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Posts posted by Jagen

  1. Personally, I'm not a fan of the drastic changes to already canon characters. Call me a traditionalist, but I love what they did with characters like Alm, Celica, Mae, Genny, and Saber so much, that seeing they felt the need to make characters like Gray (and Boey as much as I love his new design), black for the sake of diversity is disappointing. Especially when they're already adding new characters as shown by Faye, who could very much fill those roles. I would respect it more had they at least kept the characters appearance somewhat similar to how they looked in the original gaiden but Gray and Boey are arguably completely new characters in terms of appearance and the only thing that stayed were their names and roles in the story

  2. 23 hours ago, PikmTheHero said:

    Florina isn't specifically more canon than Farina. Lyn cannot be the mother of Lilina in Binding Blade, because she is explicitly the only possible mother of Sue, regardless of the implications of Hector x Lyn in FE7. Farina is also exclusive to Hector's route, and has text with him. Rebecca X Lowen has the most descriptive ending text by far, which makes me believe that he is Wolt's Father.

    It's been a long time since I've played fire emblem 6 so forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't Rebecca and Wil already good friends in the story even without taking support conversations into account? That said, Rebecca can die in fire emblem 7, and Wolt will still be born. Yet all the other canon parents just retreat. As long as that wasn't just an oversight, it means she had her kid before her death. I'd say that alone is more than enough to choose Wil over Lowen. 

    Not to mention Wil is already wearing an outfit nearly identical to Wolts.

  3. It's been a long time since I've played fire emblem 6 so forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't Rebecca and Wil already good friends in the story even without taking support conversations into account? That said, Rebecca can die in fire emblem 7, and Wolt will still be born. Yet all the other canon parents just retreat. As long as that wasn't just an oversight, it means she had her kid before her death. I'd say that alone is more than enough to choose Wil over Lowen. 


    Not to mention Wil is already wearing an outfit nearly identical to Wolts.

    Edit: Wrong thread whoops. 

  4. As others have said, Wolf is only one of potential love interests Kris can get with... if you can really call them love interests. If you ask me though, the closest one to being canon, would be Kris/Katarina. Simply because she's the only character made solely for the game, and just generally has a role in the overall story that coincides with Kris


    Also Wolf commits suicide in his ending, so I'm sure that even though he does show interest in Kris, it doesn't really lead anywhere. Also, I wouldn't think too much of it as it's just one of those things thrown in to make Kris look good, which this game does quite a bit. I even made a thread not to long ago bringing out how Kris can sort become romantically involved with other characters, even when they're already romantically involved with someone else. It's just their way of making Kris the almighty being that everyone in Akaneia for one reason or another seems to worship.


  5. On 2/2/2017 at 1:48 PM, Ranger Jack Walker said:

    Camus clearly knew that Gharnef held the Grustian royal twins hostage during the war of shadows. And Lorenz didn't. It explains so much about their characters. It adds another reason why Camus doesn't betray Grust. It explains why he chooses to return after his memories return after the events of Gaiden. It explains why he's found near them and immediately joins Ogma. It also explains why Lorenz is willing to trade his life for the twins. He betrayed the king and sided against Grust during the previous war but if he didn't know about the whole situation and found out later, it explains why he's so devoted to them.

    As for the topic, I don't see any reason why the characters from Archanea wouldn't return in Echoes. There is no reason to remove them or replace them with OCs. Will we see more characters return? I think that's unlikely to happen.

    This is correct. I'm pretty sure it's made clear somewhere that the whole reason Camus/Zeke came back to Akaneia in the first place, was to make sure Yumina and Yubello are safe. Then he just got caught up in the war and eventually found out about Hardin taking over, Nyna being captured, etc.

  6. I bet the 9 people who have actually played fire emblem Gaiden are going CRAZY right now. I know I am. It's been long overdo for a remake and I can't believe this is actually happening.

    Edit: It's sad to see some people actually come out disappointed by this. there was nothing but greatness that came out of this direct. New footage of warriors, old school recognition, new game, etc. Just because you didn't get what you wanted, doesn't excuse that.

  7. Oh, yes it is. Sorry for the late response. The 20th anniversary encyclopedia is different from the artbook. The two books are, the Fire Emblem Memorial art book, and Fire Emblem 20th Anniversary encyclopedia, with interviews with the people who worked on the game. The relationship between Draug and Norne is brought up in the 20th encyclopedia.



  8. The canon change didn't really bother me, though, because I find its ingame explanation satisfying enough.


    Thank you, Chris. For protecting and supporting me. No amount of thanks would be enough. But, among the people, your deeds are being told as things I've done alone... That just will not do. Once we return to the castle, I'll...


    If you allow me, sire... I have no need for a name. I don't want stories to be told of me.




    Sire. With this war now over, a hero will be needed. A hero called Prince Marth. There are still hostilities between people who have fought for so long. Those won't disappear easily. In order to have everyone's agreement, a king everyone recognizes-- a godlike hero is needed. And that hero must be you, sire, and you alone.

    Thus, FE12 is supposed to depict how the war really happened, while FE3 would be the official version of the events. Just like in real life, the Hero King Marth didn't go down in history as a massive badass because he was one - but rather, because some of his subordinates' accomplishments were recorded as his own.

    Or you could read it as the work of a lunatic bard whose cousin was a awesome dude who totally won Marth's war for him, I don't know.

    Of course, that doesn't change the fact MU is still a Mary Sue.

    I don't think that's all he was referring to when MCPugi referred to changing canon. A lot of the dialogue was either altered or outright taken away in order to make the my unit shine. Many of the lines that were originally said by Marth in fe3 were actually taken away from him, and given to Kris to give him more dialogue. He also interrupts a lot of scenes like the scene with Marth and Jagen talking to Jiol at the end of chapter 2. Then there's that weird scene where everyone is escaping on a boat to go to Khadein, Kris is all, "I'll stay back to defend you my lord." Marth is begging for Kris to come back, and Jagen is telling Marth that Kris can handle it. Which is all meaningless as Kris just shows right back up in the next chapter. Just weird.

    And the thing that angers me most of all, is in chapter 14, where they get to the ice dragon's temple. In the original FE3, just before the start of the chapter, we get a pretty interesting and beautiful scene of Jagen and marth talking about the story of founding of Akaneia and Artemis' curse. This scene is completely removed from the chapter. Not even replaced with anything. Just outright removed. It was instead, put in the "Talk" menu in the preparations screen and changed to where it was Jagen telling the story to Kris instead of Marth.

  9. I noticed that the my unit(Kris), has the capability of getting with norne... despite the fact she's already with Draug. For those that don't know, during the events of Shadow Dragon, while it was never said directly in the actual games, Draug and Norne were romantically together. This was implied by the fact that they join your group together to help Marth escape from Altea at the beginning of the game, and later confirmed in the Fire Emblem 20th anniversary encyclopedia.

    Now, I'm almost positive this is an oversight by the creators as the relationship is never brought up directly in game, but dang. Poor Draug.

    The support conversations between Norne and Kris are especially difficult to watch if you keep in mind her and Draug's relationship. "Kris, You're all I've been thinking about since I first met you when we were children. You're what kept me going. After this war is over, you should come live with me."

  10. I'm going to have to go with Hakoda Maki, the artist for the manga of the original Fire Emblem as my favorite. So she doesn't count as Cipher exclusive but she hasn't really drawn for the series in over 10 years. One of these reasons is because, in my personal opinion, I feel that she's the only artist who can catch Marth's character perfectly in terms of youthfulness and regalness. That, and I feel that her overall artstyle works well with Fire Emblem



    I think it's pretty amazing seeing how her art has improved over the years too. Her art now is slightly different from how she drew back then, but there's still something about it that that once you see it, you'll know who it's by.


  11. So I saw that somebody made a thread like this one in Gamecube and Wii Era section of the website, and I thought it would be an interesting thing to ask here too. Especially as Shadow dragon, I feel, gets a lot of unnecessary hate simply because it's a remake of the original FE1 without very little new content. Some even considering it the worst game in the series. However, at the same time, even with all the hate it gets, I often times see that these same people say, that they feel like Shadow dragon, and it's sequel, new mystery of the emblem, while having pretty simple plots, has some of the best that Fire Emblem has to offer.

    In terms of character development, while I do understand that quite a bit of people are put off by the fact that most of the side characters get little to no dialogue after their initial recruitment, I personal feel that it's not really necessary in a game like this one as the main cast, Marth, Nyna, Hardin, Minerva(too an extent, Jeorge and Astram in the sequel, or the wolfguard) etc. get enough character development throughout the Akaneia series as they need. What are your thoughts?

  12. Thanks for the quick reply. Our matches are going by fairly quickly now. I think one of my bigger problems was that I was playing much more defensively than I should have. Akaneia does seem pretty slow for the most part too as my games with my Elibe and Tellius decks go by pretty quick for the most part.

    I have a couple more quick questions. First of all, let's say I'm using Navarre as my Lord/Main Character for the deck. his level 3 card, "Navarre, Wielder of a Bloody Blade" has a skill which reads,

    "Solo Swordsman" / CONT / While you only control this unit and your Main Character, this unit gains 10 attack."

    Does this count if he IS the Main Character as well, or does he solely need to be just another unit? I'm assuming it means he can't be the Main Character, right?

    And for my other question, it involves the card, "Samto, Navarre Impersonator". He has a skill which reads,

    "Lie! " It's a lie!" / SPEC / If you do not control "Samto", you can levelup "Navarre" with this card."

    What is even the point of this ability? If I alread have Navarre out on the field, what's the purpose of leveling him up with this Samto card, if this Samto is level 1? Is it simply a case of Samto possibly being the better unit in some situations(like if I have the cards to promote Samto, but not Navarre at the time). And lastly, it's a SPEC skill, so that means I wouldn't have to worry about using up any bonds, right?

  13. I've got a question. How long due games usually run? My brother and I just recently started playing the game, and we're finding our games to run easily over an hour long at times. Of course, we're just starting out, so of course it's going to be a bit slow for us as we're still getting use to the skills and everything, but even still, there is rarely ever a match to where we don't reshuffle our entire retreat pile back into our decks. My matches especially last forever when i'm running Akaneian deck, because of my Emperor Hardin/Nyna/Malliesia combo. Is this just the norm or are others experiencing this kind of thing?

  14. Wow, I'm downright shocked to hear that nobody even brought of Jiol as the worst dad in the series. The guy kills not just his 1st wife, but his 2nd wife as well leaving Sheema to grow up motherless. It doesn't help that the game goes on to portray him as a disgusting cowardly man who kills, kidnaps, and rapes woman and children through out the events of fe12. All the while effectively leaving his entire kingdom(gra) alone without a king so his daughter has to take while simultaneously being hated by her people just for being related to the guy.

    I would also like the say that Judah from Gaiden could easily be among the list of worst dads with the way he tries to sacrifice his three daughters to summon the crazed god of darkness, Duma, but most people probably doesn't even know who he is.

  15. FE1/11

    1.) Marth

    2.) Nyna

    3.) Gotoh

    4.) Minerva

    5.) Tiki

    I wouldn't put Caeda in the top 5. She may be Marth's potential wife, but that doesn't change the fact that she only has like 3 moments of dialogue through out the entire game, not counting the optional dialogue in the remake.


    1.) Kris(sadly)

    2.) Marth

    3.) Jagen(props to Jagen for actually doing stuff this time around)

    4.) Hardin

    5.) Gotoh

    BS FE(because it needs love too)

    1.) Nyna

    2.) Camus

    3.) Hardin

    4.) Lena

    5.) Minerva

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