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Everything posted by Deity

  1. "Come on, Hiro," Kyuubi said, coming to Rad's aid. "He's no giant, he is just tall. Besides, giants are ugly and smell funny, like dead dog." Rad blurted out laughing, and so did a few of the rest, including young Kyuubi. "I guess that means I smell fine," Rad said mostly to himself and smelling his arms, this action making a few of the kids laugh. "You want to come with us and throw rocks at wooden enemies?" Kyuubi asked Rad, then. Rad put on a pondering gesture. "Come on, it'll be fun," added another of the kids, the one who had approached him first. "Are you good with the bow?" "I am alright," Rad bragged and he noticed that the kids were now eyeing his precious pearly bow. "Can you kill a deer with it?" Kyuubi asked, wanting to know. Rad nodded at her. If only she knew he'd laid down countless of monsters and baddies with this bow, she'd be more than amazed. "Can you teach me how to use it?" Hiro asked, almost clinging to Rad's arm. "Hey, come on," Rad told him. "Weren't we going to throw stones at some wooden foes? This stuff is serious business, but yes, I guess I could teach you all some other time." The kids smiled, and some of them wooted. "What is your name, by the way?" the other girl asked, one who was slightly taller than Kyuubi. "Rad," the merc spoke to her. "Of house Q'etz in Vanezia." "Oh, what cool name you have," the girl said. "Never heard it before." "What about all of you?" Rad wanted to know, feeling friendly this day with the kids. He was usually very quiet, but this pack of kids had gotten into him. "What are your names?" And they presented themselves to them. The merc spent a few hours playing with them, pwning the wooden targets they had set as enemies. "Hey, leave some for us," Kyuubi shouted when Rad had brought down his fourth target with ease. "But that enemy was awfully close," Rad protested, smiling. "And did you see the freaking mace it carried? I wasn't about to let him near us." Hiro laughed out loud, making others follow his lead. Rad took it easy then, letting the kids stone a few wooden targets. After his fun time with them, they said they needed to return back to the orphanage. "Back to the what?" Rad asked when he heard a kid named Shiki say. "Back to the orphanage, our house?" Kyuubi asked. "He doesn't know that," Luvsasuke said, the other girl who wore spectacles. "He doesn't even know where its at, believe, right, Rad?" "Right," Rad nodded. "Is Django over there?" "She runs it," Hiro said, throwing a rock at a fallen wooden target. "We are her kids. At least that's what she says to us." Rad nodded, understanding then that Django ran an orphanage. He lowered his head down and smiled at the good notion. "Say hi to her for me, then," Rad simply said then. "I will," Kyuubi said and then they all took off. Rad saw them leave, and in the distance, he saw Kyuubi turn her head over her shoulder just to eye him one last time. --XoX--
  2. In the morning, Rad always spent his time outside of the tavern, for during the early hours of the day his help was not needed. Sense-altering beverages were only served at night, when the light left the region. He had always seen the villagers going about their business, but this particular morning, Rad was interested in something else. He was waiting for Django, the girl who had spoken him yesterday, to arrive. He did not know where the young girl lived, for Rella was a big village, its total inhabitants numbering more than 100 folks, half of these young teens and kids. The morning felt chilly, and Rad could tell that Django had been right. The rain that had fallen last night had turned into sleet. The dirty ground still felt a little slippery. The merc decided to head out and take a walk, for he still had much to see on the village since he had simply made his way over to the tavern upon his day of arrival here. A few villagers saluted the tall merc as he went by, others nodded at him. But what Rad begin to notice was that a few young ones were following him closely, and they were picking up rocks and sticks. Rad did not show any fear, he simply glanced around at the kids, who with no doubt were looking at him and plotting something. Unafraid of whatever these runts might have up their sleeves, Rad continued on walking, aware at all times, though, thanks to a few magical rings he wore. All of a sudden, a small child walked up to him and smiled at him. "What are you about?" Rad asked, seeing that the kid held a few stones in its small hands and that he was asakian of race. The lad couldn't have been older than seven. "Do you want to play with us?" "Play?" Rad asked. "Play what?" "You will be the giant and we will be the heroes who bring you down." Rad couldn't hold back a chuckle. "You plan on bringing me down with rocks?" Rad asked. "Isn't that what your kin does to us humans?" Again Rad laughed, for the kid had a point. But Rad was not a giant, he was simply too tall for them. Real giants fought from far distances away, throwing large boulders at their enemy, so Rad could tell what the kid was talking about. By the time he thought of it, he was already surrounded by like seven kids, a few girls among them and all holding rocks. And Rad noticed that most of them were asakians. "I am not a real giant," Rad told them. "Der! Like, we know that," a small girl told him, this one being small in size, with dark long hair and...pretty much resembling someone Rad knew already. She looked alot like Django, Rad agreed with himself. "But you are still tall enough to resemble one, and we kids here in Rella hate giants!" "Okay," Rad smiled, keeping calm now that he knew the kids simply wanted to play with him. "But answer me this first, little girl. Are you by any chance related to Django?" "Kyuubi is her sister," another small fellow said, Rad noticing that this lad had spiky, dark hair. "I knew it," Rad said, mostly to himself and smiling at his good guess. "How do you know my sister?" the little girl asked as the clique walked on through the dirty street. "She works with me," Rad simply said and eyed the girl. "And you look just like her, that is why I asked." Kyuubi smiled and lowered her head. Rad did not know it but the little asakian girl started to like him as a friend. He was not that bad a guy, Kyuubi thought. "Hey," Kyuubi said, then, mostly to the kids, who were all her friends. "Lets forget about pelting him with rocks. He is not a giant after all. What say we go stone the heck out of some wooden foes?" Many of the kids agreed, but there was one who still wanted to throw stones at Rad, the kid with the spiked hair. "I don't know," he said. "He does look like a giant. He could be spying for them, you know?"
  3. A few moments later, Lyle saw the pair of orcs continue on their way, entering a more dense forest, which was filled with large pinetrees and trees. Yabi forest it was called. In went Lyle, knowing that the orc's hideout couldn't be too far now. He was right, for a few minutes later, the pair of orcs stopped again and began talking to themselves as they rested. Lyle could hear their every word since he carried an enchanted earring that could let him hear in on far conversations. So long as Lyle had his eyes set on the talking orcs, he would be able to hear what they were saying as if he were standing right in the middle of the conversation. If he did not have his eyes set on the victims, the earring would not work its magic. But the merc had his eyes on the orcs, and he heard them say that the cavern was not far now. Hearing that, Lyle then shifted his gaze on the girl, who was fiddling with the tight and strong rope of the net. Seeing how scared the young girl seemed, sprung the man into action. Oh hell, Lyle thought as she saw her pretty face deformed by the terror the young girl must of been feeling. "The freaking orc hideout will have to wait." And the merc sprang into action, coming out of the bushes and saying. "You got ten seconds to let the girl go." The orcs spun on him, surprised, and baloog did not hesitate to remove the spear from the netting while his companion growled at the intruder. "Ah, I see that you are complying," Lyle lied as he saw Baloog's actions. "Not really," Baloog growled. "I kill you, human. Come, Thak, let us kill this fool. Our reward shall be greater." Thak smiled evilishly and headed to the right, while Baloog took the left flank. Meanwhile, all Chiki could do was watch. She could not deny the sudden racing in her heart. A human had interfered for her and was now going to fight the two orcs. She sighed in relief and waited to see what happened. The merc was an expert swordman, and he held a weird colored sword. The blade was of a dark gray color and the hilt was short, with the pummel being the small replica head of a succubus. Lyle knew his sword as Hell's Ash, for the sword had the magical proporties of smoke, and with a call from its master the sword could emit ash smoke all around. One of the orcs came hard at Lyle, the one on his left, long spear leading in, but the agile Lyle jumped back a step quick enough to avoid the killing hit. His sword then split the wooden spear in half as Lyle brought hell's ash in a downward strike. He followed the breaking of the spear with a quick jump kick to Baloog's ugly face. The orc stammered back and Lyle was already on the move again, since Thak was also on the move. On came Thak, with his own spear attempting to skewer the blonde man. Lyle evaded the attack with a smile and spun on the passing orc, hitting him in return with a quick blow to the orc's back. "Argh!" growled Thak as the mighty sword cut in through clothe and flesh. But Lyle was not a coward, he never killed using his opponent's back, like many cowards did. No, Lyle liked to fight fair and square. He waited for the orcs to come at him, but they were standing still, Baloog eyeing him while Thak recuperated himself from his rush. Lyle saw them run away, like the cowards they were. The orcs were not stupid creatures, they knew the young man would easily take them down if they went on with the fight, and so they ran into the woods, Lyle knowing that they would not be coming back here anytime soon. The merc headed to help the young girl out of her predicament as he sheathed back his wonderful blade, which he had not been able to use its full power. --XoX--
  4. He was just waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The orcs had not been the only ones to have witnessed the girl's reckless wandering, a young mercenary had also been watching her from afar. Lyle Dayek was his name, also known among the peasantry as the lone wolf. He was close to a six-foot frame, of blonde, long hair that reached the back of his neck and astute in his doings. His eyes were green, like green ruby gems, and were the cause why many woman found the merc irresistible. Lyle witnessed the girl's capture, and had been ready to spring into action and save her from the hands of those vile orcs. But since the young merc had been following these orcs around for some time, and had wanted to know where the tribe's secret hideout was at, he let them take care of their business. He had followed them ever since, wanting to take care of his own business soon. Lyle had always been on the alert though, keeping a watchful eye on the mysterious young girl, whom he had never seen before. If the orcs so much as dared to touch her, young Lyle would of had sprung into action. But the orcs hadn't touched her, and for a reason. Orcs were afraid of their tribe leader, who without a doubt would have the prey inspected by his shamans to see if the catch had been tempered with. Anything that a catch was carrying rightfully belonged to the leader. If the leader of the orcs did not like any of the stuff a certain catch was carrying, he would then put it on sale for his own tribe to buy. As to the catch, most of them never made a day in the cavern, most were killed and eaten that same day. Lyle followed the pair and their catch for a while, skipping by bushes and large trees that surrounded the region. There was also a river, more like a small stream that ran from north to south. That is where the orcs stopped at because they needed to refill their water canteens. This could of had been a great spot for the lone merc to strike, but he really wanted to find out where these orcs were coming from. The village where Lyle resided was not far from the area. It was a medium sized village known as Saga, with decent folk living there, but since the village was the farthest to the north of the cold realm, it was so isolated from the other Yvian villages that it suffered many enemy attacks. Lyle was a protector of the village, along with other folks who kept a watchful eye in the outskirts. He got paid for keeping the place safe, and as such was his job, he was taking it to the extreme this time.
  5. I have to say Neimi or Rebecca. I love archers.
  6. Oh, and its fair to say that the freaking coin was the size of the world. ^^ Jk, but it was a big coin, one known as a Centenario.
  7. So you are a rich guy, eh? XD
  8. That, guy, is what makes me think it over. Although I do believe in the bible as well.... Its just that its too crazy here on earth...you see shit that you aint suppose to see sometimes and that messes with your brain noodles. XD
  9. Haha When I was but a babe, I chocked on a huge coin, lucky for me, my mom was right there and she turned me upside down and pat my back, forcing the coin back out. ^^ *No allowance for you in a year, young man.*
  10. Easy there, Fox. Dont go choking on us now. I dont know what I would do without you...without such a good mod as yourself. *I'd prolly get it over after a few days*
  11. I'd make a poll, but I am too sleepy. I'm off to bed. And hell, I dont know what to believe. There are many unknown things going on in this miserable world. I should say aye, that I believe, because when I was younger, I clearly saw a flying saucer going by. Its a strange story, and one that would take me too long to relate. The fact is, I dont know.
  12. Why you...XD Dont tease with the dead like that, your highness dragoness, they could come to haunt you at night. ^^
  13. Deity

    *Elbows kidney*

    Aren't you gonna sue me? ^^

  14. HI, welcome. ^^

  15. He is, but perhaps thats the last flick he made?
  16. Deity

    Demon or Wolf?

    Oh, I wants!!! *Stamps feet on ground* I wants to go as Koga!!
  17. Who then? Can this grizzled old dragon know? ^^
  18. Deity

    Demon or Wolf?

    Who is Koga? Some type of demon?
  19. Durandal, arghhhhh!! lol But I is a good dragon...
  20. Deity

    -Dragon's Rage-

    Yeah, he told me about it. XD but I had no idea someone had thought of this title before. Sorry for the confusion, peeps.
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