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Only My Unit

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Everything posted by Only My Unit

  1. What are you talking about? Luck is the same in all classes.
  2. I forgot the plus one modifier and added wrong anyway. It's 4 luck with that in mind. I guess that is not a big deal with that knowledge and me doing the proper math this time. ^^;
  3. What if Ashunera thought Ike was so awesome for being the one to help destroy her judgemental self she just magically spawned a kid that had his DNA and somehow people figured that out? Eh? Eh?
  4. Yeah, but I would think having that lowered almost as much as possible would have some unfortunate effects. Maybe it dosen't matter as much on the higher difficulties where you're being obliterated anyway?
  5. Descendant of a Goddess killer(before she revives and fuses with herself) being a priest? Lolz
  6. Right, meant luck. Got confused there. Wait, why are you having kids with Inverse if your luck is that low?
  7. What will his SKL be? If it's high enough, all you need is an All Stats+2 and training for Mark.
  8. Would you kill me if I said I was planning on using Inverse to make Mark the ultimate Nosfatank? Oh wait, sorry, Weapon Saver and Inverse's Darkness.
  9. Meaning he wants no one, Angel. And there is the thing of Boyd and Mist. Their kid would be descended from Ike as well.
  10. M'kay, there is the Boyd/Mist thing, but still...

  11. I do want to see more of Paris, for sure. I wonder if the whole tactician trend will continue. I hope it will, because character creation is fun. Magvel kind of intrested me the least oit of the games I played (which says something since it was the first FE I played) geographically, but if they give the land the same treatment this game has I'll be happy. Though I do hope Innes got with L'arachel and Ephraim with Tana so all 3 countries that had power could be together. Too bad Jehenna won't have as much power, but I guess it'll be cool since Joshua was ruling it (with Natasha, I hope) and it was a desert nation.
  12. I just noticed that Captain Falcon/Bart Lemming looks like Greil/Gawain due to that gif...
  13. Male MU is different, so maybe we can put hope in that.
  14. I find Olivia to be really cute, but I only kinda liked her S support with Krom. As long as she has good supports with MU, I'm fine. She'll be my MaMU's wife of light while Inverse will be MaMu's wife of darkness. And as underwelming as that Paris support was, I still kinda want to pair my FeMU with him (since none of the guys seem attractive enough for her that I haven't already paired off).
  15. I'm going to laugh if Ike gets the last custom class and can use lances to become a ground based Overlord/Great Knight/Hero Hybrid. I would've called it, and I get to witness my favorite (temp) lord get even more inexplicable power.
  16. Reclass: Myrmidon, Fighter, Mercenary Mods: STR+3, MAG-2, SKL+1, DEF+2, RES-2
  17. Especially with that dragon lookin' like a cross between G-**spoiler** and a wyvern mount.
  18. Maybe that'll happen against Stefan's descendant Perhaps they awarded it to Ike for saving them with it something.
  19. Wait, would that make MU Otacon or Roy Campell (heh heh, Roy)? Karas, rather slow. These have been shown unspoilered in other threads hours ago. Edit: No wait it was this one
  20. I don't want Paris to be usin' no stinkin' lances! His status and weaponset is fine with me.
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