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Everything posted by Wanda

  1. Finally revisited Book 1, Story 11 & 12. I give you: the infamous Lunatic Chain Challenge: Story chapters 11 & 12 combined, cleared deathlessly with infantry units only: All my other deathless/infantry Lunatic Chain Challenge clears can be found here. Edit: lol
  2. Infernal, infantry-only, "original Henry is a god" edition: Additional: My old Infernal clear Wind, Lunatic Water, Lunatic Fire, Lunatic Earth, Lunatic
  3. Squad Assault 9, nothing special. Pretty boring actually. Also completed my deathless/infantry-only speed run of Book 2's chapters 3 & 4 combined Chain Challenge, Lunatic difficulty (original run had a death on last map) Now the only Lunatic combined Chain Challenge I haven't done deathlessly with a single infantry team is Book 1 chapters 11 & 12 — suffice it to say that my next project will be to route that. My current clear is pretty choppy but I didn't have Bridelia or a forged attack seal on Setsuna back then.
  4. Infernal, infantry-only, water-blessed only: Other GHB Elite 2 quest clears: Lunatic, earth-blessed heroes Lunatic, wind-blessed heroes Lunatic, fire-blessed heroes
  5. Ridiculously easy. Infernal, infantry-only: And no, you don't need merges.
  6. My Infernal clear which should work for more or less any [ blade tome mage / quad archer / dancer/ dancer ] team, as long as one of the dancers is Olivia.
  7. > my castle when Feh received word of a new Awakening TT:
  8. Book 2, Chapters 5 & 6 combined, Lunatic Infantry-only, deathless:
  9. Finally finished the GHB Elite quests. Technically I finished them yesterday. Legendary Ephraim made Ursula with horse emblem a lot easier. I never built a horse emblem team before, I used infantry and armor and skipped horses completely when I started playing because all of my favourite characters were infantry.
  10. Infernal, infantry-only: Infernal, mostly-unfinished-fliers only: And an armor emblem clear as well but who cares
  11. Chain Challenge 17 & 18, Lunatic, Deathless: No horsies, no armors, no fliers, no firesweep weapons, no windsweep/watersweep skills, no razzle dazzle healers. Just one, simple, infantry-only team.
  12. Infernal, Infantry: Infernal, Fliers: Infernal, Armors:
  13. I never use autobattle. It requires... tenacity, but you don't need to autobattle to sit in the top 1000.
  14. I usually ensure I end up in the top 500-1000 by a comfortable margin. As for my play style, for the first 50k/99k pts, I usually bring a blade mage, a brave bow archer, a dancer and the bonus unit. If the bonus unit is a mage, I bring two mages. This is because I'm impatient and I want to get the orbs/feathers/seals as quickly as possible. Once I max the score, I grind up shittier units' HM for more feathers. I usually clear a Lunatic / 7 trial in about 4-5 minutes, even if I get bad RNG w.r.t. opponent match-ups (Sigurd and Effie are units that can slow me down as I need to waste a turn on bringing them down). To demonstrate, here's a run I did in 3 and a half minutes: Edit: I never use autobattle. Not even once. No point playing if you're not... playing.
  15. They're out of sync? That would explain the random dislikes I'm getting... but I can't see/hear the mismatch.
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