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Everything posted by Exiledwolf

  1. From that video at 21:46. You can hear Sully say "Hi, I'm Sully" To Virion. Actually a very good VA imo, it doesnt sound too feminie and not too masculine. Vaike Time xD Favorite quote ever
  2. Yeah in normal people are like not wanting to try new things, like ap tristana or hybrid mf. When they see chars like that, the normally think of "adc" and expect you to follow the meta >_>
  3. Uhh, how have you guys been laddering? IDK about myself but i seem to have some sort of "laddering anxiety" and I cant force myself to ladder. So I've been sticking to regular pvp games. Any help to start laddering and raising Elo?
  4. @ Raven- Another alternate replacement for lux I would suggest is the Athene's Unholy Grail item. It gives out a lot of ap (90), has CD reduction for dat laser, and is a good item to help with mana problems. It also has 40 MR to boot. I found that i was too mana hungry with Lux even when running Rod of Ages. But whatever suits your needs. Another item replacement i would suggest is the void staff if the enemy team is stalking MR items I assume you were going to build a lich bane which is a good item i suppose. I never tried using the bane because its used mostly, i found, on mixed attackers who relies on a good burst, like Nidalee. @Pride- My priorities for skill usage is R>Q>E>W. The shield is useful, but i found the level one shield can block out the effects of ignite and, if laning with someone like karthus, itll help his early games requiems. Her snare is incredibly useful when escaping too and can be used to go for the combo of Q>auto attack> E >attack> laser. But thats just my opinion
  5. Uhh you do realize that Eyvale has a hidden Prayer ability that renders her unkillable/capturable due to a certain chapter event later on?
  6. Im pretty sure the "Talk like a pirate" day is from the BGO that IRC chat has spoken of
  7. Oh right I see. Its just that during those games when you have a chance at winning (ie one carry and a 4 man meh team) and that one person keeps continuously dying to the same person, then that when i get upset. If they keep dying, i usually at least try to warn them to not go after him and turret hug a bit, but usually that ends up to no avail. Thats when i would blame them. If it was just our team in general, i wouldnt and still play normally
  8. meh i dont really mind losing. as long as we worked as a team i dont mind. But if there is a feeder, then all blame goes to that person. Right now i dont know what role to be. Im switching between ranged ad/ and mid ap...
  9. Am i llike the only person who straight ahead went for PvP and not practiced with bots? I feel bots are to weak when set in beginner and too hard when set to higher levels
  10. 25. My Str/Mag growth is considered good.
  11. Gambling on Number 5, You First see me as an enemy
  12. Oh ok. Well, its not too much of a hassle, I conveniently Save Stated incase I messed up. But wow, this game is so fun, yet difficult. The reinforcements are so many, yet they give so little experience. And the bosses hit so hard. Now that I finished this chapter, the mages really shouldn't be that defensive imo. IIRC, they had the same defence as the archers, so they actually tanked a lot.
  13. Oh wow, Im in the defend the king chapter, and one of the NPC generals killed Kinowa, He got moved to the eastern part, near the door when ranging a Paladin Enemy reinforcement. Does this mean I cant recruit him? (Not a big deal because hes just Kai on a horse, but this was very surprising)
  14. Are there any requirements for getting the gaiden in 8, or is it automatically gotten?
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