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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Why thanks, Tino, I'll take a look there, although I am already loving cjink...we have arcades, money, etc. All that I could need.
  2. Link to smf please... And, well, Lux and I have started the rp here: http://fireemblem.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=idx Several peeps from serene joined. We use the chatbox alot. :D At the moment I'm just finishing posting games rules and such, but soon the rp will be ready, sooner than you may think.
  3. Morning, sunshine. ^^

  4. Wouldn't that have been awesome.
  5. I dont love America, I dont love Mexico, I dont love Brazil, etc. I'm not a country lover, I just live life the best I can, I care little for such things.
  6. Oh I can see, and I am not knit picking. Its just that the mug does not look like Ike, ok? In my opinion, ok? Get it? Got it? Good.
  7. Not at all, the eyes look weird, the skin a little too bright.
  8. Luxord and I will be working on this board. Anyone is welcome to go and join us. We have a chatbox where we kick the can. ^^ At the moment the rpg is under development. But we could as well have it ready for tomorrow. I appreciate if you folks drop in and give it a shot. Or at least go and kick the can once in a while with Luxord and me. ^^ Click Me Nao!
  9. Deity

    So join my evilness. XD Together we shall rule this middle earth..or SF. ^^

  10. Yeah, count me in as well, I hate anything that is related to "work"
  11. Deity

    King? Dont be absurd, dragoness. A king is but a simple human fool. No, I am a Supreme Ancient Dragon, more than a king, a ruler and god. ^^

  12. Oh so you guys meant that fight in the tower? lol I thought you guys meant the very first time the Black Knight came out from that house and waited there. Naw, I beat his ass in my first attempt.
  13. Wait, never mind. We shall work on it on another clean board, then we link both forums and then we link Serenes to them as well. Anyway, if anyone else wishes to join in the project, you are welcomed to do so either as a mugger, spriter, story writer, idea contributor, etc. Anyone helping us out will get credit for everything they do.
  14. My loyalty to God. Ok, we need to talk RPg...remember you were helping me? lol I say we start over with it at my current board...what do you say?
  15. Well, I'm a soldier of God, I cant go on saying bad words here and there, now can I? *Waits for Lux to arrive*
  16. Deity

    There, I have you. You said it. That makes me the supreme dragon of SF...Right? ^^

  17. Deity

    Hi guys

    Welcome to this crazy place. I hope you dont become demented after your first day. XD
  18. Well no crap, you think a baby is gonna smile or laugh if some nut speaks to it in an angry tone?
  19. Deity

    I is a lonely cute ancient dragon looking for love!! XD

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