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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Vagina. Penis. Anus. Rubber ball. Mouthwash. Shopping Cart. Cat. Hamburger.
  2. And you're a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. Nigger. Dyke. Cracker. Chink.
  3. Excellent rules sir. In other news I only now noticed the pun in Blacken's username... :(
  4. YES. YES. ALL MY TIME WAITING HAS FINALLY BEEN VINDICATED! THANK YOU! So, anyone want to discuss the best method for killing those vicious carp?
  5. Pretty much everything. I have no standards. :(
  6. Shit. But remember how powerful my blackholevagina is. Remember when I swallowed EVERYONE that one time?
  7. Hey, for your information, having six penises is a wonderful experience!
  8. Work. In my free time I will perspire while doing absolutely nothing, which is marginally better than what I normally do in my free time which is just doing absolutely nothing.
  9. He looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooves Lyle!
  10. You have been in another man's ass all day. Not that there's anything WRONG with that. Well, actually, since its you...
  11. I honestly never get bored. For some reason I can be completely satisfied doing absolutely nothing, so the answer would be that I never have to think of something to do on a boring day. I just don't experience boredom the way other people claim to.
  12. Do you really want to know? REALLY?
  13. WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME? I could have spammed up to that level and we would all have had an excellent laugh!
  14. Really? I find you can get some pretty much by finding someone who might be hiring, dropping in, asking them if they are hiring, and then usually getting set up with an interview at some point. After that its resume and gravy.
  15. Wait. Wait. You mean before there was a method of bypassing Flood Control? You mean that I could theoretically have repeated that stunt in FE4 thread?
  16. I died of swine flu. And fucked your mum.
  17. Many. Seriously, ask around. I live in the middle of nowhere, and still most kids can get a job at like 12-14. Look and you will find one. It just takes a little work.
  18. No. Anyway, you post way too much outside FFtF RageFox. :( Also, I had 10 times as many posts as you did. Prove me wrong!
  19. Yeah, he's pretty much drifted away! Let me check... I FUCK LITTLE GIRLS IN MY BASEMENT! If he's here he'll respond pretty soon.
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