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Everything posted by Miscellany

  1. There's KromxSoiree S, ViolexSoiree S, and then all of HenryxSoiree up in Japanese here, but that's the only one with either of them that I know of.
  2. Do what I did with my CS project: spend the entire due day working, don't finish, and then just roll with it during the presentation! Please don't actually do that. We can be patient.
  3. I think I heard that if you keep them stuck together the entire chapter, you can get a C support. If that's true, there's probably also B, A, and S in the game files. As for Zyriex's question, I'm working on her supports with Loran right now, and the answer seems to be that she absolutely is.
  4. Finally done! Whoever said Mark is supposed to be a 'cute kid' was absolutely right. Also, a tiny casanova like Mommy: When I was reading that C support, I was like "Wait, did I somehow reverse these and this is the S support?" [spoiler=Male MarkxLucina] [spoiler=Male MarkxLucina C] Mark: Ah, Lucina-san! Good timing! Lucina: Mark, what's the matter? Why do you have your hands behind your back? Mark: Here, this is for you, Lucina-san! Please take it~! Lucina: Wow...what beautiful flowers. Thank you very much. But...why did you give me this? Mark: The people in the last village we stopped at gave some to me. So I'm giving some to you as well. Lucina: ...I have never seen such beautiful flowers. Mark: Yep! Even though there's a war going on, beautiful flowers are blooming! You're doing your best, but if you never look around, you don't see these beautiful flowers in bloom! Lucina: You're right, Mark. ...Ufufu. Mark: ...Lucina-san? Lucina: …You're always bright and positive. I'm a bit envious of you... Mark: ...Why? Lucina-san...Are you worried about something? Lucina: Worried...Rather, I have some painful memories I can't release...But, you don't seem to be suffering. Is it because you lost your memories? But there are other people besides me suffering, aren't there? In another era...the people whose whereabouts remain unknown...Don't they have it hard? Mark: ...We~ll. Maybe it's not actually so bad? Certainly, instead of memories, my head is full of fluff...So every moment is like a breath of fresh air! Looking at the sky, looking at the flowers...everyday is filled with new discoveries! Lucina: Yeah...I knew it, you're enviable. I came to this era with only painful memories... Mark: ...But, didn't you get to meet your father in this age, who should be dead? Lucina: Yes...I've been able to reunite with Father, and I think that was really good...Excuse me...I will think on this. Thank you for the beautiful flowers, Mark... [spoiler= Male MarkxLucina B] Mark: Funfun. fufu~n...tto. Yeah, I've come up with a good melody! Lucina: Mark...what are you doing? ...From before, it seemed like you were singing or humming, but... Mark: Ahh...did you hear me? Hey, last time, didn't we get some pretty flowers from the nearby village? If we let the people and children hear a song, I'd bet they'd be happy! So~, I thought we could make a song about it! Eheheh! Lucina: I see...in these kinds of times, you should heal people's hearts with song...I think that's a very good idea. Mark: Re, really!? Yoーsh! Let's try a whole bunch of challenging songsー! Lucina: Anyway...Mark. You're as energetic as always, huh? ...Why do you act so bright and cheerful? Mark: Eh? ...Well, do you really think I'm forcibly acting this way? Didn't I say it? With no memories, everyday events are new! So, having fun takes precedence over everything else...! Lucina: ...But you're in the same situation as me, and I can't be confident and bright...Therefore...I think your attitude is a wonderful and hard-to-find thing. Mark: Ye~ah...But, Lucina-san isn't happy every day? I don't remember much, but this era feels so much more blessed than ours... Lucina: Yes...indeed, this era is blessed... ...But, if we win, for this to become the same world as the future...Given that much pressure, I... Mark: ...Hey, hey, Lucina-san. Please don't make that kind of dark face! If you put that much pressure on yourself, won't you not be able to do well in times of need? Lucina: ...Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, Mark. I have been talking about some rather dark things... Mark: Don't worry, don't worry. If it makes you happy, I'll talk about it anytime! [spoiler=Male MarkxLucina A] Lucina: ......The future can be altered. We should change it...I want to believe that's so. My nightmare won't disappear...yet. If I...can believe as much as Mark does... Mark: Yeah? Did you call me, Lucina-san? Lucina: Kyaa! ...Ma, Mark!? How long have you been there!? Mark: I came here just now. I wanted to tell you it's mealtime. Come on, everyone is waiting. Lucina: ...I'm sorry. I have no appetite right now. Mark: Eh? Are you in bad condition? If you had been sleeping more... Lucina: No...It's not like that. Just problems with my mood... Mark: Lucina-san...Did something happen? If you'd like, I could listen to your story? Lucina: ...Mark, do you think we can change the future? To overturn the future of despair, and be happy... Mark: Of course. We decided to change it! Lucina: Why...do you believe that so strongly? Mark: Because of my mom. Lucina: ......! Mark:My mom is an amazing person. I always longed to meet her. And because she's doing her best, everything will be okay! I'm in a world that I know nothing about, but...but I can believe in mom. Lucina: I...I see...My father as well...is fighting to change the future. Those two's bond is...so bright. Yet, we should be proud we're their children. Mark: Ah, Lucina-san, have you cheered up a bit? Lucina: Yes, I'm in your debt. Thank you...Mark. [spoiler=Male MarkxLucina S] Lucina: Ah, Mark...I'd like to talk with you...it that okay? Mark: Lucina-san...Yeah! Of course! ...D-did you mean a continuation of before? Lucina: Yes, thanks to your words, my mind feels more at ease. I may not live in a bad dream now. Mark: Really? That's great! Lucina-san, smiles a lot more now. It makes me happy to see! Lucina: Mark...umm, there's something else I want you to hear. Something important. Mark: ? ? What? Lucina: Lately, I...only look at your dreams. No, even though it happened...the only thing I think of is you. I hope I can stay beside you. It seems so good...I dreamed of a happy future. Mark: Lucina-san... Lucina: Mark. From now on...won't you stay with me? Mark: Yes, I will! Lucina: Eh, umm, that kind of feeling...Mark, You do know what I mean? What I just said... Mark: Yep, it's a love confession! Lucina: ...!! Mark: I like you too! Therefore, let's stay together from now on! Lucina: Mark...fufu...being with you, I'll have to remember to smile. Thank you, Mark. Mark: Yeah, you too! I'm thinking Female Mark x Loran next. EDIT: Well shit, nevermind.
  5. [spoiler=Basilio] I think the deal with Basilio is that after surviving/running away from his fight with Valhart, he pretends to be dead, so that Fauder's spies won't be watching him. He somehow helps MU fake the Fire Emblem. I'm guessing that he does so by making a fake orb; Tiki says there's one in Feria, but Basilio and Flavia don't know where it is, but when he rejoins you, he randomly has the orb with him.
  6. Hmm...Krom, Gaia, Grego, Gangrel, Basilio...What is it with me and the G's? I guess if I were a guy, I'd go for Liz or Olivia or Noire.
  7. Yeah, at first I thought I was closest to Liz, which would have been hilarious considering I cosplayed her last month.
  8. n_n is five days after me. My sister also happens to share one with Anna.
  9. There's an S support, so it's non-sibling. On a related note, I didn't think I'd end up liking Loran and Mariabel so much.Curse these supports and their cuteness
  10. Yep. I think besides WoodxCynthia, all the supports listed in the OP have been done. Also, you never added SumiaxRufure to the completed list, nor changed LiberaxSariya from S support only to full.
  11. Finally done with Loran and Callum as his father. I'm sorry I wasn't able to piece together Loran's explanation that well, but it's still rather adorable. [spoiler=LoranxCallum (Father)] [spoiler=LoranxCallum (Father) C]Loran: Father, are these your things? It looks like they've fallen all over the place. Please, let me organize them neatly. Callum: Th...thank you, Loran...You really are Miriel's child... Loran: Children come from parents, so of course I am. Callum: Well, that may be so...but I meant that you are similar to your mother...I wonder if you're also similar to me... Loran: There exist parts similar to Father. Callum: Really...where...? Loran: The color of my hair. Callum: Aah...Well, you can see that part, but...isn't there something besides that...? Like you're extremly thin, and... it's completely different from my figure. Loran: ....I don't have anything like that. In that respect, I think I'm glad I didn't inherit from you. Callum: Oh...cold, aren't you...? It seems like you can't be children... Loran: Behaving in other ways during wartime will only cause us to get the way of others. That's...because I've become older than Lucina, perhaps. It's not like I can't frolic like a child in another age. Callum: ...Eh? Isn't Lucina...older than you? I don't get it... I guess Lucina also exists as a baby in this time, but you're still... Loran: ...I'm sorry Father, but I'm going to be rude and end our little talk. Callum: Ah, Loran... ..What did that mean... [spoiler=LoranxCallum (Father) B]Callum: Loran. Loran: Ah, hello Father. Do you have a task for me? Callum: Before...what you said about being older than Lucina...What exactly did you mean by that...? Loran: ...Father, I barely remember these things at all, since I have a bad memory. It's a simple story. There was a displacement in time. Lucina came to this age two years before the war with Perezia had begun. On the other hand, I came to this age, but how long was it? Another five years... Callum: So a displacement happened...!? Loran: ...Yes, so I...I have spent more time here than Lucina, three years total. Such is the difference between years. In the meantime, I overtook her. Callum: You...Five years...In this age, all alone...? Loran: Yes. I told you so. I can frolic like a child in another age. Did that answer your question? Then that's all for now... Callum: Wait a minute...Just now, didn't you say...You were five years apart from the other children...Weren't you lonely...? Loran: ...I wasn't lonely. Because I'm still an adult... Callum: ............ Loran... [spoiler=LoranxCallum (Father) A]Callum: Loran. Loran: Father...What's the matter? Do you still have questions about somthing? Callum: Aah.. Today, you...... ...are a little-a little... Loran: A-ahahaha! Wa-wait, Father! What, suddenly tickling someone...! Callum: Yeah...Loran, I knew it. You'd better [not?] laugh... Loran: ...Huh!? Callum: You, are an adult, but...It looks like it's impossible ...I wanted you to laugh more but, it seems much better with children... Loran: ...You know.. I told you, I'm an adult! Callum: Your age doesn't matter...Loran may be older than Lucina...Even older than me, No matter what age we are, it's not important...because you are my child... Loran: ............!! Callum: So, you're not alone anymore... Some of our friends...and Dad, too. Who cares if you're a little spoiled...I don't blame that on you or anyone... Loran: ............ ............Father. I, really...was lonely. Only one person, for many, many years...not knowing anyone...Even if I waited for my friends, I didn't know if I can meet them.........Without relying on anyone, partner or not, the voices fading away...... ...It was so painful that I wanted to die! Uu...Uuwa......! [He's crying] Callum: So...I see...For not being able to find and raise you, I'm sorry...From now on, I'll absolutely be here. You won't be alone again... Imma work on non-sibling LucinaxMale Mark now, but in the meantime, I found KromxVake, LoranxFemale Mark, LizxWood, NoirexRufure, RufurexHenry, KromxMariabel, and the rest of GangrelxRufure in Japanese.
  12. I wonder if that's Krom-fathered Azure, or if he always says that. Probably the latter.
  13. Took a quick glance at my 3ds, I don't think it lets you. And if it did, I'm sure that fact would be all over the interweb right now.
  14. At first I was like D:} But then I was like /:
  15. This would probably make more sense if we had their other supports, but here you are. EDIT: Tracked down the rest of it! [spoiler=LucinaxJerome] [spoiler='C support] Lucina: Jerome... Jerome: Nn...Lucina? Lucina: Sorry. I interrupted your rest. Jerome: No...It's fine. What do you want? Lucina: I don't need anything, I just thought I'd thank you again... Jerome: Thank me? Did I do something to warrant that...? Lucina: Did you forget? Didn't you get me this mask? That way, if I have need to hide my identity, I can use this. Jerome: Yeah. I thought something like that... Lucina: Yes. It was very useful, so I wanted to say thanks again...Jerome, thank you very much. Jerome: Don't worry about it...I gave it to you because I thought it was necessary. Lucina: Thanks for the mask, it was quite helpful. Jerome: Alright... [spoiler=B support] Lucina: Hmm...how troubling. Jerome: Why the sour face, Lucina? Lucina: Ah, Jerome... Jerome: What's wrong? Lucina: I...lost my pendant. Jerome: Pendant? Lucina: Yes...it was from my mother in the future, but now it's gone somewhere... Jerome: Any idea where it might be? Lucina: I removed it so it wouldn't get dirty when I was organizing supplies earlier...I think it was around that time... Jerome: And it wasn't there? Lucina: Yeah...I looked but I couldn't find it... Jerome: ...Then it may have fallen off while you were walking. Try retracing your steps. Lucina: Jerome...Could you help me look? Jerome: ...Is it that precious a thing? Lucina: Yes...Jerome, thank you very much. Jerome: You can thank me when we find it. Come on, let's go. Lucina: Ye, Yeah...! [spoiler=A support] Lucina: Ah, Jerome, do you have time to talk? Jerome: What is it? Lucina: There's a meeting in the near future, but are you not going? Jerome: Bad...ah, that's a bad situation. I'm already doing something, so tell me later. Lucina: ...I, I see. How regretful...You always give your opinions so calmly...and you found my pendant, so this time I wanted to give my all helping you... Jerome: Sorry...Meetings are impossible for me. Relying on other people, it's not my style. That's...I can fight alone. Lucina: Saying that kind of thing! Then shouldn't the same thing go for me? Jerome: You and I are different...! You have the power to attract people. Therefore, you and I can have different roles in this army! Lucina: Jerome... Jerome: That role...I'm not the right person for it. That role is for you. When we fight, just leave it to me instead. Lucina: Ye, yes! Then, when it's time to fight, let me rely on you. Jerome: ...Yeah, leave it to me. Well, if you're happy, let's go to the meeting; they're all waiting for us. Lucina: Ye, yes! Thank you very much! Jerome: ......... [spoiler=S support] Jerome: Lucina...I'd like to talk to you... Lucina: Yes? Jerome: I didn't attend the meeting the other day, but...I was doing a little thinking...Sorry about that... Lucina: Ah...isn't that good, Jerome? I did invite you somewhat forcefully, so...I guess you could say you were in the right place at the right time; I've also realized that it's important to play a role suited to the character. Jerome: No, not at all! Lucina: Eh? Jerome: I'd like to help you, but... Lucina: Eh...Help me? Jerome: You see, I swore at an early age...I would absolutely help you...Yet, rather than attempting to cooperate with others, I was being difficult....Therefore, allow me to apologize... Lucina: Jerome...I glad that you told me that. Since we were small, you've worked hard to become my strength, so I have a good understanding of you. Jerome: Lucina... Lucina: But, uh. What I meant tell you was... ...from now on, when you want to help, it's okay to do it. I...want you to keep on supporting me. Jerome: Lucina...That's not what I want to do. Lucina: ...Eh? Jerome: That is...something I decided when I was young. I'll spend my life supporting you. That will stay the same just like the old days. I...love you. Lucina: Jerome...! I-I'm really happy! How kind it is of you to say that kind of thing! Jerome: ...I always have and always will love you. But it's good...that I was finally able to tell you. Lucina: I-I am a little...hmm...what's it called, I wonder? Jerome: Wha-What, is this really happening? All this time...We've been looking at each other that way? Lucina: Ufufu...Seems like it. Jerome: Then, there's no problems. Our feelings were the same. Lucina: Yes...they were. Jerome: Therefore...I'll pledge anew. From now on, I will always aid you. Lucina: I'll also take that oath. I'll definitely continue to support you. And from now on, I will look forward to hearing from you, Jerome. These two people made an oath like a wedding vow... [This was the comment at the end. I don't know if it's in the game or not.] I believe I said I'd do LoranxCallum(father) next. In the meantime, there's the full non-sibling LucinaxMale Mark one that I'd like to see translated, so those afterward if nobody picks them up.
  16. Also with Donny and Richt, the child could have been born 5-8 years after the storyline, when they are adults; whereas Nono will still look and act the same when her husband is dying of old age.
  17. LiberaxSariya full supports up; link's on the first page if you want to read them. Next up is JeromexLucina S and then CallumxLoran.
  18. The only Loran supports I know of are on the 2chan link with Callum as his father. Maybe I'll do it when I'm finished with LiberaxSariya and JeromexLucina.
  19. Want to translate, have to study.

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