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Everything posted by Deity

  1. I didn't explain myself as I wanted to in that last post. The real deal is this. I pmed him regarding a site he was gonna help me with since last year. But I pmed him just to see what he responded to me knowing that he usually has been hating on me. Apparently he used my conversation where I told him that his help did not matter anymore, and decided to try to set me up for it. I don't really know what his intentions are, but the way I see it, is trying to get me banned or something. Tough luck.
  2. The guy in his sig pulls out a gun.
  3. What? You backstabber you. That was a conversation we had concerning the site you were gonna help me with. I said that, but you know what happened. I said: Not that it matters now, I was simply joking with it to see what you said about it. I was sure you'd rant back at me saying something like; Go fuck yourself. And, show your real face and show them the whole quote, we'll see just who is right about it, you just want to set me up. Indeed, they are names that refer to gods, but I have never felt IRL as a god. If I did say I was one, I was joking about it in FFTF where silliness is allowed. If I wanted to be all mighty and stuff I'd be posting left and right about how mighty I am. Anyway, if you don't believe me, Jyosua, that's fine, but this guy here is trying to use a conversation I had with him in peace just to set me up some other way. Perhaps it is he who should cool down and stop trying to set me up. Come on, Tino, post the whole quote.
  4. Where did you get those cheap glasses?
  5. Seven dies would be bliss. Made a siggy for me.
  6. Wants us to prove him wrong. --Godamn it, I forgot to add an s after the t in want.
  7. Deity

    Event Preparations

    Change of plans. I will still go on with it, except that I just came to realize I will need more space for it, not just a single thread. Things would crowd up and so I must use a full forum for this kind of thing. Of course, nobody is forced to join, but if you want to have a taste of it, you are welcomed to do so. And it wont be a big ass forum, but it will have a few sections for the Academy thingy and perhaps a writing section. When I have it ready, I shall post a link in my sig of it.
  8. use to be Loputousu. --Agh...is a heron.
  9. Is not wrong; is Loki. has 1022 posts
  10. Exactly. ^^ Has an avy with two beings in it.
  11. I've been a visitor for cheats and walkthroughs but I am not a member there.
  12. C. Gaunt looked better imo.

  13. And remember this is actually feedback, not a debate section or a place where you can strive to make a writer change his way of writing.
  14. Disgaea pwns. ^^

  15. Lol, no, you never showed up. Sword of seals is his current Fave game.
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