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Posts posted by AstraSage

  1. Question on hidden levels: Is it possible for MU to get the level 10 and 15 skills from Strategist, Myrmidon, Thief, Swordmaster and Assassin? Or would the level cap out somewhere along the way?

    Actually, when the Difficulty-specific Level Cap is a low number, it benefits you because it means the EXP penalty you get from reclassing will stop getting bigger at an earlier point than in hard difficulties.

    Of course, because you can still slow down said penalty's increase, the most EXP-efficient reclassing path for your inquire (provided you luck out in getting Roaming Merchants carrying Change Seals in the early game because by time the earliest shop with them unlocks neither your MU nor any of your first gen. characters should be unpromoted at Lv. 10 or lower to be able to pull it off) should be:

    Strategist --Change at Lv. 10--> Thief -- Change at Lv. 10--> Myrmidon --Master at Lv. 10--> Swordmaster --Change at Lv. 15--> Assassin --(If not staying as Assassin) Change at Lv. 15--> Your Pick.

  2. It seems nice, especially since it's actually quite unique and it seems like it's goal is to "control the sky" (pun intended) and take out key threats. Just keep in mind this is more for postgame, since I don't think any of the children are going to be usable during Insane's ingame. Also, how much would it matter if I replaced Carrier with Iote's Shield? As you said, Jerome's going to be a loner, so it's important he doesn't get murdered by a shower of arrows. Also, why Griffon Knight? Just curious and not intending to be rude.

    True, the build won't be as easy to pull in Insane unless you're willing to do the Entombed DLC at least until you get...

    Anyways, unequipping Carrier just means the Movement bonus gets reduced by 2 (3 if he doesn't go with a Move-boosting partner, which he should), but 12 Mov. is bigger than even the usual Bow/Tome-wielding Mounted Unit's Weapon Range (10 spaces square) so it's actually easy just to stay away from Snipers/Wind-Sages' Paths until going straight next to them, take them down and maybe have a friendly high-Magic Sage with a Rescue Staff (30+ Mag. = 15+ range; 50+ Mag. = 25+ range) if there's more close (Also, if I remember Othin's experience Red vs. Blue's Finale is not exactly a walk to the park in Insane so either you need to be patient or you might not have the luxury for Iote's). And when I said loner I actually meant Jerome and his partner because, and I repeat, the Loner Skills treat paired up units as joined by the hip (EDIT: which kinda sounds weird with supports, now that I think about it) so their effects remain.

    As for why Griffon Knight, there's two reasons: one's me advocating for Exp-Efficient reclassing, making sure the units learn all the skills needed for their lategame build withouts spending unneeded time in classes that only contributing in rising their Internal Level counter that makes them into bigger Exp-Sponges than a Jagen. The other reason is that comparing to the other class options, being a Griffon Knight meets a compromise for a efficient use of the build: You can make him a Dragonmaster for the same boosted Movement, best Strength and high Defense but with a raw 41 Speed, which means he needs to be close to someone with Speed Cry if he's not glued to a Speed-Boosting partner; Likewise, you can make also him a Swordmaster or keep him as a Assassin for Best Speed and High (if not Amazing) Skill but he's gonna be fragile Defense-wise and with all the boosts he's gonna reach the Movement range of a Carrier-less Promoted Dragon Rider which kinda defeats the purpose. Him as a Griffon Knight, while not excelling in any stat, have high enough stats overall he just a need the proper partner to boost him out of the "Jack of all Trades" status.

  3. In that case, let me elaborate the build I've mentioned before:

    Ride Fast! Lon'qu-fathered Jerome.

    Reclass Path: Dragon Knight --Starting Lv.10--> Thief--Lv. 10--> Assassin --Lv. 15--> Griffon Knight.

    Skills: Ride Fast, Movement+1, Pass, Carrier, either Lance Slayer OR Inherited Skill (Candidates: Cherche's Sword Slayer; Lon'qu's Avoid+10 or Vantage)

    Best Paired in a A/S-Support with: a Trickster(Min: Mag+4, Skl+3, Spd+5, Mov+1), a Bow Knight(Min: Skl+5, Spd+5, Mov+1) or a Great Knight(Min: Str+5, Def+5, Mov+1).

    Recommended High-end Equipment: Brave Axe and/or Swanchika.


    HP: 80

    STR: 44 (49+ w/Gr.Knight bonus)

    MAG: 31 (35+ w/Trickster bonus)

    SKL: 46 (49+ w/Trickster bonus; 51+ w/B.Knight)

    SPD: 44 (49+ w/Trickster or B.Knight Bonus)

    LCK: 46

    DEF: 41 (46+ w/Gr.Knight bonus; 46 w/Swanchika; 51+ w/ Both bonuses)

    RES: 27

    MOV: 8 (12 with Move+1, Carrier AND Pairing Bonus)

    Good for bypassing enemies and going straight for whoever key-target that needs to die in "Defeat Boss" maps. Ride Fast bonus is good because it's likely he's gonna leave his allies behind (And Loner Skills like Refresh & Ride Fast remain active when the unit is paired). And out of the pairing candidates, it's a question between Power & Sturdiness vs. Dexterity & Agility.

  4. Skip school, Buy game, complete chapter 9(cry manly tears), recruit Anna, Grind for AvatarxAnna S support, complete chapter 13, Recruit Morgan, Wreck everything,

    Hand Gimle's ass to him with only tricksters

    Wait, so that means you're gonna...

    ...Engage Gimle in Trickster Mode?

    *so going to be bricked for that*

    Anyways, because I have to wait a few extra weeks for getting the import at my place, Launch Day is just another Monday but with more reasons to lurk these forums...

  5. Oh, and one more stupid question.

    For things like birthdays, does Awakening have it's own internal calendar or does it use a real life calendar (whatever's set on your DS)?

    In other words, does it work like, moving from Point A to Point B is one day or twenty-four hours is one day?

    Real-time Calendar: the System is an expansion of FE12's "How's Everyone" one, with Birthday events counting as a separate Character event once the 3DS Clock hits the date.

  6. I wouldn't say having access to the Merc Branch is the biggest selling point for Grego/Cherche as much as that while going Thief->Assassin works well with a Griffon Knight Jerome (Move+1, Pass and Carrier while paired with a Move-boosting partner and he'll be reaching anyone you want him to reach in few turns), powergaming-wise I don't see that Branch and the cap bonus/penalty spread worth the price of forfeiting access to both Bow Slayer and Axe Expert...

    But then again, I agree Lon'qu/Cherche is a cute pairing (even if I'd be pushing more for Lon'qu/Panne for two loners commuting and a Speed Demon Chambray) and Jerome is one of those characters that are hard to mess in the inheritance, so go ahead.

  7. My two cents in the issue: it was well-known Stahl would have his name localized from the beginning because Sol the Skill had priority over the Character Previously known as Sol and it would've been a huge misnomer if the latter had kept that transliteration because he has no access to the Hero class...

    Also, after seeing Velvet being localized as Panne, there's around a 20% Chambray might get localized as Batiste.

  8. Yeah, weapon triangle counts. They're also all affected by Great Shield rather than Holy Shield.

    So in theory it would be easy to bypass any of those pesky High Difficulty enemies with the Holy Shield + Counter Skill Combo by throwing a Dark Peg. / Dark Knight / Battle Clergy / other Hybrid Class character with a Magical Weapon, if I understood it right...

  9. Brady father donny good growths passed down. He will be miles better then....

    Thing is, while the growth boost might do wonders, the only remarkable benefit Brady gets out of Donny is the fact he's one of two (non Luck-specced!MU-parented) units who can naturally get over 50 Luck (which translates into more than 100% of triggering Weapon Saver): So Mariabel/Donny support convo would need to be miles better than Mariabel/Henry and my prefered S-rank candidate for Donny in order to convince me of missing out a better distribution of Brady's Caps boosts for the same penalty to his STR & DEF, better class options to supplement his starting role and a better average for his base MAG...

    That said, it might because my powergamer side and my shipper side came into an agreement with that plan but if there's someone I'd have Donny's Good Growths and Merc class inherited, that person'd be...

    "Knock on" Wood

    Inherits: Renewal (Liz), Good Growths (Donny)

    Myrmidon lv. 10

    Mercenary lv. 10~

    Hero lv.10~15

    Swordmaster lv. 20

    Final Skillset:

    Weapon Saver

    Sword Expert



    Vantage/Late Initiative

    Alright he might not get the most optimal caps out of the inheritance (that'd rather come from having either Vake or Frederick as the father), but the fact his only cap penalty (SKL) is easily off-set by his own personal weapon and its inspiration makes it more guilt-free to experiment the fact he's the other natural candidate for using Weapon Saver at its fullest, and unlike Brady (who I prefer to be more Magic-oriented) he can sacrifice his base Magic and its surprisingly good growth for the Merc/Hero skills that make him some kind of Chokepoint Cleaner as a byproduct of needing levels to cap Luck.

    The Skill duality in the last two spots is me not being sure of Wood's chances of being hit enough to really need the extra patch-up. Also, the real challenge comes from the fact Liz might need to spend some time as a Pegasus->Falcon Knight so her Strength doesn't weigh down too much on the Base average...

  10. I could also vouch in MariabelXHenry being a good pairing because it gives Brady a good weapon synergy between classes: I mean, there's no weapon rank isolated in just one class so he can progressively snatch several classes' skills while not being slowed down so badly by a low Weapon Rank, specially with Cavalier's Discipline as a temporal skill.

    Speaking of which, it's sometimes a good idea not to go for a promoted class from the start because how the Experience gains are regulated so I would probably tweak Brady's Reclass path to:

    Priest->Cavalier->Great Knight->(Optional Dark Knight->) Sage -> Sorcerer.

    Or heck, I had previously brainstormed two paths for him as my Change Seal Dump, so why not share them:

    Priest(Healing Heart)->Cavalier(preemptive Sword training+ temporal Discipline)->Barbarian (Axe Training)->Berserker (Axe Expert ) -> Trickster (catching up Staff Training + Acrobatics) -> Battle Monk (Renewal)

    Priest->Cavalier->Mage/Dark Mage (Tome Training, Magic+2 vs. Curses)->Dark Knight(Life Absorb)-> Sage(Magic Expert)

  11. Man, that SairixTiki A is gonna get awkward when we recruit Renha, isn't it? Great job, though.

    In other news, I tracked down and translated LucinaxJerome CBA. Next, I shall claim GregoxFeMU and DegelxSoiree.

    So Jerome was Lucina's Mask Dispenser...

    I guess if one has Masking needs, it's better to consult it to the Expert.

  12. maybe if he had pegasus knight as a reclass option

    but noooo fuck IS

    Well, technically it seems any daughter of his can become a Peg. Knight in exchange of his Villager class...

    Speaking of which, something I've come to take note about Donny: he might've gotten gimped with his class set (he should've gotten Cavalier or Knight instead of Fighter), but any child of his can become almost top-tier because he gives them access to Weapon Saver and maximies the cap for the Luck that skill relies on. Noire is the only one of his possible children who doesn't get a >96% of triggering Weapon Saver once said Luck cap is reached.

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