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bunny: spider bitten

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Everything posted by bunny: spider bitten

  1. Eh no. While it's too hard to say, Fire Emblem as a series seems to have one team working on each title. Why does this matter? Well, there's definitely a likelyhood that the next title will be a sequel to FEDS that's either FE3, FE3:Book 2, or a brand new title. There's little chance of it jumping to the console ship because of production cost, speed of production, and simply remaining consistent. Then there's the potential for a remake of FE4, which like the remake of FE1, is more likely to be on the DS. Granted, it's almost entirely based on the speed and cost of producing on the DS compared to the Wii. In spite of little need to actually give it an english release outside of it's unavailability in english, it's widely considered one of the better titles. The remake train of FE1 and potentially FE3 grants a decent chance that by FE15, there will be a remake of this title. The remaining chance at a new title still has a better chance on being on the DS. It'd be different if I thought or it seemed like IS had 2 teams working on 2 FEs. Then I'd also bet on a Wii FE coming first. But the titles come out too far apart for that to be a likely truth. As for the topic, no. NoA has gained some weird habits in spreading out game titles with odd dates simply to gain more money.
  2. If I simply wanted it for FE6 and FE6 characters and maps and enemies, would it really be easier to hack all that into FE8? Because I have my doubts.
  3. In the future, if you want to help someone with their grammar, you'll probably want to spell the word in question correctly. But not everyone has an iPod or PSP, so everyone's attention isn't needed.
  4. Some time it's as innocent as forgetting it. You can't really be so adamant against it and not respect that humans are generally human. Though I can see issues with using the number 2 in it's place.
  5. Another question, yah, but would it be theoretically possible to include promotion choices into another game in the series?
  6. Sophia might have been worth it if Dark Magic didn't weight more than she did. Damn heavy books.
  7. I agree Hugh can be awesome. Of course, after the price tag, to not come promoted makes me want to spit in his face. And frankly, to go through the game in either mode without Lugh is kind of a bold move, especially early on in HM. And with Ellen/Saul and Clarine, and maybe rei, with only 2 promo items before he comes around and most additional ones requiring purchase, this run on sentence is a mark against him. It helps that his stats don't take *huge* hits if you pay for the cheapest Hugh, but he'd be worth a lot more as a Sage.
  8. Eh. Not completely true. That's the raw end of the idea. It's like saying any even number of parties will form sides and ultimately lead to loss of personal ideals(and voter ideals) to lead to the party. While I do agree 5 would be better, for a third party to push forth out of nowhere would alleviate these party fights that otherwise ruin decent bills simply because it wouldn't be a simple matter of voting with the party against a bill because it wasn't another parties' idea. Not to mention that more (realistic) choices is always a good thing.
  9. Three party system would fix the entire country.
  10. Unfortunately, if Obama becomes President, he'll probably be shot. Using only two parties is a stupid system, though.
  11. And if the address I'm looking for appears multiple times, how do I sort through the options?
  12. I already considered that, though. And I'm looking for values in the thousands.
  13. No, you got it right. I was just hoping for a better answer. I know all about hex editing, I've just never figured out how the editors went about finding the pointers in each title in the first place. If there's some sort of trick, I'd like to know it. But my first guess and the most likely answer is there is no such trick.
  14. Is there any data that's fairly consistent with all GBA titles that I can just bypass when searching for the data I'm looking for? I figure this may not be the best place to ask, but "ROM hacking" isn't specifically limited to FE.
  15. I suppose it'd be a bigger issue if they were harder to find.
  16. That's all I'm really looking for. I realize that others would love more than that, and perhaps balancing FE6 will take more than just altering how fast each support is, but what I got is fine. So thanks. Just one thing, if you edit supports for one character, does it change for the other character as well? It doesn't seem to, but how it works in the game and how it works in the Nightmare file are two different things.
  17. Considering you'd probably never use Oujay in Hard Mode. . . But in normal mode, Bors is solid, and Lilina and Oujay are usable. And the supports are fast enough to make up for any crappish affinities.
  18. Echidna is overrated most of the time, at least slightly. It's nice she comes as a prepromote so early, and prepromotes get a huge discount for having crappy stats because of a general lack of promo items, but the class that could use a prepromote doesn't actually GET one. Stupid lack of Sages. Oujay has slightly better supports than the topic would lead to believe, since Bors is rather solid and often underrated, and Lilina is useable. But Ostia has fallen from grace just a tad.
  19. Anyone know where the data for that is in the game?
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