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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. "If A = My dick, then please state the length of A in inches"
  2. Lol. If you need something, hit me up over MSN.
  3. I've lost my warnings for sexism, so time to get them back. A woman gets into a car crash with a man on the highway, who's fault is it? What does it mean if your wife is in the living room?
  4. Just because a lot of people are ignorant does not make ignorance any less excusable. Not caring about the things that ultimately govern your incredible ease of life and how the world works in general isn't exactly a clever use of your brain. If you're fortunate enough to be born in a first world country and have the luxury of being able to not care what's happening (and many other luxuries too, like, say, playing some role, however small, in the leadership of your nation), then the least you can do is make some effort to figure out why you have that luxury in the first place, or at the very least actually USE that luxury. Hint: why not take a look at the people who do not have many of the same luxuries as you?
  5. I am quite experienced with 4e, being a crazy ass DnD nerd. Usually I just screencap a map I've made with Maptools or someshit and upload it with changes every turn. I figure I can handle this. I spend to much time on CharOps as it is, so I need some DnD that doesn't involve that. :D
  6. :D 4th edition is crazy easy to play. I think I already have you on MSN as well... At least I have someone who used to be called something else and is now called Samuto.
  7. You can all now imagine the little skit. Anyhow, I, in all seriousness, have considered the idea of running a game of good ol' DnD on this forum (4th edition of course, unless I have a bunch of people who really want to play a group of spellcasters who obliterate every encounter they lay eyes on), but I figured I should see how many people, if any, would actually be interested in playing. If I did run a game, it would probably be mainly play by post, with a bit of IM mixed in when we had the time. It would be cool if everyone had there shit together beforehand, but I'm not opposed to teaching people how to play if that's what it comes to. Anyway, any questions, interest, whatever?
  8. It's a talent bro. Oh yeah, should I start making "your mum" jokes in every single FFtF topic again?
  9. You don't need to be a twat and get all butthurt every time religion is remotely referenced, you know. As for the topic, did you know that capybaras were considered fish by Christians living in areas that they lived in? It's because they lived in the water, and the people needed someshit to eat on Friday night. EDIT: And if I'm warned please remove some of my previous warns first, since I have been behaving for a while.
  10. I refuse to give you money, voided my vote.
  11. Question: Why does blowing into my DS solve all its problems?
  12. Holyshit, I shouldn't have half dissapeared man. I can't believe I missed the best parts of this. :(
  13. I loved DH. He was amazing. No matter what he always had a perfect comment. At least Jarly sometimes agreed with people.
  14. Moar like Vore Inflation Dickgirl CockShittingDickNipples with piercings.
  15. Wimp. Real men look at Hentai in order to strengthen their stomachs. You're just a poser.
  16. I just want this to be dredged up one more time. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? What the fuck else are we supposed to mourn Michael Jackson's death for? His nose? No-one would know or care about him if it wasn't for his music. It was what he was famous for and probably (make that definitely) his greatest accomplishment. Why NOT mourn him because of his music? I'd hate to think what you would have had to say about John Lennon. :P
  17. Eventually. Anyone retarded enough to still be tricked into this shit after Borat probably should be shot though. :(
  18. As NatGeo so excellently put it: NO
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