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Everything posted by Deity

  1. I am too darn cute!!! But I aint posting no picture. If you are ugly as hell, stay away from this topic, otherwise, post if you are cute like me. Not like me, because I will always be cuter than you all!
  2. Dont worry about it, princesita. Just make sure it looks cute, cause I am cute. :D

  3. Sure, I guess so. But if you dont wanna do it, just tell me.

  4. We have a bug in the electrical system...Somebody blast it. XD
  5. I only ask because I got your wii points already.

  6. Woot, you visited me. *Dies*

    How's the avy coming?

  7. Deity

    Get a Life, me!

    Nice, but my record is still holding strong. Ima go for two days in a row playing videogames, starting tomorrow. ^^ Woot! Wish me luck, peeps. I'll probably not be around.
  8. Deity

    YAY ME!

    Congrats, use it well.
  9. How about you, capn? you wanna leave the crew as well? I could take over as Capn.
  10. I need characters for my Tale of the Dragon Lord. I already used a few of you as default characters, but I need friends and enemies alike, so if you would be interested in being something in the story, post here what you wanna come out as. Important character, non-important, npc, I dont care, whatever suits your need. Please help me~Radamanthys
  11. He came down in a swoop and grabbed his essentials from the soggy ground with one of his claws. Then, noticing that the assassin guild was moving out of Komaki in a hurry, Rad flew dead-straight for Kikure village, where he knew Django and company must be worried for him. Rad thought about just going down there and beat the crap out of them in his current transformed state. The better side of his reasonings got the best of him, for Rad was still a weakling eventhough he was a full blooded Dragon. He could not even cast his magical powers yet, for his dragon stone needed to be completely refilled with the aura of his element, according to a certain informant. Rad also begin to wonder about his friends, two poor guys that he had spent a few weeks with working as a hired hand. What would happen to Sage and Ozzy Wailen? Rad thought. What would happen to them now that the assassin guild had them in their power. And what of Princess Kilvas, the princess from Broah who had warned him of the Citadel's interest in him just a day ago. What would happen with her? Where was she at? Had she flown back to Broah and decided to stay out of further trouble with the assassin guild? After all, she had a realm to look after, she was the ruler. There were too many questions and no answers, so Rad just decided to keep on flying easterly. The night was alighted every now and then thanks to the dangerous lightning of the storm. But Rad plowed on, knowing that his family--yes family, for Rad loved them like his own family, one that he neve had--needed him. This was the second time that Rad had transformed into a dragon. The first one he had done so when a nasty Shiggara had appeared during one of the group's caravan expedition. Rad had only done so to defend his two friends from danger, and the caravaners, who were dumbfounded after seeing the man transform into a dragon. Had he not done so, the shiggara, a gigantic snake-like creature, would of had made of them all a meal. But ferocious Rad in dragon state had battled it, measuring up to it with size and strength. After tearing the shiggara apart, the caravaners took its skin off and took plenty of meat to trade and sell. Shiggara meat was a delicacy in most of the four realms, so the caravaners, and its protectors, got a good sum of gold. From that date on, the news about the young dragon man begin to hit towns and villages alike, and the story of Rad being a dragon had reached the ears of a certain fellow in the citadel of assassins. Why they were after him, Rad had no idea. Princess Kilvas simply had come to warn him that he was being seeked by the killers. Rad had not even had the time to ask her how she had known all of that, Princess Kilvas had flown off rather quickly. An hour later, Rad recognized the hills that surrounded the village of Kikure, and a smile crossed his face. He descended down into a close by forest and there, the young man turned back to his human form. He appeared naked, for whenever the young man shape-shifted, his clothes were torn to shreds. He would need a new outfit, but for now, he grabbed his essentials from the ground and headed running towards the village.
  12. I Voted Stefan, but wouldn't Care Bear sound better?
  13. Django Hui was sitting at the round, wooden table, eating her portion of stew for that night. The 16 year old Asakian was eating by herself since she had sent the rest of the orphans early to bed, like she always did when Radamanthys was not around. Django was a cute girl, measuring at least five-three. She wore her hair long and dark, usually tied in a ponytail. Her hair was darker than the night itself. Her beautiful, small, slanted eyes were of the same color. "Oh, Rad," Django sobbed in her thoughts. "Where the hell could you be at?" The Asakian was worried for Rad, and as she sat there, eating slowly and in an uncaring way, the beautiful brunette could only wonder if something had happened to him. Rad had always come to visit them, even if it was once per week. Komaki village was a day's journey on foot, but Rad had always come to visit them from overthere no matter what. Even if the weather was bad as tonight's, Rad would come. But tonight, Django felt sad and worried because the young man had not come in his usual dates. It was now three days past a week, and so Django had a reason to worry, for Rad had never delayed such days before. Being the oldest of the orphans made her look out after the other four in the group. One orphan was the smallest of them all both in stature and age, and was her sister Kyuubi. The small runt, along with Django, loved Rad alot, for he had been like a brother to them two and the other three orphans. Django pushed the semi-empty bowl of rabbit stew in front of her, and she started to sob as she covered her face with her hands. She was certain that something had happened to Rad. But all of a sudden, just as she was crying, she heard a noise behind her. And Django turned around, only to find her little sister standing close behind her, holding a dirty ragged-made doll. "Kyuubi, what are you doing up?" "I can't sleep," young Kyuubi said as she glanced off to the side, avoiding her big sister's stare. Django wiped the tears of her face and stood up. Kyuubi gulped as she saw her do so, for the little girl thought Django was mad. She wasn't and she let her know it. "Why were you crying?" Kyuubi dared ask. "I just feel depressed since Rad hasn't come," Django confessed. Kyuubi nodded, knowing just as well. She was perhaps even sadder than Django, for Rad always played with her whenever he came. "He'll come," the smaller Asakian said, hugging her sister, who knelt next to her. Django engulfed Kyuubi in a hug. "I know Rad, he'll come." Django wasn't so sure, because ever since Rad had begun to hang out with the Wailen brothers, Sage and Ozzy, Rad had changed a bit. He still was a sweet youngster, but Django had noticed that the young man had matured much in just a few weeks and had acted a little strange. "Oh, Kyuubi," Django said, holding her 12 year old sister tightly. "I hope you are right."
  14. Aghh...you're gonna have to pay for my glasses, then, Pizza.
  15. Yes, Im in the business. Actually, no, I am not.
  16. --Ok, Im gonna take it one story at a time, that way I wont get mixed up with plots and stuff. The enemy was all about, some lurking in the shadows others rushing by, yet the young man could make their bodies quite well, for he was a Mamkute, one of the few of the last of his kind. His vision changed into infrared when it was night, normal when it was day, so the mighty young dragon held an advantage over his foes, which were many. Rad waited in the shadows that the village houses offered him that stormy night, oblivious to the many foes that went rushing by with their weapons drawn and eager to get into action. The Citadel of Dark Hearts were on him, Rad knew, but he had beat them tonight. Having retrieved his most valuable belongings from the shack that he had called home for most of his life, Rad decided that it was time to leave. "The village is clear," Rad heard one of the assassin soldiers say a short distance away. He had heard him because the informant had had to shout so his leader could hear him well under the wrath of the storm. "Damn dragon got away, sir. Somebody must of informed him of our little visit." Silence followed, though Rad remained hidden well aside a brick wall, his breathing steady. Then, a voice he knew, was heard. "It matters not. I know his next move. Call everyone back. We leave immediately for Ninive." Hearing him say that, rattled the young dragon, for Ninive was the place where Rad had a few friends who had helped him during his growing years. "The orphans," Rad said to himself, feeling agitated all of a sudden. "I must get back." Silently as a night cat, Rad avoided the watchful eyes of the assassins and was able to get out of the village before the dark band. Moments later, he had shape-shifted into his true being, that of a medium sized purple, scaly dragon. He beat his huge dark colored wings and set up to the sky, feeling the power of the raindrops hitting his whole body. He would rescue his friends and put them in a place away from all the trouble.
  17. Yeah but Hector can take damage. My Eliwood evades almost every attack thrown his way.
  18. Yeah, I always gave my statboosters to the guys/girls I liked most, like florina, fiora and Wil.
  19. Deity


    Wait, so if I come up with a guy riding a bear, it will be that the guy just kick ass, because he is on top of a freaking bear?
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