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Everything posted by Miscellany

  1. Aww, that's cute. Yay for Olivia charaterization! Also, that was quick. Wanna do the Gangrel one, too? I lost my progress on it because my computer is old and shitty.
  2. Well, there went any hope I had of getting any studying done tonight.
  3. Good luck Roy? Dude there are like 4 armor knights in Sealed Sword alone.
  4. I'll do it eventually, but not first. And Mark would be a thief, the unpromoted form of trickster. Now watch someone come in and correct me. XP
  5. Suddenly the Liz/Mariabel fortune-telling result makes so much sense... As far as I know, no one's taken MU/Sariya, and Sariya isn't that scary, judging from what I've read so far in her supports with Libera. (I tracked down the rest, and will edit the earlier post when I'm done.)
  6. Disregard finals, Translate supports.*is shot* I thought I'd start tonight and work gradually over the week, but then they ended up being really funny and not that hard(except for the A. I'm not entirely what's going on there), so I did them all. [spoiler=SumiaxRufure ] There's a note in the C support that says they think male and female MUs have the same conversation with Sumia. [spoiler=SumiaxRufure C] Rufure: Sumia-san, this is kind of a lot of books, don't you think? Sumia: Well, they were in the convoy, Rufure-san. I spotted them by chance, and tried to read them. Rufure: Well...that's good, but there's so many. Sumia: Then, would you like to read some of them? One person can't possibly read this many. Rufure: Is that really okay? Sumia: Of course. Which ones would you like? Rufure: Let's see...They all look so interesting, I can't decide... Sumia: Then, how about this one? "Really Scary Village Visit". Rufure: Umm...I'm sorry, but I'd like a not-scary one... Sumia: I-I'm sorry! Then, "Facts About Pegasus Rearing", maybe? Rufure: Uhh...I don't raise animals, so... Sumia: I didn't know we had such different tastes! Uhh..."Rogues in the Early Afternoon"? Rufure: Ummmmm... So, are all the books like that? Sumia: Yeah...sorry...The books I picked out aren't good enough...! Really...I'm sorr-uu...Waah!! Rufure: P-please don't cry!! Then, then, this one is probably good. What happens in the early afternoon? Sounds like fun, right? Sumia: Yeah...I'm glad you think so... Rufure: Yeah... [spoiler=SumiaxRufure B] Rufure: Sumia-san, I'm returning the book I borrowed before. It was surprisingly good, so thank you very much. I couldn't believe there were such things going on in the early afternoon! And the love-hate drama between the rogues made me cry! Sumia Yeah...! I thought it looked good! I'll try to read it now. Rufure: By the way, what are you reading, Sumia-san? Sumia: I...Let's see..."Genealogy of the Holy War". Rufure: Well, that's a good one to start with~ What's it about? Sumia: Well, the story was probably based on the war. Rufure: Seems interesting~ Sumia: Rufure-san, do you like stories? Rufure: Yeah, I do. Sumia: Me too! They're so great, aren't they? Those worlds steadily draw you in...Only while reading a book am I not the girl who isn't good enough...I can become a cool guy, or even the world's greatest mage... Rufure: Yeah. I always feel lonely when I finish reading and immersing myself in that world, though... Sumia: Yes...but you can just read another one to stop feeling lonely. I think that waiting for a new world is exciting, too. Rufure: What should I read next? Sumia: Umm, this. "Falcon Knight: First Volume of Madness". Rufure: Are you okay? That... [spoiler=SumiaxRufure A] Sumia: Have you...gone crazy? Rufure: What?! Sumia: I said...Are you seeing strange things? I just want to become something! Rufure: Eh...? Ehh!? What happened so suddenly!? It strange, Sumia-san, so please talk normally!    Sumia: ...Ah, I'm sorry...Just now, I was acting like the heroine of the story I read before...She's actually a very nice person...I thought...I'd also like to be like that. Umm...was that change really that strange...? Rufure: Yes, it was a pretty drastic change... Sumia: S-Sorry...I knew I wouldn't be good enough again... Rufure: That's not true. Sumia-san. I've had enough of your "I want to be this, I want to be that" talk. Sumia-san is Sumia-san. Maybe it's a waste for you to hear from someone else, because I may not be able to... Sumia: I...see. Now that you said it, I realize how I've been... Rufure: Thank goodness~ Sumia: Then, I'm the dull girl reading the story of the hero. Rufure: No! Sumia: This "Princess of Two Fallen Armies" looks like something good, doesn't it? Surely it will be interesting...! Rufure: Just...go ahead and like that book, please... [spoiler=SumiaxRufure S] Rufure: Sumia, did you not read the latest story yet? Sumia: Yes, until I gain confidence in myself, I won't read that story. Rufure: Why? Sumia: I...until now, I guess I've been fleeing inside the story. Because I'm really not good enough, I want to be myself, and have someone who thinks I'm special. But, even I noticed that I'm no good. I can't become a special person in the book, even if in this world, I'm never good enough. Therefore... Rufure: ...Sumia, you're special enough already. Sumia: Fufu, how nice of you, but please don't lie. Rufure: It's not a lie. I'm saying that Sumia is special. I've seen you never abandoning anyone...It makes me want to protect your feelings. I like Sumia more than anyone else... [Hey, it's the line from the support trailer!] Sumia: Ehh...? Rufure: This...ring, it's for that reason. I'm...not the prince of a country like Krom, but I'll treat you just like the princess in the story. ...Because you're special, my love will be second to none...So, I want you to marry me. Sumia: ...Rufure-san...! I...I...even without being treated like a princess...you're the closest person to me...fine. The current me...If I can become your special person...I'd be happy...I'll receive your ring...! Rufure: Thank you...Sumia...Together, we'll be happy...I love you...
  7. Do we have any more Japanese translators in this thread besides me? I'm bad with kanji and have to rely on the internet most of the time, so I don't think I'd do well with a video...
  8. Hey look, all of SumiaxRufure and JeromexLucina S in Japanese. I'll get to work on those sometime after finals.Any preference on which should come first?
  9. [spoiler=Pixiv gives its opinion on the outfit:] Male: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=27046153 Female: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=27055422
  10. Yay, more supports, I love you guys~ Also, it looks like 2chan has all of Wood/Cynthia in Japanese. Should I give those ones a shot? Or maybe someone else who can actually read Wood's crazy speaking style would do it for me?
  11. Well, I wanna have her use dark magic, so Strategist -> Grandmaster -> Dark Mage -> Sorcerer? But then I like the Grandmaster outfit better than the sorcerer and I'll already have Sariya and Henry for that. Maybe Strategist -> Peg Knight -> Dark Peg, then back around to Grandmaster?
  12. Yes, both of you do those ones. Please.
  13. Yes, let's get this, Lucina/FeMU(mother), and FeMU/Mark, so we'll have the whole family!
  14. I like Ike, but nothing can take the place the Elibe games hold in my heart.
  15. I'm fairly sure that if you pair MU with Nono, Soso, Velvet, or Chambray, Mark ends up a Manakete/Taguel.
  16. All done. I've only had a year of Japanese, so there were lines that I was very unsure of, but here you are. [spoiler=Libera x Sariya:] [spoiler=C support] Sariya: Frog eggs...Lizard tails...And then...The crest of a rooster... Libera: ? Sariya-san? What are you doing? Sariya: Researching magic to manipulate the memory.... Libera: Manipulating the memory...Can you really do that kind of thing? Sariya: I don't know...so I'm studying it....You're disturbing me, so please go over there. Libera: Understood. I'll go over there, but can I ask you something? Sariya: ...What? Libera: How are you going to validate the results of the study? Sariya: That kind of thing...I'll try it out on a suitable human. Libera: That's...how? If it's okay, would you consider me as the test subject? Sariya: Sacrificing yourself for others...? I heard that even insects would run away from it, so don't try to act like that. Libera: I'm...not such a good man. Sariya: Hmm...Fine. I'll put up with using you. Ufufu...Will you regret it? I don't know... Libera: It's a little scary when you touch me like that...Please do it softly. Sariya: Soft curses don't exist. Please be prepared to gamble with your body and soul. Libera: Understood. Let's prepare. Sariya: That thin smile...I wonder how long it will last. Ufufu...sounds like fun. [spoiler=B support] Sariya: Well then...from now on, you will be cursed for the memory-manipulating experiment. Libera: Please go on, then. Sariya: Memory manipulation that doesn't interfere with the war seems good. Libera: Then, childhood memories, probably? Sariya: What...you. To actively want to take an awful curse...I hesitate to ask...What kind of memories do you want...? Libera: I want... surrounded by my kind parents, living happily in a warm house...That kind of memory, please. Sariya: ...Feels halfhearted. But, it's fine. Please strongly desire that... Libera: Yes... Sariya: Then, I'll begin... ............ !! Wha--!? ...What, what is this? Libera: What happened? Sariya: ...Nevermind. Right now...I've tenatively put a curse...Try and feel the alteration. Libera: ...I'm sorry to say, but I don't think anything changed. Sariya: I see...That means it's a failure. Libera: Was it a problem with me? Sariya: The reason it failed...is because I'm inexperienced. Just...when I looked over the spell...What kind of dark past do you have? Libera: Did you see...it's not easy to hide, is it? If possible, I'd hoped to erase it. Sariya: ...Ah, so you volunteered for this experiment... Libera: Haha, honestly, I did. Sorry for the ulterior motives. Sariya: That kind of thing is fine...So then, your darkness is...very interesting...How to reveal it...Seems like it'll make an interesting curse. Libera: Seems like it. Let's use me as the subject a while longer. Sariya: You will be exposed to the darkness of your heart...you're not scared? Libera: ...There's nothing I can do about scary things. Sariya: Incidentally, the magic from before...I'll teach you to fear dark magic... Libera: Fufu, the words Sariya-san is saying right now are a little bit frightening. [spoiler=A support:] Sariya:............ ...I can see it. Your darkness...to the bottom of the bottom. Libera: I see. You had known all of it. My...childhood memories. I was treated as a nuisance by my parents and abandoned...the wounds of my hearts are... Sariya:Being loved by no one...Unable to do anything against them. Everything up to joining the clergy is painful...I...don't hate this. Be at peace, man of darkness...but...having this kind of thing...that child survived until now. Libera: But...why. The air is stifling, but somehow my heart feels lighter. Sariya:Knowing...Knowing these things is... Strike at those things...You should fight...those anomalies...Then, I'll curse it. If there can be a change...If I can force it...Then I'll lay a curse. Libera: So I am cursed? Although it feels more like you saved me. Sariya:I don't know about that. Just that now you're not qualified for my experiment... Libera: Why's that? Sariya:All I know is...the curse hasn't succeeded yet. Libera: I see...that is unfortunate. I'm sorry I can't be useful to you. Is there anything else I can do for you? Sariya:No. If I saved you...Forget about your darkness, and go back to being my friend... Libera: ………… …Thank you, Sariya-san. [spoiler=S support:] Libera: Sariya-san. Are you well? Sariya:...What? Libera: Again, could you touch my heart? Sariya:...Why? Libera: I was wondering if it's possible...what is it? Sariya:...Unexpectedly, you're a selfish person. But, it's fine...I'll touch it. I should teach you fear before I forget what was said. I'll plant a scary curse in here...Ufufu. Libera: It doesn't matter. By all means, please do so. Sariya:Then, please stand still. Libera: Alright. Sariya:............!!  Aah...wha, what is this...this kind of...this kind of thing...! Libera: ...Were you able to feel it? I think you're in my heart. Sariya:Why...would you tell me such a thing...? Libera: If you touch the heart, there's a curse mixed with the feelings? Sariya:Ah, I see. Libera: Perhaps you changed something in my heart? I tried to put as much feeling as possible. Sariya:No way, you...On me, a curse!? Such a shameless clergyman...How dare you! Libera: Previously, I placed a curse on Sariya-san... Sariya:I, I just remembered that you can't place a curse to make some fall in love...! Libera: Oh? Sariya-san, why are you thinking that about me? I did not put those feelings making you like me there... Sariya:! L-lies! When I have these feelings...! Libera: Could we please live together? You and I... Sariya:.........Really...You haven't put a curse on me? Libera: Even if I had, it wouldn't be worthwhile. Sariya:...I see. I certainly believe this feeling is... Libera: Then, would you please receive this ring? Sariya:Then I'll prepare for good things... Libera: This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, so I don't want to miss a moment of it. Sariya:In the beginning...Our impressions of each other have changed a lot. Libera: That's for the better, right? Sariya:...Yeah...surely, it probably is. I...this kind of feeling is what I was having. But, it's a good thing!? You are not following MU are you... Libera: Yes, yes, I know we have... Someday, I'll fix that S Support XP
  17. It appears to be your lucky day, because I'm working on it now.
  18. At the moment there's LiberaxSariya and HenryxSariya S supports posted in Japanese on that 2ch link, but I'll keep an eye out for RonkuxSariya.
  19. I wish I could find some in Japanese, so I could try my hand at translating...
  20. Very cute, indeed. But I think someone said Azure says something similar about using the Falchion as a fruit knife, so maybe she has this conversation with all of her possible younger siblings?
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