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Inactive Account404

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Posts posted by Inactive Account404

  1. I have several level 1 Fennekins (most of them are male, but I do have some females), that I'm willing to trade. I'd love to have a ditto or an umbreon (or shiny pokemon),but I'll accept other pokemon too. If anyone is interested, send me a PM and make me an offer.

  2. I don't support the Elincia and Ike pairing 100%, but I like it a whole lot better than the stupid Soren and Ike pairing. It would be interesting to see a sequel to Ike's story and see who he married, especially after the introduction of Priam.

    Putting the whole pairing argument aside now, I like some of the features you came up (the idea of enemies being able to pair up sounds really cool and would make the game play more interesting).

    If this was an actual game I'd be willing to play it. :)

  3. Has your sister said why she feels like no one likes her? I don't know exactly what your sister is going through, but maybe she is feeling angry about her disability. I have cerebral palsy (and have struggled with depression as well) , and sometimes worry about the future (living on my own, finding a job, etc). Maybe your sister is going through the same thing, and feels like there is no hope for her future. One thing that might help her, is to find a hobby she enjoys. Anything that would take her mind off what she can't do and focus on what she can do.

    Or maybe someone at school is bullying her?

    The best thing you can do, is to keep talking to her, and letting her know how much you love her.

  4. I just watched some of the gameplay. Wow, that does look...different.

    I think Level-5 has said that they're done with the Layton character.

    That is what I've heard as well, but when I saw the title Layton 7, I was hoping they changed their mind. Maybe it will have Layton's son like in Layton Brothers? Either way, the title does seem misleading.

  5. Having a disability myself (spastic cerebral palsy), I do find playing certain games difficult. Whenever I'm playing an action game (like legend of Zelda or Smash Bros.), I will start having some muscle spasms. My left hand espically gives me trouble ( I have to type using only my right hand). It sometimes tightens up so bad, I can't use it at all and have to quit playing the game for awhile.

    Usually what I find helpful, are games that let the player choose the controller and customize the controls (Like smash bros. brawl). To me the classic controller is easiest to use and the nunchuck is the hardest to use (When I played Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, I had my brother use the nunchuck while I used the wii remote. It took some practice to coordinate our attacks, but we had fun. :): ). When playing Sin and Punishment Star Successor, I had to make the right control stick crontrol both character movement and the crosshair.

    EDIT: I just know saw Phoenix Wright's post, and I agree that there simply are going to be games someone can't play due to disability. However with all the different genres, someone is bound to find a game he can play and enjoy. Actually, one reason I got into FE was that I can play it without my CP giving me too much trouble.

  6. I love the professor layton series! I have played all the games, and watched the movie. It's hard to choose a favorite, but I thought Miracle Mask was really good.

    I would love to try Ni No Kuni, but I don't have a PS3.

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