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Everything posted by Deity

  1. Lol, thanks, I really wont be writing on it anymore, as I am gonna finish that other one first. ^^
  2. The young man had a secret place just outside of town, where he kept a couple of outfits just in case occasions such as this one came up. Rad grabbed some garments and quickly put them on under the shadow of a large oak tree. Moments later, he arrived and knocked at the monastery's door. It was Django who opened the door for him, and when she saw him standing there, his hair all wet and messy, the young asakian rushed to his arms. "Oh, Rad, you're alive." Rad received his beloved friend in a hug and felt astonished. Of course he was alive. Django must of been sick worried for him. "Yes I am," Rad said, nodding. "You thought differently?" Django separated herself from him and took a good measure of him. "Where have you been, Rad? Wait, don't answer that, come in here and step off the rain." Rad did just that, but he knew time was of the essence. "I need you to get out of Kikure," he said, grabbing Django by her shoulders and using a solid tone. Hearing that and seeing how desperate Rad sounded, Django frowned in surprise. "All of you, right now." "What?" "I...don't have time to explain right now, Django. But your lives are at stake here. Wake the others and get them ready to leave. I will ready the horses and wagon." "Wait," Django called after him as Rad went rushing towards the door. Rad stopped and turned back to face her. "Are you in some sort of trouble?" Rad understood what she meant. No, he was not a law-breaker, but he was indeed in trouble of some sorts. "It's not what you think," Rad simply said. "But please, Django, do as I say. Many enemies are on their way here, led by Yosh." "Yosh?" "Yes," Rad explained. "I dont know what his intentions are, but I believe he joined the citadel of dark hearts and treasoned me." After saying that, Rad stormed off. Django remained standing there, digesting the info that Rad had told her. Yosh was an enemy now? She couldn't believe it, but she couldn't believe either that this was happening. She shook her head and headed to rouse the other orphans. It was time to obey Rad. She always did everything Rad asked and she would always do.
  3. Depends on what your face looks like. Imagine all that you said with an orc face. XD
  4. I know, girl, I was just trying to be soothing. XD
  5. Lol, Orly? What about Chiki, Kilvas, Bizz, Datia--my favorite lol and those others...?
  6. Cynthia, dont cry, I can help you. ^^ Pm me and let me know. ^^
  7. Naw, I dont believe in uglyness. All human scum is beautiful lol, eventhough we all hate each other in many different ways.
  8. --I'm off to bed. Care to join me, girls? lol
  9. Lol Win.....dows vista lol * Gives Magnus a medal>>> *Points to crotch.*
  10. *Thinks of Emmy.* I'm off to sleep yet again, good folks of SF. I'll be back tomorrow, if God is willing, and keep that story going. Once I get something cooking, I simply keep posting, but right now its too late at night. SEe ya. XD Oh, I might not come back tomorrow nor sunday if I do decide to go for broke on that playing time record. :D God bless you all...*Leaves*
  11. Flame war? How many were banned? *Readies Okörina* I'm ready.
  12. What? :o Dont tell me Bizz is blind. XD
  13. Bizz's avy scares me, though. Dont tell him/her I said that. :D
  14. Lol *Drools* Though I'm cuter by far.
  15. Jots down. Who the Eff is Ghep? lol You will, dont worry, you will. I dont write shitty stories. ^^ lol
  16. What are you trying to tell me? That you can make me laugh and turn my face red? lol Welcome to the club!! *Hugs this overly cocky big lug*
  17. Because I know what I am. I'm not some piece of shit who is too ugly and too afraid to keep quiet! lol
  18. Okay, so I suppose Kiba will be an ally. XD A destitute from the Citadel of Dark Hearts. Of course, but you still havent made your appearance. You will though, my captain friend, you will. Now, to the sharks with you, mate.
  19. I said: Oh my god--And I fell in love. ;)
  20. Yeah, Ozzy, I get that all the time from girls as well. But its not that, I really am a desirable bastard.
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