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Posts posted by AstraSage

  1. The latter would be more viable. Since, at least according to that support topic that's on here, Flannel and Arthur can't get an A+ with one another.

    That's weird, it's been confirmed that both of them do support each other and that any same-gender support that's not a parent-child one or a just sibling one with Shigure/Kanna can be a candidate for the one-way A+...

    Also, I apologize but do you understand that Class Inheritance and Buddy/Marriage Seal are two different processes that use different logics?

  2. AstraSage appears to have modified the sheet in accordance with their outlined method; I imagine they would have more an idea of what was causing this than I would at this juncture

    Sorry, I spent a whole semester normalizing Database models so I couldn't resist the allure in the end. Unfortunately, I also had to gender-split the Rod Knight Tree because something I realized while working on the linking the Priest & Priestess Trees for Marriage/Inheritance purposes

    The problem with #N/A error on the First Generation side is because I still haven't tweaked the Marriage Seal Class Cells in the Class Sets sheet to account for the Kirins. I'll move to work there once I'm done arranging the Buddy Seal Options.

    On the Second Generation Side, there was some leftover linking to the parents' Marriage Seal Class Cells I cleared away at the time of this post.

    EDIT: One Giant Warning: The Kirins are still working under the same Huge Class Pool, so don't bother tweaking the Secondary Class Field until it's properly labeled...

  3. In regards to this, I think I might have way of testing that out that might not involve Corrin. However, such a way involves going on the Nohr or Touma routes and pairng Berka!Sophie with Luna!Siegbert, Felicia!Eponinie or Elise!Eponine with Nyx!Foleo, and Effie!Velour with Ignis. Seeing as I don't have the game, myself, I have no way of sharing any results from this. So I'm wondering if there's anyone that would oblige here.

    Well out of your proposed examples the only that shows promise is Berka!Sophie with Luna!Siegbert and even then there's still the possibility the Former would simply get a Wyvern Rider Reclass "Backdoor" along with the Latter's Mercenary...

    As for the other cases, Foleo and Eponine don't share Default Class trees so they would just gain another access to Outlaw and Rod Knight respectively even if they already have it, and the same goes to Velour's Fighter with Ignis' Knight.

    • I've heard one account, where someone with a Spellcaster!Kamui married Orochi and the Marriage Seal gave her access to Dark Mage.
    • I doubt that the gender has any influence, since there are no genderlocked non-DLC classes.
    • I doubt this as well. If the Second Gen character's primary class is identical with Kamui's secondary class they should get the parallel class. Unless they already have the parallel class via inheritance. I got no clue then.
    • I don't see any reason for this, unless there is a Kamui-sexual that already has the parallel class of their primary class.

    I wasn't referring to gender-specific classes (Staves-dedicated Class Trees aside), but rather to consider the news of the Class inheritance sticking to a "Father First, Then Mother" format even in a case (Azura and Shigure) we previously thought to happen the other way until recent revelations, so there's the possible situation that needs to be either confirmed or disproved where, with a Class Overlap, Female!Kanna might simply get her Mother's Secondary Class even though the Latter would still enjoy having access to a Faction Parallel via Marriage Seal while Male!Kanna might end up getting the Faction Parallel because the Father created a Full Class Set Overlap by not having anything to prevent him from passing his Default Class (As it will never be the same as Nohr Prince) instead of his Secondary if he goes first.

    That said, I appreciate you took the time to ponder on each point.

    What does Benoit get from an A+ with Flannel then? Oni Savage?

    Considering their children, he will still get Fighter out of the deal even if he has it already. His Support is more so Flannel can become a Knight without marrying Effie or a Knight!Avatar.

    Now, what would happen if either Arthur were to get an A+ with Flannel instead or Charlotte married Flannel are the more interesting questions...

  4. I'm Impressed with how solid is the interactivity of the spreadsheet despite it still has a lot of ground to cover...

    Things it doesn't do:

    - It can't distinguish between Mountain Priest and War Priestess, so you may need to fiddle with that manually

    The solution I could offer to this issue is to bite the bullet and allow some redundancy by splitting Priest and Priestess in different rows and that still requires making sure make sure the Marriage Options can point to each other, which means you have to tweak the Class Sets sheet to be more dynamic...

    Ok, I basically have this method I want some approval to pull it off completely:

    1. The Class Trees can be listed statically on their own sheet (Let me call it also 'Class Trees' for ease), followed by one or three "pointer" columns that are gonna be used for future Vertical Searches purposes, the first one for now being the "Which Unpromoted Class should Marriage Options point instead?" and fill it with the answer ("Pegasus Warrior" for "Pegasus Warrior", "Fighter" for "Fighter", "Priest" for "Priestess", "Priestess" for "Priest" and so on).
    2. Then the Trees can be directly referred back on the Class Sets sheet with just the right Cell Coordinates. This also allows to add a simple Vertical Search function implemented with a Drop Down Menu to pick a Secondary Class Tree for the Avatar in the Main Characters sheet so the Kirins and Kannas rows (Plural because the price of a Streamlining their options in a Fates-viable way is extra 4 rows for each as seen in the the Character Caps sheet) can work with the Formats used by their peers. Of course the Special Classes (Singer, Villager, Shapeshifters, DLC) should be out of said function's search range.
    3. Now, the process of filling the Class Set fields in the Marriage Options sheet would be have to be overhauled so by searching the Base Clase of a Character's Default Class Tree in the Class Sets sheet leads to also search it in the Class Trees and redirect it to the "Marriage Pointer" Tree: Basically almost all the Entire $C Column of the Marriage Option would be defined by the nested Vertical Search function "=VLOOKUP(VLOOKUP(B[Row],'Class Sets'!$A$1:$E$49,3,FALSE),'Class Trees'!$A$[First Class Tree Row]:$D$[Last Class Tree Row],4,FALSE),"
    4. After that, filling the $D and the $E Column with the Promoted Class is a piece of Cake if you use Vertical Searches to Class Trees sheet with whatever is on the the Column as Reference. Likewise this Trick also can help to fill the Class Sets sheet with just the Unpromoted Classes.

    For now, I only executed the first step, the last step and half of the second without asking and I don't want to keep going ahead without input...

  5. What about Azura!Deeks? Or any of Shigure's variable siblings barring Matoi? Would they get Pegasus Warrior, regardless of base class? Or would that require actually having the Rod Knight class?

    Well, with Azura!Deere the process is pretty much:

    1. Default class (Rod Knight)

    2. One of Dad's classes (Rod Knight or Cavalier)

    3. One of Mom's classes (Pegasus)

    4. Stops with Three Class Trees in the Set.

    Speaking of Variables, I'm proud to say I have compiled a good amount of all the Possible Inheritable Class Sets with all the information gathered so far in a small spreadsheet file inspired by the Big Support Reference Chart:


    Besides some more polishing, there's still a few questions that needs to be formally answered before it can be actually finished, and all of them are pertaining to Kanna and by extension the Avatar:

    • What Actually Happens when the Avatar's Class Set has an Overlap with his/her Spouse's Default Class?
    • Is there a difference between the Avatar being the Wife and the Avatar being the Husband on the above answer?
    • May the fact Avatar's Spouse is from the First Generation or the Second One affect the above answers?
    • Optional: Is there anything interesting about marrying a Kamui-sexual with a Class Overlap?
  6. On a side note, Shigure gets Wyvern Rider if Joker is his dad.

    I just saw the development at the Unit Optimization thread.

    I can't believe I was onto something by just wondering if the first report of Jakob!Shigure in Post #13 could be someone reclassing Shigure out of the Pegasus Warrior Tree with the Marriage Seal first assuming he had the Peg/Rod/Cav set everyone thought before actually stumbling with the Actual Class Set (and the fact there was an Accidental Seal Redundancy with a Wyvern-Rider!Avatar) when reclassing back to Golden-Kite Knight via Parallel Seal...

    Not to mention, there's now that question presented over that thread about the possibility of the Case of Kamui's Husband getting a Faction Parallel by using a Marriage Seal with an Overlap could also be translated into Male Kanna actually inheriting said Faction Parallel instead of his Father's Secondary...

  7. Yeah, in the case of the Kamui-sexuals who come with Three Trees in their Class Set to compensate their inability to Buddy Seal, they could still work with the inheritance restriction with the caveat of it's not 100 % known which Alternate Class gets priority for any of them if the Avatar has their Base Class as his/her Secondary (we're still working with how Vincent arranged the Class Sets).

    On that note, marrying an Herb-Merchant!Avatar with Yukimura is something that should be tested at some point because Herb Merchant sounds the most likely to be the Odd Tree of the Faction Parallels (Because Hoshidan Class Trees outnumber Nohrian Ones by one) and he is among the only two who start in that Tree.

    Having an Avatar with a certain secondary class set marry a unit with the same class set as their base class set isn't the only way to figure out analogous class sets. You could also have a child whose mother has a base class set that matches one of those first two class sets and simply use a Parallel Seal. By this logic, you could figure out Mercenary's analogue by having Sophie mothered by Luna, for example. Gurei having Kagerou as his mother could be used for Ninja, and so on and so forth.

    The problem with those proposed examples is that the Child's Class Set has to completely overlap the Mother's in order to inherit a Faction Parallel: Luna!Sophie and Kagerou!Gurei would instead be inheriting Luna's Pegasus Knight and Kagerou's Spellcaster Trees respectively.

  8. That conditional tree looks pretty solid as far as I can tell. As for your proposed method of testing faction parallels, has it been proven that this is what actually happens? Rather than the spouse just getting nothing out of it?

    Edit: Nvm I see it mentioned in the original post. Interesting that no other examples of that have come up so far.

    Probably because no one would pick the obvious overlap at first.

    And speaking of overlaps, now I'm wondering what would happen more in detail if a Marriage Seal were to be actually used in a Nishiki-married Orochi, a Flannel-married Charlotte, a Mozume-married Takumi or a Azura-married Subaki. (The latter one I would suspect to get Rod Knight from Azura's Hidden Class Set)

  9. 1. Each child's first class set corresponds to the default class set he or she has when first recruited.

    2. The second class set is inherited from the child's set parent. If the child's first class set is not the same as the set parent's default class set, then the child will inherit the parent's default class set.

    3. If the child's first class set is the same as the set parent's default class set, the child will instead inherit the set parent's alternate class set. A special case for this rule is Shigure, who starts as a Pegasus Warrior. Since Singer is a class exclusive to Aqua/Azura, he will instead inherit the Rod Knight class set from her.

    4. The child's third class set is inherited from the child's variable parent. If neither of the child's first two class sets are the same as the variable parent's default class set, then the child will inherit the variable parent's default class set.

    5. If either of the child's first two class sets are the same as the variable parent's default class set, the child will instead inherit the class set analogous to the variable parent's class set.

    Well, pretty much the only difference I can point out is that the case of Jakob!Shigure (which, along with Orochi!Kinu, needs a Second Check) actually opens the possibilty that the Inherit algorithm doesn't stick actually to "Set Parent first, then Variable one" but rather to "Father first, then Mother".


    The Child Unit's Class Set has a Starting Class Tree
    First Phase, Father Check:
        If the Child does NOT share the SAME Base Class Tree as his/her Father's:
            The Child inherits his/her Father's Base Class Tree
            The Child inherits his/her Father's Alternate Class Tree
    Second Phase, Mother Check:
        If the Child's Class Set does NOT contain the Mother' Base Class Tree:
            The Child inherits his/her Mother's Base Class Tree
        In Other Case:
            If the Child's Class Set does NOT contain the Mother' Alternate Class Tree:
                The Child inherits his/her Mother's Alternate Class Tree
                The Child inherits the Faction Parallel of his/her Mother's Base Class Tree

    Other than that, testing Faction Parallels would require marrying a lot of Different Avatars with different Secondary Classes to Units with Matching Base Class Trees. (And the match have to be in the Base Class, because the Marriage Seal turns into a light version of the Parallel if the match lies in one of the Alternates)

    And of course, I won't be surprised if Cavalier <-> Samurai is valid.

  10. Here are thumbnails of Joker!Shigure, who is a Golden Kite Warrior and can parallel into Falcoknight, Butler, Strategist, and the Dragon classes (he was in them for a while via a marriage seal with the Avatar, so now he can parallel into them)

    Just a small question to confirm something I realized: did Joker!Shigure ever had a parallel seal used on him before the marriage one was used?

  11. This is... really interesting. So it's not a definite thing, it seems. Or, at least there seem to be really odd cases. Who is the third person on Eponine's status screen, there, Foleo?

    Yes, whoever made the screenshot decided to marry Eponine and Foleo, which gives the former a really Magic-heavy Class Set with the addition of the Rod Knight Tree via Marriage Seal.

  12. I dunno if this is where I should ask (not to mention that it might've been answered already) but:

    1. Can I, for example, have Odin A+ Zero but have Zero A+ someone else? Can multiple units A+ the same unit?

    2. If I A+, say, Tsukuyomi with Nishiki, what added class does Tsukuyomi get if use a buddy seal on him? Does he get anything at all?

    EDIT: Saw something on the child inheritance thread that intrigued me as well. Quoting Azz01's post "I would still like to know what happens in the case that the parents share the same base and secondary classes like Zero x Nyx and Arthur x Belka."

    Zero/Nyx is a bit of a bizarre case where Eponine has been reported to get the Spellcaster tree out of the inheritance, in a similar manner to what I've heard happening when whoever marrying Kamui has the latter's Secondary Class Tree as their Base Clase Tree.

    Outside that, Belka!Lutz's Class Set is still a mystery that I want it solved just to understand how the Class Inheritance Algorithm works since I learned Jakob/Azura seems to lead towards the awkward situation where Jakob!Shigure doesn't get a Third Class Tree from inheritance.

  13. Interesting points about all the other children and how you can deal with their speed problems…. maybe the Avatar running knight might have merit for propagating defensive formation better.

    Specially if you run a Male Kamui in a Hoshido Playthrough: That way Mitama, Kinu and Midoriko can get the Knight Class Tree by A+-Ranking Kanna, as well as someone like Kisaragi can do the same by marrying her.

  14. I'm trying to figure out how to make siegbert decent so I've been messing around with Belka!Siegbert. We know that Hinoka!Matoi ends up passing down the Lancer class to Matoi because of the overlapping pegasus knight, but would Siegbert inherit Fighter through Belka!Siegbert because of the overlap of wyvern rider despite it being a secondary?

    Yes, Belka!Siegbert is going to inherit the Fighter Class Tree from his mother.

    One Important Thing to know in this case is the fact Siegbert is also going to straight up inherit his Father's +2 bonus to Strength and his Mother's +2 bonus to Skill at the cost of also inheriting the Former's -2 Penalty to Resistance and the Latter's -2 Penalty to Speed.

    The Other Important Thing is his +4 Bonus to Defense, which would make him a fun Great Knight if you ignore the fact he might probably be as fast as a General and Magical Attacks are gonna be his Achilles' Heel; Thankfully, the former issue can be fixed for Belka!Siegbert by exploiting the fact he can actually A+-rank Ignis for the Actual General Class' Defensive Formation Skill and the latter issue can be softened by inheriting Aegis from his Father and maybe (if you're willing to do an awkward reclassing at the Lv. 15+ Mark) getting Tomebreaker by A+-ranking Foleo instead of Ignis (or buying it from Lexington's Butler Island so you don't lose the access to a General's Class Skills).

  15. Okay thank you for clarifying that for me. But, can I still let Kanna inherit, say a Hero skill from her mother as well as the Wyvren Rider class?

    And also, which class will I inherit from the marriage? I've heard that marriage will also allow you to share a class with your spouse, so then which class will I get from Belka?

    Your Avatar will also gain the ability to reclass as a Wyvern Rider via Marriage Seal. And yes, Kanna can inherit a Hero skill from Belka.

    That said, if we're accounting Wyvern Rider (Revenant Knight's skills works well with both options) as part of both character's class sets, it's a toss up between the Astra/Strength Seal/Line of Death Skill Combo for Samurai against the Lance/Tome weapon synergy of reclassing between Lance Fighter and Wyvern Rider Promotions...

  16. True. But some people are still confused, you know.

    Considering Dread Fighter (Masenshi) is listed in Hoshido class list while Dark Falcon (Kuro Tenma) is listed in Nohr class list.

    I actually have to point out that one reason Dark Falcon is listed as a Nohr Class is because it follows the Name Pattern of being Katakana-ized like the Classes from that Faction.

  17. Quick question: The avatar is both Nohr and Hoshido, so can he choose to be any of the 2 faction classes or is he restricted to the classes from the faction he choose to follow?

    If you're speaking of Dark Blood & White Tribe, the Promotion Branch Selection Screen of the Nohr Prince/ss only shows the player the Option linked to the Faction the Avatar is currently following. Otherwise, if you're asking of the the Avatar's Alternate Class Tree it seem you can pick one among both factions when you are creating his or her profile along with the Asset/Flaw, so you can bring another Nohrian Class Tree into your Hoshido Army and Viceversa...

    Also, a huge merit of the 3rd Path is that it'd most likely be giving you the Freedom of Choice on how to promote your Avatar between Dark Blood & White Tribe.

  18. I wonder if that works for promoted classes; with them getting the base classes skills as well.

    If anything, I'm thankful my M.O. for reclassing in Awakening has always been "Reach Lv. 10 in the Starting Class, Spend 10 levels in a Alternate Tree's Base Class, Get both Skills of a Promoted Class in said Alternate Tree, Return to the Promoted Class in the Original Tree that fits the best with all the Acquired Skills": It seems it can be pulled off during Fates in quite an elegant way...

  19. So Roy will not make a return. Hmmm.

    It'd look like that... if we weren't living in an age of Patchable Nintendo Games.

    Expect an update by the time Roy's Amiibo gets released and/or him taking a page of his Awakening DLC Self and being a second Vanguard.

  20. I believe Dread Fighter was said to use Swords, Axes and Hidden weapons this time around.

    The Weapon Change makes a lot of sense both W.Triangle Coverage-wise and aesthetic-wise because it was the Ninja class before the Actual Ninjas...

    I have to thank Kirokan for the Text Dump, because it confirmed Dread Fighter uses Hidden Weapon instead of Tomes, and that the Dark Falcon is upfront the Lance/Tome-wielding Dark Flier (so Yes, 85% of Galeforce being DLC), as well as that the Classes are listed inside as an In-order Tree Traversal Array:

    It usually starts with a Promoted Class followed by the Base Class it promotes from, and later the Alternate Promotion for the previous base class. Then it can either go to a Base Class that Shares the promotion or mark the End of a Class Tree by Jumping to the Start of Another.

    The pattern is slightly broken by three cases: 1) Gender-locked Class Variants, which signal being in the same level by keeping the Male/Female listing order; 2) Base Classes with only one Promotion, which have said Promotion go after them; and 3) Special Classes, which are on their lonesome at the end of the Array:

    That said, Class Trees go in the following way :

    Dark Blood (Sword, Tome, Stone) <-- Dark(aka. Nohr) Prince/ss (Sword, Stone) --> White Tribe (Sword, Staff, Stone)

    [Neutral Tree, Branching Most likely noticeable in the 3rd Path]

    Paladin (Sword, Lance) <-- Cavalier (Sword, Lance) --> Great Knight (Sword, Lance, Axe) <-- Knight (Lance) --> General (Lance, Axe)

    [Nohr Tree]

    Berserker (Axe) <-- Fighter (Axe) --> {Brave} Hero (Sword, Axe) <-- Mercenary (Sword) --> Bow Knight (Sword, Bow) <-- Outlaw(aka. Thief) (Bow) --> Aventurer (Bow, Staff)

    [Nohr Tree]

    Shura (Axe, Tome) <-- Oni Savage (Axe) --> Blacksmith (Sword, Axe)

    [Hoshido Tree]

    Holy Lancer (Lance) <-- Lance Fighter (Lance) --> Basara (Lance, Tome) <-- Spellcaster (Tome) --> Exorcist (Tome, Staff) <-- Priest/ess (Staff) --> Mountain Priest (Lance, Staff) / War Priestess (Bow, Staff)

    [Hoshido Tree]

    Falcon Warrior (Lance, Staff) <-- Pegasus Warrior (Lance) --> Golden-Kite Warrior (Lance, Bow) [!!!]<-- Bowman(aka. Archer) (Bow) --> Holy Bowman(aka. Sniper) (Bow)

    [Hoshido Tree, and Yes: I'm still surprised the Pegasus and Archer Trees are Linked]

    Dragon Master(aka. Wyvern Lord) (Lance, Axe) <-- Dragon(aka. Wyvern) Knight (Axe) --> Revenant Knight (Axe, Tome)

    [Nohr Tree]

    Jounin (Sword, Hidden) <-- Ninja (Hidden) --> Puppeteer (Bow, Hidden) [!!!]<-- {Medicine} Merchant (Bow) -->[!!!] Great Merchant (Lance, Bow) <-- Villager (Lance) --> Weapon Master (Sword, Lance, Axe) <-- Samurai (Sword) --> Trueblade (Sword)

    [Hoshido Tree, and suddenly the Big Backpack carried by a Child Character despite only being seen on a Promoted Class started to make sense...]

    Sorcerer (Tome) <-- Dark Mage (Tome) --> Dark Knight (Sword, Tome)

    [Nohr Tree]

    Strategist (Tome, Staff) <-- Rod Knight (Staff) --> Butler/Maid (Hidden, Staff)

    [Nohr Tree]

    Garou (Stone) --> Managarm (Stone)

    [Nohr Shapeshifter Tree]

    Fox Spirit (Stone) --> Nine-tailed Fox (Stone)

    [Hoshido Shapeshifter Tree]

    Songtress (Lance) is a Special Classes, so Aqua/Azura can't promote. Likewise in the Case of the Star Dragon (Staff, Breath) Class.

    Each Amiibo Character, aside of Marth and his Star Lord(aka. Lodestar) (Sword) Class, has their Ultimate Lord Promotion as their Special Class: so there's Ike's Vanguard (Sword, Axe), Lucina's Master(aka. Great) Lord (Sword, Lance) and Robin's Grandmaster (Sword, Tome)

    The rest are Enemy-only Classes where half might require uncovering spoilers way too earlier than it should go public...

    And I'm done for now.

    Edited now that's proven that the Samurai Class Tree has been merged to the to the Ninja/Merchant Trees via the Villager actually being capable of Promoting.

  21. Rumour has it that dread fighter and a new merchant like class are showed in main menu class demo.

    Based Odin Dread Fighter!

    It has be reported Dread Fighter is present as a Special Class that still wields Sword, Tomes Hidden Weapons & Axes and which you get two copies of (like in Awakening) a Dedicated Reclass Item for it as part of the bonus for buying Two Routes. There's yet to know if a third and more copies could be available via DLC.

    Likewise, the bonus for buying all the Three Routes seems to be (and I really need a confirmation or refusal) Two copies of Something to Reclass Units into a Dark Falcon, a supposedly Lance/Staff/Tome-wielding Class which, if it were true, would throw a wrench to the idea of the Revenant Knight being the replacement for the Dark Flier, as well as imply the possibility of Galeforce pretty much being a DLC Skill...

  22. But we already know, the class video spoiled that. One is a Lance specialist class, the other is a Magic and Lance hybrid.

    I still need a Promotion Branch Selection Screen to dispel this weird hunch I have for Weapon Master being a shared Branch: Basara has a lot of validity as an alternate promotion for Lancers on its own, but Samurai/Lancer pair still draw a lot of parallels to Cavalier/Knight that I can't yet discard their Trees mirroring in shape...

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