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Everything posted by Wanda

  1. Didn't know people were still into GHBs. Infernal, 30 seconds:
  2. @Diovani Bressan always good to see the Whitewings in action! Nice job! @SatsumaFSoysoy sweet! Love the Brave Celica! I +10'd her as well. I keep meaning to do something interesting with her build. Cordy's also on my to-do list now she has nice art.
  3. I should probably update mine: Album: https://imgur.com/a/pL0enAv?grid=1
  4. In the event of Leif being defeated: If you wish to avenge Leif, pick whoever wins between Cherche and Corrin. If you seek multipliers/feathers, pick Owain.
  5. if anyone out there still fights the good fight for Leif, there's 15 minutes of 7.2× multiplier left. Let's send the meme meister back to the abyss from whence he came.
  6. Oboro should have received the Waterwheel, but I guess it could still be added on a seasonal Oboro/Shiro. Very interested to see Tharja's refine. If it's a 14mt blade tome prf with a special effect I'll be very happy since she's already excellent with a standard blade tome. However, given the name, I'm expecting something similar to either FEH's version of Aversa's Night or loli Azura's Book of Shadows. Either of those would be interesting, especially the former because then I could drop Aversa in favour of Tharja in my AR defence team. She could theoretically inflict debuffs/status, provide infantry pulse for one of my other units, and reduce Ophelia's cooldown by virtue of being a mage. Very interested to see Seth's refine too, he badly needed an upgrade since he, like Titania, is a shadow of his OG self. Hopefully he won't get lumbered with a clumsy gem tactic weapon.
  7. Huh, could've sworn I posted this before, since I recorded it on the original rotation. Oh well, I guess not. Here it is now Abyssal:
  8. Keeping the lance pegasus alive delays the arrival of lance-cav/thief/green mage.
  9. Honestly, if we really do get to choose a legendary hero, I'd probably pick Eirika since she's the only one I both want and didn't get. But I'd stop myself because I'd probably just sacrifice her to my megamerged Veronica for Atk/Spd Solo, which would make me feel bad... but I'm not one to leave a truly great skill on an unmerged unit who will basically never do anything besides occasionally participate in AA. I was fortunate enough to get Legendary Lucina on her original banner, definitely one of the best units to pick if you don't have her already. She's a very good unit and a neutral IV is fine for her, very easy to put her to work. An excellent unit to bring to Grand Conquests in the second half of your team so she can swoop in, Future Vision and snipe either the enemy fort or just an enemy. Great artwork, cool character, good weapon, Future Vision is busted whether you pair it with WoM or a Link skill — you can't really go wrong. Now, if it were purely an aesthetic choice, I'd probably pick legendary Lyn. I love her sprite and her artwork. Unfortunately she's not a very good unit at all, pretty much any traditional colorless archer can do her job better than her because they're outside the weapon triangle. Her skillset is frankly bizarre, it's very difficult to see its appeal. She can probably be good if you completely change her build, even down to her weapon, but even when you finish doing that, she'll still be a green unit dealing physical damage — almost any colorless archer or green mage with the same stats will be better than her and bring more to the table (and a lot of archers/mages have better stats than her, just look at Nino who outclasses her offensively or Soren whose prf tome has a lot of utility). Having said that, I like that Lyn isn't a particularly good unit because, well, she isn't a particularly good unit in FE7. I remember when everyone kicked off about how much stronger Ayra was than original Lyn when Ayra first released, but I was okay with how they compared. Anyway, Hrid seems like quite a strong unit but I think he's a naff character and he doesn't interest me in the slightest. My legendary Ike is pretty much useless to me and I've only kept him around in case they were going to do a "kill 20 red units with legendary Ike" quest one day. Already killed legendary Hector for DC, sorry about that. Not a unit I used often either, because I favour an aggressive, PP-intensive approach to FEH. Legendary Tiki and Marth are much better, both solid picks if you don't have them already, but I would still take Lucina over both of them unless you feel you're lacking units that can trivialise dragons. I know a lot of people would pick legendary Azura... I can't say I would. I have many many dancers already, I use the full spectrum of tactics buffs already, and her 3 move gimmick isn't all that useful for content where I actually use a sweeper, big buffs and multiple dancers. More importantly, it's Azura, not a character I like at all. I mean, even if I felt like she would be useful to me, and as a dancer she's automatically useful, I'd still find it difficult to stomach actually choosing her. Obviously Fjorm and Gunnthra are just an instant no. I don't like either of them as characters (well, Fjorm's all right I guess) and I have had both already. I think I just exchanged Gunnthra for feathers in the end, that or Res Ploy? I don't remember. Not a great unit. Fjorm is a great unit, but I have her already and I never really use her except AA. That's where most of these legendary heroes end up, because I haven't wanted to +10 any of them yet. If I had been rolling for and merging Fjorms, I'd be tempted to grab another merge, she has a lot of potential if you give her Steady Stance 4 and Null C-Disrupt. But I don't +10 units I don't like as characters so yeah, won't be doing that. I already have a Null C-Disrupter anyway. Who have I missed out... oh right, F!Grima. F!Grima is an excellent unit, being colorless and having balanced stats with good spd makes her really tanky, 300SP prf A-slot Dragonskin removes the arrow weakness while also augmenting her defences (which is a good deal if you compare it to Svalinn/Grani/Iotes shield) and she's a very flexible unit when it comes to builds. You can stick with her basekit and just slap Renewal or Mystic Boost on her, or you can turn her into a very effective Windsweep-debuffer. The build is obviously best on defence teams where the opponent would want to bait her with a Falchion user. Obviously F!Corrin can do this already, but F!Grima will enjoy better match-ups against a broader range of opponents and also has unimpeded movement thanks to being a flying unit. She is definitely a unit who benefits from desperately wants merges to be really good. I would not choose her over Lucina, and I do have a legendary Grima already. There is another aspect to the Grima thing though — she's been a focus on so many legendary banners at this point that it's feasible that many players will have her fairly heavily merged, so getting another merge for free is a probably a good shout for them. Still feel like I've forgotten someone... oh right, Ephraim. Good unit, he has his uses. A very effective Galeforcer with his auto-doubling and big atk stat for Heavy Blade. The solo skills have opened up his potential even more if you have Atk/Def Solo, don't hesitate, slap it on him. I already have him though, and I wouldn't pick him anyway because his gimmick, though potent, is not something I find myself using for anything. I think I used him for my cav-only Ursula clear (i.e. a GHB elite quest) and since then he hasn't done much, maybe an occasional AA use. That has to be all of them now. Yup, so I'd still recommend most people to pick Lucina, Tiki or Marth for units that are generally powerful and cool. Maybe pick F!Grima or Fjorm if you've got them to +6 already or something and you like them. I'm still undecided really. Probably going to choose Eirika just to make complete my Veronica, since I'd really rather not roll for that skill when legendary Ike and Laegjarn are comparatively poor alternatives that I could end up getting instead (I had both already, I mean I still have Ike, Laegjarn I sacrificed for R Duel Flying on Aversa obviously). We'll see what happens I guess. This choose your legendary might not even happen at all. * * * * Dang. Thanks for correcting me on that.
  10. I imagine the number 13 refers to the 14th legendary hero in a 0-indexed list, i.e. Fjorm is 0, Gun is 1, bla bla bla, Azura is 13. On that basis, I don't think it'll be left down to chance. A Hero Rises wasn't just a color choice and lots of games to UoC tickets and crap like that. I think we get to pick the hero, I don't think Mythics will be included since all just received a free Eir.
  11. Abyssal clear: Hinoka (kinshi) Olivia (pegasus) Azura (performing arts) Tharja (original) Like Book 1, Chapter 11-3 ("Mountain of Fear") this map's greatest weakness is the very gimmick intended to make it challenging: the division of the map.
  12. So, I previously just threw +10 Sheena at the Abyssal and watched her eat everyone, but here's Abyssal with fairly low budget team:
  13. It's the only Fire Emblem game that's regularly updated with new content. I mean I still play the GBA games regularly but FEH's all right. Without Infernal+ Grand Conquests and Abyssals it'd be a pretty dire situation though.
  14. Oh, we have a thread for +10s. Not sure how I missed it. I have a few that are more or less finished. Need one more Brave Veronica. Still working on Kagero (+6), Marisa (+6), Aversa (+4), Kaze (will soon be +6).
  15. +1 for Shanna. Kaze, Marisa, Valter, Ayra, Kinshi Hinoka all look great. B!Celica goes without saying, I like the art for the other Celicas too though. Anything Tomoyo, Sencha, cuboon, or Haccan whip up is going to look great.
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