching about. Fuck. Now, I'm going to say this again, slowly; it doesn't matter how many posts a topic has, nor how much effort was put into it, because its in fucking FFtF. Its a spam forum. Now, I could understand you complaining in other sections. But not FFtF. As for life is unfair, well, your mums a DILF.
  12. Lawl. Just wow. Alright then. Every thread is now special. No thread can be locked, because I can find a reason for any of them to stay open. HAHAHA I AM SPESHUL AND BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE AND CAN DEMAND THE STAFF NOT LOCK MY TOPICS, LOLOLOLOLOL!
  13. Oh, I don't know, maybe THE FUCKING FORUM DESIGNED FOR THE DISCUSSION OF FE GAMES? ... By purpose I mean purpose from a Moderation point of view, otherwise every topic would have a "purpose".
  14. Happens to most threads around here. It just happens. If you don't want it to get hijacked, DON'T MAKE IT IN FFtF.
  15. I've done that to other threads too. They where locked as well. I didn't see you complain then. Number. Of. Posts. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter. Alright, get that? IT DOESN'T MATTER. Ultima is only "special" because it is a thread with a purpose (having all old/locked/whatever) spam threads merged into it. FE4 thread is not special. As for the last bit, well, life isn't fair. Maybe now you'll help ask for Flood Control in FFtF? :D
  16. I don't care, as long as there is consistency. No, no it doesn't give it any special rights. Many other topics have had many posts. That doesn't give them special treatment. The FE4 thread was being spammed up, so it was locked. Just like the other threads that got spammed up. That is how rules work.
  17. MASSIVE EFFORT? MASSIVE EFFORT! OH NOES! I CANNOT BELIEVE WE HAVE WASTED ALL THE EFFORT SPENT BY THESE PEOPLE POSTING MINDLESS MESSAGES AND HITTING ADD REPLY! MASSIVE EFFORT! You still haven't given a reason why it should get special treatment. Size does not make a thread, especially in FFtF.
  18. Tisk tisk. Isn't this an attempt at discussing something the administration has told you not to discuss? And why should FE4 topic be unlocked? Every other topic that gets flooded gets locked. Why is it any different?
  19. Just one question. Is it true that the glowing blue man spent a significant portion of the film chillaxing with his junk out?
  20. Rinse and repeat. Eventually something will snap.
  21. Sorry FE4 thread. Sorry, gotta prove a point... You're just the unfortunate victim.
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