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Posts posted by AstraSage

  1. 8 hours ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Yay, they actually did it. The ability to speed up Session attacks alone is a huge improvement. 

    For those memeing the idea of Maiko having Azura as her Mirage, let’s remember the fact that the Carnage Forms don’t look like the Mirages they’re based on at all. If they’re still sticking to Shadow Dragon/Awakening Mirages then...Maiko’s Mirage would be Olivia by process of elimination. 

    As for Barry there, unless they plan on repeating classes by making Kellam or Roger his Mirage, then Barry would probably be an axe fighter with Barst, Basilio, Vaike or Darros as his Mirage. 


    And that's not counting the tiny chance Maiko's Mirage could be a Thief instead of a Dancer (even though her first name would heavily hint to the latter via the homophone shenanigans the game is well known for)...

    That said, while I do agree one should not expect the Carnage Form to resemble the Source Mirage, the fact Barry's actually took the Collar + Chain Leash of his goofy dog guise and made it look a lot like how Awakening Fighters wore something similar makes me think he has a good chance to be bound to a Vaike Mirage.

    Overall, I'm excited for the promise of new story elements.

  2. 14 minutes ago, zuibangde said:

    I feel like many of us are grasping on straws/having wishful thinking in hopes of having better mlm options. 😛 I hope IS realizes what the reactions are and be smarter about their decisions in future games. But honestly, Japan's reaction matters more and I don't expect them to be as upset as the West.

    And that's because we don't know if anyone bilingual enough has dared to spoil the Japanese Community with the previews of this side of the pond. And last time I checked, most of the 5ch-ers were expecting Raphael to be an option because they have a hard time thinking his design is not made to appeal the Gay Community...

    Anyways, I don't think we'd see Japan's Reaction until the game is released...

  3. 14 hours ago, Dorothea Joestar Arnold said:

    I have a good theory about the "modern city" shot. I believe that modern city is from OUR world not anything TMS related(since I heavily doubt they'll make a collab spin-off canon to the mainline games) similarly to Kiran in Heroes. Since from one footage it seems it transitions into picking our Avatars gender more specifically choosing our "form" we take as in transferring our soul into Byleth's. I also think it'll go Pokemon style or even Persona where someone asks us for our name and we input it there. Makes even more sense when Byleth has more controlled dialogue as the player chooses certain things to say actually feeling like your actually talking instead of it being pre-existing like past Avatars and emphasis that "YOU are the hero the world needs" which also gives me Bravely Second endgame spoiler vibes. This also happened in Let's Go where it felt WE are that main character from the beginning. I strongly feel that's what that whole transition symbolizes which I feel will get explained in the game.


    If I can put my my two cents, I think there's less Meta Player-Avatar interaction involved and more of the fact it's hinted Sothis' Main Domain is Omniscience:

    I mean, the in-universe explanation for Divine Pulse is that Byleth has watered down version of Sothis' power and said power allows seeing all present, past and future outcomes in a short span of time. Couple it with Sothis' sole voice clip in the latest E3 Trailer infers that she's quite familiar with the idea of someone witnessing two wildly different timelines, and I won't be surprised if the flashing images are just her Slumbering Self's Subconscious trying to look at all possible Time Periods of Fodlán's Timeline from Prehistory to a Modern(or even Sci-fi)-looking Age and Beyond...

  4. 1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Again, 100% understand the disappointment but i'm seeing some overreaction in this thread. On paper, the unbalanced ratio here isn't really enough to affect the quality of the game in my opinion. It all comes down to the writing.

    Though i do get appearances are a factor and the gay options for the guys don't appear to be particularly appealing when they're a bunch of old dudes while the ladies get younger options. But still, this isn't something to lose sleep.

    Hopefully there's some care in the Support Convos, but to be personally honest I see Gilbert as an option and the knowledge kinda gives me a reaction of constantly wondering how they're gonna make his support differ from Alois  who shares the same niche (and the latter is unfortunately also on a bit of thin ice as a non-platonic option because one big trait of his shown in some preview screenshots is that he's a proud married man with a kid, and his wife is now doomed to be fridged in order to enable him as a romantic pairing for both Byleths) and not give me a feeling similar (using a game mechanic as a metaphor) to how Awakening made me wish Libra could reclass as a Fighter instead of a Mage because the latter class tree didn't offer anything special after both Priest and Dark Mage overlapped both of of its promotions.

    Add the fact everyone kinda got queerbaited by Claude in the latest batch of Japanese Ads for the game (Seriously, how could anyone see a clip of Claude seemingly asking Byleth for a Dance at [what I call] the Big Prom Ball Scene while being framed with the same First Person PoV both Awakening and Fates intentionally used to keep the Avatar as gender-neutral as possible in close interactions and not entertain the possibility of him being as bisexual as Edelgard?) and that a previous screenshot disproved all the Blue Lions Guys (which, with the exception of Ashe who's as slender as Linhardt, were a nice middle ground between slender and burly frames) as candidates, folks have some reason to be disappointed.

  5. On one hand, the Non-Linhardt options shown so far are characters that wouldn't be out of place in a old-school Bara comic, but on the other they do feel like they both cater the same niche so I understand why folks are feeling disappointed by the lack of variety in the MLM options if that's the confirmed total...

  6. 1 hour ago, B.Leu said:

    Well, darn, still a shock. It leaves a question though: how the bloody mothering heck did Thani get those leaks ?

    From the way Thani phrased in her comments, it felt like she was actually close to someone in the localization team (or maybe even a play tester) willing to risk breaking NDA to gush/drop-hints 'bout what they had seen in a early build...


    It's kinda why we had stuff like the imbalance of Byleth's listed bisexual options:

    Thani's insider seemed to have way more hands-on experience with conversations in a "F!Byleth teaching the Black Eagles" Playthrough, so said person (and by extension, Thani) had an easier listing options and events available in that playthrough (with the Timeskip's Appearance Change being Universal) while a lot of stuff happening outside said playthrough (like Non-Black-Eagles Characters' Backstories or anything with M!Byleth involved) felt a bit more like nebulous second-hand (or third-hand for Thani) accounts who are still worth taking with a grain of salt...


  7. 1 hour ago, MetalAmethyst said:

    Spanish or Portuguese countries in Europe, sure. But, Latin America would be a bit of a stretch.

    Not to mention most of the Latin American Key Culture Beats (that are not shared by the Iberic Nations or Pre-Hispanic Cultures, which the latter would bring a completely different feel for the Medieval context) are way too modern for the usual Fire Emblem timeframe.

    That said, I'll find it fitting if what little we see of Almyra resembled a Middle Eastern or Saharan Culture because it'd go well with the fact I seem to get a Mediterranean Feel out of how the Leicester Alliance has been presented so far: I wouldn't be surprised the Alliance interacted with Almyra in the same way the Venetian Republic + the League of Italian Duchies dealt with the Ottoman Empire or the way things went in the Iberic Peninsula before the Reconquista...


    Anyways, I have to apologize for the late reaction but I'm currently having trouble taking the goofy smile off my face after learning Petra (who has been shown so far as a very Myrmidon-looking Noble and as a Model for the Sword & Bow favoring Thief Class) is now hinted to come from Brigid...


  8. 7 hours ago, goodperson707 said:

    If only there was some way to change her faith weakness into a strength if a player wanted to go that route, perhaps with some kind of skill (white magic avoid +20 maybe?) granted as a bonus. 

    If we use the latest Famitsu article as a reference, we can flip a Character's Weak/Neutral Skills into Strengths through constant practice & motivation from Byleth's praising/scolding if the skills in question have a three star gauge next to them.

  9. 10 hours ago, egobarrier said:

    On that note, the fact that the Golden Deer has more commoners than other houses is a bit less impressive when their competition is "only one."

    I dunno, I wouldn't be surprised if Knight-worshipping Faerghus does the medieval equivalent of Athlete Scholarships and have a few more commoners besides Double-D in the Blue Lions' ranks thanks to their Promising Martial Prowess...


    That said, I must've stumbled into some shipping goggles before reading her backstory summary but I can't shake off the feeling fan creators got provided with enough fodder to start writing Dorothea with a Sempai/Onee-san style crush on Manuela...

    Half-joking aside, I'll feel seriously robbed if both Dorothea and Manuela don't have at least a platonic mentor-apprentice support in the case the latter is recruitable.

  10. 4 hours ago, Nanima said:

    Where are you getting the double Ls from? Transliterating her name gives us just Manuera, which lines up perfectly with the Spanish/Portuguese name Manuela. Until we get the official English name, we should still assume the default spelling of the name.

    Anyway, i like her so far. Hope her character gets more complex than the christmas cake archetype though.

    Keep in mind there's no way to distinguish both the Iberic and Italian spellings from just transliterating the Katakana, and even as a Native Spanish-speaker I don't understand why go out of the way to berate someone for deciding to write the name of someone explicitly stated to be a Former Opera Singer with the Italian Spelling's double Ls...

    That said, I was surprised for her having a lighter voice than I initially expected her to have, but again with Divas and most Prima Donnas being Soprano it makes sense.

  11. 1 hour ago, C_Mutter said:

    I actually think the reason the classes are hard to differentiate... is because literally everyone we've seen has been the same class.

    Brigand Edelgard LOOKS different, like by a good measure. And there's reason to believe that all the other characters are in the noble class, which may be the Three Houses version of Villager, not Lord. We know for sure that at least one mook has noble, and that noble has E in ALL weapon types. My guess is that once those characters write their exams and choose their classes, they'll have outfits a little differentiated from the standard school uniforms

    Yeah, I have to agree.

    So far, by the looks of the latest trailer, the majority of the playable units shown seem to be literally Trainees with access to what the Game labels as Professor Levels which groups all the Weapon Ranks (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Melee Weapons and both Reason [aka. Dark+Anima] & Faith [Light+Healing] Magic) and "Proefficiencies" (Authority, (Horse) Riding, Heavy Armor, Flying) they need to hone to meet a minimum rank if they want to be promoted to a more Specialized Class via an Intermediate Seal and an Exam.

    So far the Classes that were confirmed while showcasing Edelgard getting her Minor in Brigand were Mercenary (Sword Focus), Thief (seems to be specializing in Hand-to-Hand Combat this Game), Knight (Lance + Heavy Armor), Cavalier (Riding and I assume also Lance), Brigand (C or higher in Axe Wielding), Archer (Bow), Mage (Reason) and Priest (Faith); And I wouldn't be surprised if the option after the dotted line below Priest was gonna be a Flying Class like Pegasus Knight or something.


    Other than that, all the students (or at least the first ones the Avatar has to tutor) also seem to have a headstart D rank on a weapon skill (examples being Dorothea and her D in Reason or Lindhart and his D in Faith) which you can either take advantage or ignore depending on your stance on Flexible Reclassing.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Sunsurge said:

    Ummm...not really. To be fair, I literally work in graphic design, so I work with colors all day long. So no. It's not even close to a magenta (which has a fair amount of purple and pink hues even in the darker shades). This is a soft red (not like stop-sign red), and maybe you could get away with the shadows being a wine-red, and even then it strays more maroon with grayish tones just based on the color diagram of when I pull the color.

    Alright , I think I can see a problem: When I think of magenta, I think in how warmer it looks in the CMYK model, which underplays its purple undertones...

    That said, now I notice with your example image that Edel's Portrait hints at Magenta without using the exact hue: Soft Red Cape, Lavender Eyes, Purple Ribbons...


  13. 1 hour ago, Sunsurge said:

    So.... you do realize Claude's color is yellow, right? And the darker tones are gold? Not orange? You also said Edelgard uses magenta when her colors are red (and lavender for her eyes/hair ties). Are you a little colorblind, maybe?? I wonder if that's why the colors seem so off to you!

    To be fair, Edelgard does wear something between a very deep hue of Magenta or a very soft Wine Red...

    That said, I'm very okay with the next entry taking a more subdued approach to the designs. I still have yet to see how the artist renders a rugged character, though...

  14. 38 minutes ago, Tactician_Iris said:

    I'll try and compile what is known of the map's Alphabet as best I can when I have time - no estimate nor promise it will end up 100% accurate though, as some letters are too fuzzy to make out the finer details, but I'll try. Far easier to have an alphabet handy when doing this sort of thing anyway.

    Another interesting note is that the three Crests/glyphs/symbols on the heraldry and the map are featured on the Goddess/Dragon mural seen in the trailer (and the offical site). Could they be the crests spoken of in the trailer perhaps...?

    Also, one more of these symbols found on the mural matches the crest on the bearded guy's cape. The weapon the Braided woman is holding is also the same (or at least the handle is very similar) as the one that the bearded guy is using. (This iteration's Fire Emblem maybe?)

    Another thing...that very same woman has a rather prominent flower in her hair, as do the depicted Goddess (at least I assume that's what she is), she wears a wreath of flowers) in the mural. Considering the kanji for the JP title it's interesting.... but it might just be purely coincidental.

    I'm also seeing a lot of prominence of Flower motifs among the background lore to think it's coincidental...


    I'm seriously considering the possibility that the Flower Crest is gonna be heavily linked to the Fire Emblem in a Ignis way...

  15. 50 minutes ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

    This makes a lot of sense. I wonder if what I thought was a floral symbol is actually more like a round paper fan...

    Well, the Crest does look like a Blossom, hence why I'm wavering between Edelgard being the Flower or Wind representative (and it doesn't help cultural evidence points to Wind being a better fit for a Wildcard element like the Avatar)...

    It still doesn't discount the possibility of the Flower Crest doubling as the Fire Emblem and the Fresbelgr/Hresvelgr's Coat of Arm referring the Wind Bird even if they don't hold the matching Crest. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Aggro Incarnate said:

    If I were to speculate further, we note that the Japanese title for Fire Emblem: Three Houses is ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月 (Fire Emblem: Fuuka setsugetsu). 風花雪月 are Kanji for 'Wind Flower Snow Moon' respectively, but in conjunction like that they refer to the seasonal beauty of nature.

    But I believe there is more meaning to the Japanese title than that alone. The symbol next Regan seems to be that of a moon. It's not a stretch to see the symbol next to Bladad being a snowflake, and the symbol next to Fresbelgr being some kind of floral symbol. Therefore it seems that they are not simply taking 風花雪月 to mean seasonal beauty of nature, each of the 'Three Houses' (à la title of the game) to stand for the last three of 風 (Wind), 花 (Flower), 雪(Snow) and 月(Moon). The first may refer to another institutional entity, (likely the Church of Seiros), which may be how the English title of the game and the Japanese title of the game match up with one another.

    The Japanese title certainly reminds me of 風花月鳥 (Fuuka Gecchou), which is a famous poetic shorthand for "All the Beautiful Things in Nature" with "Birds" taking "Snow"'s place ...

    That said, now that you point it, I can see the motif of Moon and Snow on Regan and Bladdad respectively, but Fresbelgr/Hresvelgr can go for either for either Wind or Flower; And to be honest, I'm kinda leaning for Hresvelgr being Wind for Mythological reasons and because that leaves Flower as the House-independent Motif and the most likely to be McGuffin'd because 花 being written as "ka" makes it a homophone to 火 (Fire) and thus making the Flower Crest FE16's most likely instance of the Fire Emblem... (which would not surprise me considering IS loves to draw parallels between Blooms and Flames each time they've rendered Ignis)

  17. 5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    I swear I can't read the font for the country names on the map...

    Thankfully, I can.

    The most important thing to know now is that the Three Main Nations the game is getting its name for are Adrastea, Leicester and Fergus, with the first one being implied as the one Edelgard comes from.

  18. I'm so glad I waited after doing some pulls to pick my free Brave (Ike), because I managed to get B. Roy (+ATK/-HP, 4th in a Full 5 pulls), B. Lucina (+SPD/-HP, 3rd in 4 Pulls) and FREAKING B. Lyn (+ATK/-HP, Single Pull through Colorless Hell) in just three summoning sessions.

    I'm never gonna get this lucky in a long time.

    EDIT: And also a -ATK/+RES Boey before Lucina because the RNGodess loved to mess around.

  19. 4 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

    That's not what @Othin is asking for. He's asking about what reinforcements appear when certain units are defeated or a certain number of turns have passed.


    To my knowledge...

    -The Red Sword Knight appears at the end of Turn 3 at the bottom of the map.

    -The Blue Mage Cavalier appears at the top at the end of Turn 4.

    -Defeating the right Legion causes the Triangle Adept Blue Mage to spawn at the bottom.

    -Defeating the initial Blue Mage Cavalier causes the third Legion to spawn at the bottom.

    -Correct me if I'm wrong, but defeating the Swordbreaker Red Mage causes the fourth Legion to spawn at the top.

    From all the tries I have to do in both Lunatic and Infernal:

    • South Legion spawns at the end of the enemy phase after you defeated the Blue Mage Cavalier in the East Corridor
    • North Legion does the same, but with the Red Mage's death as his trigger
    • If you defeat the East Legion, a Blue Mage will spawn in the South of the Map
    • If you defeat the West Legion, you will have to deal with Blue Cavalier appearing North.
    • The Red Cavalier and the Other Blue Mage Cavalier are Timed additions to Infernal. 
  20. Holy Sweetness, I basically learned to Speed-Chess with the Infernal.

    Winning Team consisted of 5* Camus (Gradivus, Swap, Draconic Aura, QR2, Goad Cav., Spur Def1 Seal), 4* Xander (Silver, Blazing Light, Armor. Blow2, Axebreaker2, Spur Cav.), 4* Cecilia (Raven, Glacies, Esc. Route 3) and 4 * Clarine (Rehab., Hone Cav. that was only useful fighting non-Legion units)

    The Starting Attack Position was to park a Honed Cecilia in the NE fort tile in the middle of the map to bait the Archer and the B. Tome MageKnight, park Camus in the SW fort tile to bait the Red Mage and provide the Goad Bonus to Cecilia, park Clarine one Tile south of Camus to make the Legions only focus on breaking the Walls at the South row of the fort tiles park Xander in SE fort tile because thanks to the Legion on the other side of the wall it ironically is the only spot he can provide Cecilia of the Spur bonus needed to survive the Archer without being worrying of the Blue Mage. The turn ended with the Archer and the the Red Mage dead while the Blue Mage survived and the North Legion spawned.

    Second Turn consisted of only moving Camus (a tile south of Xander) and Clarine (Away from the West Legion's attack but not next to the other Cavalry units because the North Legion's Panic Ploy): Cecilia is safe in her spot after finishing the Blue Mage and Xander is in the Spot to clash with both East and West Legions (which thanks to Camus' Spur Def and the fort tile, he can tank it with 0 Dmg.) . The South Legion spawned while the North one broke the wall tile closest to Cecilia.

    Then after Xander used his Special to slay the East Legion (Because Reprisal being Ready means he should not be alive for the next Enemy Phase), all the other units focused in running away from the Legions' attacks: with Camus (still providing the Spur Bonus to Xander) and Cecilia gunning for the East Corridor while Clarine goes for the one safe spot in the West Corridor. All the Legions should only attack Xander for no Damage and the West Legion being the Turn's casualty. The Blue Mage and the Red Cavalier spawned south.

    This was the turn where Escape Route shone: Cecilia was until now in a critical state with the damage she had to tank from the Archer in the first turn and the West Legion's Savage Blow on the second, so could she could warp one tile North Tile of Clarine to be healed and to Bait the Blue Mage without worrying about the Red Cavalier. Camus should bait the Red Cavalier without attracting the Mage or the Legions while Xander gets into the East Corridor to finish both remaining Legions. The Blue Mage survived the end of the turn while a Blue Cavalier and Blue MageKnight spawned north.

    After that, all I had to do was to slay the injured Mage, regroup and heal everyone at the South, then going back to the Center to finish the battle by sending Camus to joust with the Cavalier while Cecilia and Xander took care of the Tome user.

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